Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

after days of vacay....fun in the sun on the beach..salt water..pool chlorine water--and dry heat--i had an appt to detangle and deep condition my hair last night---

a date i was kinda sorta dreading but lo and behold it all went well--thanks to WEN and some NExxus emergence and more WEN of course....babbbbayyyy my hair is so soft and healthyyyyy

i was scared of how it would be given that I've been a bit neglectful and rough with it but all is well with this head of hair..and i was patient and gentle...:grin::grin::grin:
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I need to trim my ends but I don't feel like flat ironing it. I usually flat iron when I trim my ends because I like to trim while its straight and so I can see my length. I might just put it in twists like some people do and flat iron later this year.
I wonder if I would have gotten a good trim and committed to using mild protein weekly if my hair would have behaved better and I would have changed my mind about cutting it

Don't regret cutting it at all though. I love wash day only being an hour. And 30 minutes of that is deep conditioning.
My allergies are acting crazy. My head and throat hurt. I was going to do MHM tonight but I'm going to take some benadryl(sp) and head straight to bed.
At a crossroads. I don't want CURLS! I want it straight. I could get the Japanese straightening method but how would I maintain it? It's so very expensive. My back reverts with relaxers and BKT only lasts a little bit and it's tedious to keep applying it. What would I do with the new growth in a Japanese? Learn how to do it correctly at home? Sigh. I could definitely say CIAO to curls. Do I grow it at this point with BKT and then transition to Japanese? Relaxer is on the ends and I'm in the phase of grow-out from shaved bald. Sigh. I just want to not stress over hair.

JaneBond007 I've seen people do the Japanese straightening method and honestly it looks just like a relaxer. I think you should save your money and just go with a regular relaxer. A friend of mine transitioned from the Japanese method back to natural and she had the same issues with new growth. Maybe you need a stronger relaxer.

Let me know what you ended up doing!
I spent 2 hours detangling and 2 strand twisting my hair and now it's raining and super humid! ! But I am happy that I made an appointment for next Saturday to get a cut and style. I figured I would treat myself.
@JaneBond007 I've seen people do the Japanese straightening method and honestly it looks just like a relaxer. I think you should save your money and just go with a regular relaxer. A friend of mine transitioned from the Japanese method back to natural and she had the same issues with new growth. Maybe you need a stronger relaxer.

Let me know what you ended up doing!

Thing is, I can't use strong relaxers. I'm supposed to be using the mild ones according to my old stylist. I no longer see her, though. Something about relaxers just eat up the hair and make the hair.... Can't quite explain it. They just look dull after awhile. Like, I don't want wave at all :giggle: I now have sodium relaxer on the ends. Eh...my back still gets some frizz in this humidity and starts curling. I like the sleek look of the Japanese perms. There's a stylist in Brooklyn or Bronx somewhere that does them, Gina? She puts them into the new growth so you start to grow out with the Japanese only and cut when you want to. No dullness, moisture, no breakage as with relaxers. I dunno...hope I don't end up having to cut again lol.
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i wonder if i'm washing/cowashing my hair too often. seems i can't go more than 2 days without at least cowashing. i have fine, medium density hair that easily tangles and knots and breaks. maybe i need to leave it alone more, but i sweat soooo bad from working out i can't deal.
i wonder if i'm washing/cowashing my hair too often. seems i can't go more than 2 days without at least cowashing. i have fine, medium density hair that easily tangles and knots and breaks. maybe i need to leave it alone more, but i sweat soooo bad from working out i can't deal.

If your hair suffers from not washing it often, I say go for it!
oneastrocurlie :wave:

Im just using my fingers to apply the MCNZ. My hair is really thick and its longer so its hard to just make parts with a comb. Ive been gently justing my fingers but i have to be super careful so that i don't get tangles at the root.

I like the idea of using a nozzle but you still have to massage the product in right?

I'm following up on this 5 days later. I haven't reapplied or touched-up my hair at all and it still feels very soft and moisturized. I'm very surprised by this stuff and it's definitely a keeper!

Today I'm going to retwist my hair and reapply the Cantu Shea Butter.

I did something completely out of my comfort zone and it paid off! Normally after washing my hair, I always spray my glycerin mix because I feel it's the absolute 1st step in my M&S routine as the only way to get soft hair (but we all know the problem with glycerin, so twistouts NEVER last. But I felt I had no choice but to use glycerin mix. I hadn't been able to achieve soft hair any other way. But even though it was soft, it was always pouffy, never ever staying defined. So I felt like I had to choose between soft and moisturized OR defined, never both!

