Random: Just Wright Movie


New Member
SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you haven't seen it yet...run out of here...quickly!

I think my life story is the movie "Just Wright."
My brother reviews movies, and he told me to watch it because it reminded him of me.

So I watched it and I realized that I am a Queen Latifah surrounded by Paula Patton's....:ohwell:

For you guys who watched it, what do you think of it? Realistic?
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I thought it was such a cute movie.
What about Queen's character resonates and represents your life or character traits?
In the end Queen gets her man though.
Can you relate to that part?
SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get outta here if you don't wanna be spoiled!

It was a very cute movie!

It was crazy. The first scene where she went on the blind date (although I've never been on one, I've had the same result) where the dude basically said she was a great woman, but he sees her as a friend. Her personality, how supportive she is, but how she is constantly ignored but told that she "is such a catch, any man would be lucky to have you!" I had a dude date my best friend, that he met through me. They weren't really compatable at all! He and I understand and got along with each other (that was years ago, now we are both very close friends, he's family to me now). It was surreal to be in that theater watching it (sitting by him as a matter of fact!)

The end remains to be seen for me. My brothers and male friends give me the catch speech all the time, so do the men that I've dated in the past. The ending is very sweet... but 9 times out of 10 I feel like the "Paula Pattons" would prevail more often than the "Queen Latifahs."
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I saw it and thought it was cute. I really liked the dialog and the way the relationship between Queen and Common developed.

But I agree the ending was pure fairy tale. I've seen that type of scenario play out many times and most men would have stayed with Paula....even if he had proof positive of her conniving ways.... and kept Queen on the side as the BFF.
I saw it & really liked it. Even though it was predictable, that didn't take away from the movie for me. Plus Common was so yummy delicious on-screen.

One of my good friends just saw it and she said the same thing about herself, that's she's Queen Latifah.
I liked the movie too. I felt sorry for her always getting the shaft. It is easy to say she was looked over because the Paula Pattons are so beautiful, but in real life the Paula Pattons aren't always so one-sided. Many times the pretty, sexy girl is also sweet and smart as well. Women like Queen have to develop their sexy, flirty, pretty side or they won't ever have a shot in most cases.
It was predictable, but still good!It was well acted, and very sweet.
But in real life, Paula Patton would have won out. About how many NBA players do YOU see married to heavy,attractive, sweet, fun, tomboyish 35 y.o. women (and black to boot lol:rolleyes:)? Don't want to start anything, I'm just saying.
I know some girls who are known gold diggers and really are trying to make a life out of finding a bball player to marry. And they are on their way. Athletes know that groupies and gold diggers that want to marry them will come, but most of them want that. Haven't you noticed that when the NBA/NFL/MLB/whatever wife tells her story she ALWAYS says "I was never looking to marry an athlete..."CLASSIC LIE! :lachen: Chances are, she was. Paula Patton was right about one thing in the movie-you don't get to be the wife of a franchise ball player by chance.:nono:
I've been cocktailing for years and I have seen with my own eyes how women do exactly what PP was doing in the movie--hanging out, trying to meet the players-- and they do! It takes time, planning, and EFFORT!

Whew! Sorry, I didn't know I had this much built up inside me on this topic :grin: Maybe it's because I'm def a QL. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard the "whatever guy gets you" speech, Donald Trump would be MY apprentice!
I loved the movie. Great story and acting.

I had a couple of friends in college who were determined to "go pro" (LOL). And as the previous poster mentioned, it takes work. It's a full time job! LOL! They would get all ready, make sure to go to the right clubs, look in magazines to check out the hottest looks so they could copy them, find tickets to games so they could keep up with the team's performance, etc. It was pretty sad, actually. None of the ones I know ended up with a ball player, they dated and slept with several but never got a real relationship out of it. It never seemed worth it to me. The guys were mostly ego-maniacs and used these girls (along with others) - I think it's the way they're socialized when they start getting good at sports. (Not trying to justify their behavior at all!)
I watched it and realized I was both women. At many points I walked out sobbing because of that fact.

In reality, it would never go down like that. The realest part to me was the morning after...she is basking in the glowing and then the doorbell rings. She packed her bags. That was real to me.

Good movie though.
----Major spoiler alert----

^^^The back and forth situation with her god sister was a little gross. I would not have even wanted him after he almost married my god sister:nono:, then go back to her briefly, then back to me :barf:. I had to force myself not to think too hard on what was really going down. Queen and Common did have a great on screen chemistry though. And I agree the ending was very unrealistic, I went along with the entire movie until the last 5-10 minutes.
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More spoiling ahead....

