Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Got my 4th retightening today and while I do miss deep conditioning and playing in products something fierce, I do not miss my scalp's reactions to those things. Even this irritation and sensitivity after an interlocking session isn't as bad as some nights after a particularly greasy product. I also miss passion twists and butterfly loc extensions.

I may attempt to do those over my locs but I'm less and less inclined to mess with my hair. Even the greys aren't bothering me as much.

ETA: My tea mixes have been great though. I just need to remember that other people can smell me and to stop flinging sage and thyme oil in everything like a madwoman.
Lemme tell y’all why I’m mad today. Apparently I was part of a beta test group on Facebook and they gave us dark mode. I throughly enjoyed it. Just like that, those LONG JOHNS snatched that sucker away. Ugh. And I still haven’t finished my hair lol idk what’s taking me so long since it’s straight-ish but I just haven’t been in the mood. Plus I have things to do lol it’ll get done eventually. It still feels soft.
Nothing spurs action like getting on a scale. Bad news/Good news : I gained weight after being home for nearly a year. The gain was "modest" in the respect that it could be worst (~ 10+ pounds), but it's bad as now I'm heavier than I've ever been.

My hair will definitely benefit from increased exercise.