Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

The air at the beach has my hair feeling sleek and smooth. Im surprised all the moisture isnt causing reversion.

Eta I am 3 days post blowout. 4b/natural with medium strands and porosity
I hate sometimes being super hair conscience because you notice hair donts and breakage. I already was hesitant about my hair on my shirt and one of my hairs was stuck on my shirt and when I moved it broke. Just that little incident almost tore me to shreads
Well ended up wrapping my hair and feel like hyperventilating over a few broken hairs but its inevitable so.....but I can't convince myself that though. But my hair is looking super healthy. Hair so smooth I can't tell where my wrap ends or begins not a hair sticking up: )
Well ended up wrapping my hair and feel like hyperventilating over a few broken hairs but its inevitable so.....but I can't convince myself that though. But my hair is looking super healthy. Hair so smooth I can't tell where my wrap ends or begins not a hair sticking up: )

lilmama ^^ :yep:. You deserve to congratulate yourself on your progress and on how you care for your hair as a whole :grin:.

Few people have zero fly-away. That means you must have very minimal breakage and beautiful ends :gorgeous:.
Hmmm I am not interested in dealing with this heat damage. But chopping it off would mean being pretty much bald again. Idk what to do. But I do know life is too short to navigate styling with 2 textures, **** is frustrating.

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I'm ready to cut my hair off, into a tapered cut, and the stylist I want, and only one I trust to do it, is booked til mid July! And even then it's only morning appointments. I'm sad.
So I never had the chance to relax my hair 2 wknd ago like I planned. And while contemplating on if I should just cut all the relaxer off, I realized I'm over 1yr post relaxer. WOW factor for me. I've been so busy with work and a couple of events that I didn't even notice. So I'm definitely transitioning to natural BUT lol I will be getting Hair 360° which is a smoothing treatment. Then I'll just cut gradually as I grow out the rest of this relaxer which shouldn't be much longer since I'll be getting more than likely btwn 6-10" cut off.
Rocky91 said:
Hmmm I am not interested in dealing with this heat damage. But chopping it off would mean being pretty much bald again. Idk what to do. But I do know life is too short to navigate styling with 2 textures, **** is frustrating.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

Have you tried protein and moisturizing dc's? It might take a while, but protein or recontructors can do wonders. I use a medium protein and a good moisturizing dc after and it brought back my curls. I can't even tell where it was. It takes time and patience though and careful monitoring of you hair. You don't want protein overload.

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
does dry shampoo clean your scalp?

My hair feels good but my scalp is naturally very oily after a few days. I want to get a clean(er) scalp without having to re-wash, blowdry, flatiron right now.
went back to my old faithfuls pantene--my hair feels os softttttt---finished with infusion 23 leave-in..old faithfuls are making a come back...
I so wanted to make suggestions to this girl on the train about her straw-like hair but of course refrained. I don't know her, so hopefully one day she'll find LHCF on her own.
does dry shampoo clean your scalp?

My hair feels good but my scalp is naturally very oily after a few days. I want to get a clean(er) scalp without having to re-wash, blowdry, flatiron right now.

From what I understand, dry shampoo will absorb the oil. So you'll be able to refresh your hair without the wash process (make it less weighed down), but it's not a soap and water type of clean.
When will I learn that I can't use coconut oil especially for a prepoo (vatika frosting) AND a DC (sitrinillah)?!?!?! Hair was hard and brittle as h3ll. Thank God for CJ curl rehab and olive oil.
I'm still scared of curl formers. I was thinking to do it on damp basically almost dry hair but I did it like 2 years ago on dry hair and it was not a defined curl at all. It was a limp curl. Last couples of times I used it I ripped out hair to like two inches smh
My weave looks great... But it ITCHES like hayle!

I have to figure out what to do. I just ordered some witch hazel that I'll use on both my face and scalp.

I also need a few color applicator bottles so I can appl shampoo, conditioner and an oil mix I'm making. The oil mix will have tea tree, rosemary and peppermint essential oils in it.
My weave looks great... But it ITCHES like hayle! I have to figure out what to do. I just ordered some witch hazel that I'll use on both my face and scalp. I also need a few color applicator bottles so I can appl shampoo, conditioner and an oil mix I'm making. The oil mix will have tea tree, rosemary and peppermint essential oils in it.

Acv rinse will work too. Also did you shampoo the hair? That could be why you are itching.
From what I understand, dry shampoo will absorb the oil. So you'll be able to refresh your hair without the wash process (make it less weighed down), but it's not a soap and water type of clean.

This is true. I

I bought some Psssst! dry shampoo at CVS today and used it already. My hair is just less greasy but it's not really a clean feeling. I think I may be able to enjoy my flatironed hair for a few more days with this.
I'm getting tired of relaxing my hair. The thought of a long term transition intimidates me as I'm only 2 months post.

If you really want to stop relaxing, you should go for it. Just take it one day/week/month at a time :3 You can always go back to relaxed if you change your mind about it later.
Bought the popular PM original the conditioner leave in today...I'm a little surprised about the smell and consistency. The product looks and smells like the quality of something I'd find in a bss, not a high end salon. Still, I have to rate it on its performance. I used some on my straightened hair and so far it seems ok. The test will be how it stands up to my hair deeper into my stretch.