Random Vent.........


New Member
Ok... so I'm not actually in a relationship.
And Im very comfortable single. I know myself. I have confidence and have applied all that self help crap ( bear with me) .
I'm mentally stable dude... lmao
However, I've been having this hankering within me that makes me want to get married.
SOOooo weird because before the thought of a long term relationship would make me nervous. I've made HUGe strides in the way I view men, relationships, etc.
I guess I'm just looking forward to being able to apply what I have learned.
I just want to love already!
I love myself already very dearly...it is even safe to say that I am in love with me.
(Cheesy but very true :-) ....
I want a husband... When will it happen for me.... lol ( I'm only recently turned 22) lol .. i know.. bear with me.. tomorrow I may be back to saying ewww to the idea of a "DH" as they say..
So, why do you consider this a vent? :lol:

You seem to think that loving yourself doesn't go along with also wanting a husband. The two don't have anything to do with each other.

I think I'm the stuff by myself, and I also can't wait to get married!
22 IMO is too young to get marry, but it's very proactive of you to even consider this notion. And BTW you can love yourself very dearly in a relationship with a man and as a matter of fact you can love the man more because you know your self worth even greater which would make him love you more in return.
lol... the vent part was my mini frustration.
and i dont want to get married tomorrow it was just a passing thought.
i also know loving myself goes hand in hand with a relationship.
"YOu seem to think"... who said that... i just meant that i am not part of those women who get in a relationship to validate their self worth or get love. I already do love myself. etc... It would be nice to be in a loving relationship with the man G-d intends for me.
Tis all....
22 is really young to get married. i agree. im not tryna to jump the broom till at least after 25 lol. but im lookin forward to it which is something I never used to think about.
lol... the vent part was my mini frustration.
and i dont want to get married tomorrow it was just a passing thought.
i also know loving myself goes hand in hand with a relationship.
"YOu seem to think"... who said that... i just meant that i am not part of those women who get in a relationship to validate their self worth or get love. I already do love myself. etc... It would be nice to be in a loving relationship with the man G-d intends for me.
Tis all....

I gotcha.

Truthfully, I don't feel that any woman has to explain why she wants to get married, whether it's tomorrow or in 10 years. Too many people out there (not you) seem to think that a woman who says she wants to get married needs self-validation, and now you've got women scared to say they want to be in a loving relationship because they don't want to fit in somebody's stereotype.

It's a normal desire to want a loving relationship and a marriage, and I'm glad that you have that desire. :)
People desire relationships for a core of two different reasons
to GET love


to GIVE love

people in a state of self love desire relationships to share and give love because they have it

people not in a state of love desire relationship in hopes to get some love because they are under the impression it comes from outside of them
I already feel very loved. I'm very loved my both my parents, my 2 younger sisters adore me, all my friends love me or at the very least tolerate my foolishness. lol... I'm not at all afraid to say that I am a generally likable person and feel no lack of love within my environment.
I just want a boo bookins to smooch from time to time. I miss kissing (hey i'm good at it) ! lol... It will come in time I know. the desire isn't really that burning . I was watching "
'WE' when i first wrote this.
All that dress, cake, and ring stuff went to my head.... lol
this is my first thread of my first day of this lhcf thing.

and ive gotten 39 views.. i feeel all special..... lmao... i need a nap.. didn't sleeep a wink last night.
forgive the typos.
I remember being in my early 20's and wanting a boyfriend (not a husband, per se) so I feel you. I was always the type of girl that didn't have long term relationships, just randomly dated whoever I was into at the time, lol. One day I said "hmmm, I want a boyfriend." next thing you know, I had one! So I feel you on the desire to have one guy in your life on a consistent basis to love and to love you - ain't nothing wrong with that girl!

And daydreaming about the future can be fun anyways - even if it is years away!