Random hair thoughts:
- While I am relieved to be free of feeling compelled to get retouches (the way I did when I was relaxed), I miss having long hair that is my own. That seems to be a recurring feeling of mine this season. Glad I have a hair length goal to keep me going.
- I wonder if the Naturalicious box of products that I ordered will have me as hyped up as a lot of its reviewers. I really, really hope so! Regardless, I'm glad to have something to look forward to. Can't wait to test those products out once they arrive.
- I'm glad someone told me to learn to LOVE taking care of my hair and enjoy it, like it's a blessing and privilege to be able to care for my hair. I needed that perspective. It's a good paradigm shift. So different from "Sigh. I have to do my hair again" is the sentiment "I get to do my hair! And I'm blessed with the means and health to do so! Thank you, Lord."