Well-Known Member
Lesson from the wise. I guess I'll do this again when I want to wear my wig right after.I say this EVERY TIME I take them down and I've been doing them for well over 10 years! LOL!
I learned never transition from mini braids into an out style.
I've had the most success just keeping them in long term (multiple months) and only refreshing them one-by-one, row by row, every 4-6 weeks instead.
My second favorite way of transitioning out of minibraids is to do my wash and DC in them and let them dry. And then transition them into cornrows that will be under a wig/scarf. That way, having half of my hair cornrowed and half in minibraids isn't that much of an issue. Lol.
I had half the mind to do my wash day in the braids but I know that the buildup and shedding during takedown would be immense (and it was lol).