Currently deep conditioning... I literally haven't deep conditioned in about 3 months... WELL overdue!
Just watching chopped with a target bag on my head. Probably gonna keep it on another 45 minutes or so.
If my natural nape hair was indication of what my natural hair would be, I'd transition today. So curly, coily and cute.
SuchaLady I won't relax until January. I was planning on waiting till I hit HL but I'm over this hair. It gets stuck everywhere. Idk how all the women with Whip & Hip length do it. I've had the most fun with my hair when it was heavily layered at shoulder length with a relaxer. I miss it.
How many weeks post are you? I'm jealous.
This is the longest I've gone without wearing a weave, and it scares me! I'm so afraid of having a setback because I don't know what to do with my hair ever since going natural. And I've been natural for a couple of years now.
But how else will I get to know my hair if I don't do anything with it? The thought of doing something wrong makes me nervous.
I laughed at myself for being so amazed at how my hair went from being straight to shrinking into a poof when I washed it in the shower the other day. I've always known that's what it does, but in that moment it was the coolest thing in the world to me. I'd never experienced it while alone, just in the salon with my stylist, so I never thought twice about it. I was like, my hair is MAGIC lol
Is it too early to start looking for for the Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday hair deals?
It's too hot in brooklyn. I'm happy I didn't flat iron my hair. My edges would look awful right about now with all this sweat