stay at your best ♥
maan I'm so lazy. I will do a honey treatment thingy this week!! I will!!!! Planning on doing it on Wednesday **for all who have been following my color lifting journey** lol
Hilarious. This white woman walked into the nail salon to see her friend. And she has some jacked up corn rows where she added extensions. She got then done she said. It's baggy in the back and all frizzy in the back and on the top. They are big lumps and her hair isn't neatly parted or anything. Her white friend was like "omgggg your hair. It looks so good. Ommmg". When I looked over I couldn't believe what they were gushing over.
I have way too many hair products, particularly deep conditioners.
I have to get this stash down.
I'm tired of the woe is me my natural hair is so hard to maintain cries. I went natural when it wasn't even a thing. Its how your hair grows out of your head, if it is hard to manage you are doing something wrong. There I said it, sorry. That is going to offend some one. I know it.
Popular hair blog.Is BGLH another hair forum or something?
thanks now to look for it. Off to googlePopular hair blog.
I wanna do a full on honey treatment but I don't know will my hair come out soft or will I have deep condition after and I don't like doing too many processes
Being born with it doesn't mean it's simple.