Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I have breakage right in the spot I middle part my hair.

Its such a bad habit. I have to figure out how to remind myself to move the part and keep moving it until it lays in the new way.
I did my first cassia gloss today, and oh, my…

Has your hair ever felt so good you literally wanted to make love to it?
Me neither. :look:
I massaged my scalp with some chebe oil. I originally planned to use it twice weekly, but this week I’ve used the oil 3 times. I want this growth spurt to happen asap.
I have to work Saturday so that means I have to wait another week to get my hair blown out. I’m not liking this every 3 week schedule. My roots be over it
Finally happy with where my hair is at. My 16 wk touchup left more texture/density in, which I wanted. Plan to continue weekly maintenance and PS with a wig till I get to my goal.