But this time I did something that yielded me the results I've been searching for since the 1st time I went natural -- soft, touchable, non-greasy, moisturized and defined hair holding a nice curl/wave (via twist out). This time after washing I skipped the glycerin mix completely and sprayed my hair with avj only and let my hair completely dry stretched. Then I used only Cantu Shea Butter per section on my bone dry hair to do a flat twist out. I applied enough that my hair felt barely, slightly damp. Today my hair is so pretty and soft and moisturized and defined and not frizzy and not pouffy and great, just great! I got tons and tons of compliments today and friends and family were touching my hair and telling me it's so soft and pretty. My DH couldn't stop complimenting my hair throughout the whole day!

This is such a huge deal for me. I've NEVER gotten these kind of results. I always thought I'd have to find my holy-grail-super-special-secret combination of unicorn tears and special sauce to get my hair to feel like this and the solution has been sitting in a $5 jar of this stuff all the time. And I never got these kind of results when I used Cantu Shea Butter on wet/damp hair., whether it was wet/damp from water only or from my glycerin mix. I'm sooooo excited! Ya'll have no idea! :yay: Actually, I guess ya'll do!
I need to get some neutralizing shampoo for tomorrow relaxer. I plan on going this stretch without using any shampoo what's so ever. Just cleansing deeply with my v05 mixed with some drops of tea tree oil for cleansing, Hair and scalp health and see if I experience any buildup because I will be using suave which has cones in it every other wash. Shampoo does nothing but dry my new growth out and matt and tangles it and i lose a lot of hair when i use shampoo and I haven't found the right shampoo that does otherwise and honestly don't want to try any new ones unless this method doesn't work . And Yes I do detangle before washing and my relaxed hair doesn't tangle
Well my twists outs can last for about two days and look struggling the third day. I have to go out like this too tomorrow . I could just retwist it but I will have a fresh twist out all to just relax my hair tomorrow
Thinking of PSing for the rest of the year. I cut off a lot of relaxed hair a few weeks ago, but now my hair is like... maybe 75% natural and longer in the back. I was trying to wait for the front to catch up before I cut the rest, but my hair is such an awkward length and mix of relaxed and natural now, I really can't figure out what else to do with it.
I just want to splurge on deep conditioner, moisturizers, leave in treatments,protein products, growth aids, conditioners and a few extensions.
Cowashed 3x this morning

1st to prep for twists

2nd-Used that fake curly pudding by Shea butter miracle (hated it)

And the 3rd time because I was dumb and saturated my hair w gel before bed. So dumb
I am back to weekly steaming and Lord Ham mercy it is still hot as Hades to me. Even though, I have had my steamer for years now.
The moment when someone tries to tell me about hair & give suggestions is kinda annoying...I somewhat stop listening and give them the side eye. I mean, no one knows my hair addiction & DIY knowledge so I suppose I can't knock them for trying to be helpful.
My Alter ego is here! I can't wait to prepoo with it for the first time. It smells really good. I will have "hair time" after I get the boys from school. Homework is already done so they can play and stay out of my way lol. I think I will show dh how to detangle my hair (from bottom to top) just incase I get lazy one day :lol: :blush:
The moment when someone tries to tell me about hair & give suggestions is kinda annoying...I somewhat stop listening and give them the side eye. I mean, no one knows my hair addiction & DIY knowledge so I suppose I can't knock them for trying to be helpful.

All the time. I had someone tell me that I couldn't use natural products on my hair. I let her talk. And talk. My friend said "why didn't you tell her how much you know about hair?" I said "because she likes to hear herself talk." Mind you, the product worked great on my hair.

Yes Ma'am I Do :yep:

As for your other post........Girl overlook them. A lady told me I was going to go bald trying to go natural because the two (relaxed hair and natural hair) can't exist together on your head. <<<<-----This seriously happened.

I asked her about new growth and she said it simply "the relaxer wearing off" :lachen:

That lady was cray cray.

Yes Ma'am I Do :yep:

As for your other post........Girl overlook them. A lady told me I was going to go bald trying to go natural because the two (relaxed hair and natural hair) can't exist together on your head. <<<<-----This seriously happened.

I asked her about new growth and she said it simply "the relaxer wearing off" :lachen:

That lady was cray cray.

The last part makes her an idiot
If the hair on my head grew as fast as the hair on my chin I would be ok :lachen: It seems like I have to tweeze weekly :( It's just a few strands, but dang. I have better things to do lololol
I tried a new hair style this week and a lady @ work complimented me. I briefly mentioned that I decided to change up and do something different. She told me to "Google natural hair styles" for ideas I was like, oh ok, thank you. :giggle: I wanted to say, "no...how about you Google me!"

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