----Major spoiler alert----

^^^The back and forth situation with her god sister was a little gross. I would not have even wanted him after he almost married my god sister:nono:, then go back to her briefly, then back to me :barf:. I had to force myself not to think too hard on what was really going down. Queen and Common did have a great on screen chemistry though. And I agree the ending was very unrealistic, I went along with the entire movie until the last 5-10 minutes.

totally agree...I was like EWWWW...I MIGHT excuse Queen for hitting it after Paula rolled out given the circumstances, but it's pretty clear he slept with her when they got back together and then you're going to come running back to me...nawh...I'd have to pass on that.... It would have been a better story if he had just passed on Paula the second time around.
I can truly say this movie made me feeling like I was seeing my future right in front of my very own eyes. It always plays out like that. I am "that" girl. That girl who has a group of very attractive friends, and not unattractive myself but simply overseen because of things that I cannot control. Weight, height, disability and more keep me from meeting decent men...or heck any men at all.

In fact something similar happened to me. I was in love with this guy in high school. I used to get butterflies everytime he came near. I was in heaven when he hugged me. I just adored him. My classmates however thought he was so ugly, a cornball, and not attractive. We got closer and closer. Late night phone calls. Sublimial flirting. His mother loved me. He did too. But something always held him back. My best friend thought I was crazy for my interest in him, but our senior year he got cuter and more money and he started dating her. Go figures. I would walk out of choir practice and catch them kissing for hours and hours and feel my heart hit the floor.

I asked him years after they broke up why did he date her. She talked about his a** like a dog. She didn't like him. He liked me. We were really cool. Had feelings towards each other. He told me that even though I was a great girl that he loved having around, I didn't have the looks. She acted so much like me, and it seemed in the beginning she tried to act even more like me (carefree, aloof, and etc) to get the guy. So it was just like he had it all with her. He had the looks, and my personality (or her pretending) rolled up into one.

They broke up 2 years later (I used to pray to God that they would break up everyday lol). And after he found out she was psycho. Lived a dream world and stole the persona of anyone she could. I was there when she tore him apart until he was sitting on the outside of my house in tears and nearly recked his prized sports car that he built. I was always there. The cherished friend. After all that ish, I still didn't get the guy. He moved on to the next tbeautiful girl but still stayed in close contact with me. Luckily for me, by that time I didn't want him anymore. The hurt stung too bad.

But most of the time....it's not like Lupe Fiasco's "And He gets the Girl." The less-attractive girl...never ends up with the sexxxxxy :lick: man. And that's how it is.
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Whew! Sorry, I didn't know I had this much built up inside me on this topic :grin: Maybe it's because I'm def a QL. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard the "whatever guy gets you" speech, Donald Trump would be MY apprentice!

Girl, I would be able to buy Oprah's Franchise...and still have some $$$ left over...
Once again...Spoiler...

Women like Queen have to develop their sexy, flirty, pretty side or they won't ever have a shot in most cases.

I think that in Queen's case, I don't think there was too much wrong. Because most women do NOT look like the Paula Patton's. She wore dresses that looked nice. She wasn't out of touch with her feminine side. She just likes sports. I wouldn't wear a clubbin' dress to an NBA/NFL game either...lol! She just wasn't Paula Patton.

I think after watching Paula's character taking the attention all those years, she probably figured she had no shot! It takes it's toll on you...trust me I know!
I enjoyed the movie, but it was unrealistic to have the gold digger God sister NOT end up with the man.

In reality, he would have married her & she would have had at least 1 baby to solidify 18 years of child support at his NBA salary. Then they would have divorced just as his career ended - similar to when she dumped him once she THOUGHT his injury ended his career.

The part that I did find gross was that Queen started sleeping with her cousin's ex fiance & then Queen took him back after he dumped her for the cousin. Them all hanging out together later as if that never happen - unrealistic. Especially if the gold Digger God sister was still single.

All in all, still a good movie.
i'll save my opinions about the movie, since most of you seemed to enjoy it lol

i just want to add that i really liked the interactions between paula and queen
even when they had that big argument in queen's house (and when queen found out they were back together), there was never any name calling (the "b" word/slut/tramp/homewrecker) or animosity

it's like they kept everything civil and adult

did that make any sense whatsoever? :lol: