Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I booked a full salon service for the first time since the early 2000’s.

I decided that I’m going to get serious again about my hair in 2021. So I want to start off with the cleanest slate possible in the form of freshly cut hair. I’m going to let them take off whatever is necessary (hopefully that’s not too much).

However, I’m feeling annoyed that I have to pay $75+ for the whole rigmarole, when all I want is the trim. I called multiple salons and no one will just trim my hair. I can wash, dc, and blow out my own hair, but I have to pay someone to do it, probably using inferior products and tools. :rolleyes:... On the bright side, I am looking forward to getting a good salon shampooing. That was always my favorite part.
Good question! And what does it look like? I remember going on naturally curly back in 2012 and seeing one picture, and now if you on it again the picture of what used to be 4a hair is now 4b! Lol, I'm confused now, am I 4a or 4b
Does 4b hair still exist? lol Seems like every type 4 is either 4a or 4c these days.
So true! I feel like the scale has shifted slightly, because being “ type 4“ became trendy on YouTube. A lot of the Youtubers claiming type 4A I see look more 3c to me . I used to think I was a 4a/4b. Now I guess I’m a 4b/4C? Idk I just say type 4 and keep it moving lol
I am going to start a rollersetting challenge for 2021 :yep: the old threads are epic, so much fantastic information and pretty pictures. I’ve been reading through them and I set twice this week. The second time was greatly improved due to tips from the 2014 thread.

I'm hoping that by the end of Q1 in 2021, my hair will have grown enough to make rollersets worth trying again.
Good question! And what does it look like? I remember going on naturally curly back in 2012 and seeing one picture, and now if you on it again the picture of what used to be 4a hair is now 4b! Lol, I'm confused now, am I 4a or 4b
So true! I feel like the scale has shifted slightly, because being “ type 4“ became trendy on YouTube. A lot of the Youtubers claiming type 4A I see look more 3c to me . I used to think I was a 4a/4b. Now I guess I’m a 4b/4C? Idk I just say type 4 and keep it moving lol
I have also started just calling it all type 4 hair. Because the lines have definitely blurred. I cannot say with any certainty that I know what separates 4b from 4c. Heck, apparently you can moisturize 4c hair into looking like 4a.

This system really doesn’t have any relevancy for me anymore, but I was watching Chizi Duru’s 4c hair reaction videos on YouTube, and I felt like more than half of the people featured would have been 4b back in the day. Then I remembered that the 4c (or 3c) category did not exist originally, so I am right. Lol
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Yep, this is what I think of as 4b. But anytime I come across similar hair on social media, it’s being call 4c. No one says anything about 4b anymore.
I think 4a has more of a definite spiral, albeit small. I have a friend who I class a 'true' 4a. And her pattern is definitely different from mine. She also has way more shrinkage than me due to the majority of her strands actually spiralling.
Funny enough, I think it still applies as 4c does have more spiral than 4b.
One video I was watching, someone did describe 4c as basically a miniaturized 4a. I thought that was interesting. But then I think back to when 4c was first added to the typing system, it was supposedly for those with no curl pattern or a nearly imperceptible pattern.

Sharpie, pencil, pen spring was supposed to be how we were to remember 3c-4a-4b. This doesn’t seem to apply anymore.
If youre going by the andre walker method, 4a, pen spring 4b zig zag, 4c wasnt on andre walker but a lot 4b's said their hair didnt curl/spiral Its a cloud of curls that dont clump = 4c.

Thats the system I go by. im 99 % 4a. My entire head curls into pen curls except above each ear where the hair zigzags. Now that my hair is longer than when it was above my shoulders my curls look elongated at times. Sometimes in a loose wave

I will see a lot of curlies say that 4a curls which are pen size 4bs because their hair isnt silky in texture.... TO ME, Andre Walker was about size of curls. Thats all I used it for.

I always use products geared for bigger curls as heavy products weight my type 4 hair down , except winter ( castor oil, shea butter blends).
I booked a full salon service for the first time since the early 2000’s.

I decided that I’m going to get serious again about my hair in 2021. So I want to start off with the cleanest slate possible in the form of freshly cut hair. I’m going to let them take off whatever is necessary (hopefully that’s not too much).

However, I’m feeling annoyed that I have to pay $75+ for the whole rigmarole, when all I want is the trim. I called multiple salons and no one will just trim my hair. I can wash, dc, and blow out my own hair, but I have to pay someone to do it, probably using inferior products and tools. :rolleyes:... On the bright side, I am looking forward to getting a good salon shampooing. That was always my favorite part.
Have you tried a Super Cuts? They may just cut your hair.
Ugh I need a trim so bad. I’m pretty sure the breakage I’m seeing is due to increased force needed to detangle. I’m getting so much more knots as well.

I have a silk press appointment a little over a month from now but I’m still going to trim after my next wash. I need to stop this breakage and I’m like 50% sure my appointment might get cancelled due to a lock down. Cases are rising quickly in my area :(
Aaaand I was right lol. We’re in lockdown for a minimum of 4 weeks. Damn. I really wanted swangin hair for my birthday... but I don’t even own a flat iron :nono:
Is it just me or does anyone’s hair not like “cheap” hair products. Like maybe I could get away with it for a couple of days in a pinch, but after that my hair is like “um, chile anyway.”
Nope, you are not alone. My hair loves salon products. I can get away with few cheapie products but I have to be smart about their ingredients and formulations.

If I want a good strengthening treatment, I better pull out Joico k pak or Olaplex because drugstore products won't cut it.
Have you tried a Super Cuts? They may just cut your hair.

:lol: I tried this first, it went awry before I even set foot in there. I had set my appointment online, and was getting ready to head out but I forgot the exact time I was supposed to come in, so I called them.

Me: Hello, my name is Theresamonet. Can you remind me of my appointment time today; it’s either 3:20 or 3:40.

Supercuts man: Hhmm... I see you on the schedule, but it doesn’t say what time... sorry ma’am I can’t help you.

Me: Um.. what? Say that again.

SC: I don’t know what time your appointment is ma’am!

Me: ... so what do we do about that?


Me: I don’t understand why this is so difficult. Do you have spots available for today?

SC: Yes

Me: Okay... do you have a 3:20 or 3:40 open?

SC: both

Me: So put me down for 3:20!!

SC: O-kay

I ended that call and was STILL getting ready to head out, thinking I’m going to have to find out who that was on the phone when I get there. But then I come to my senses. If I can’t trust these people to act like they have some sense on the phone, they aren’t coming anywhere near me with scissors.

I called back and was like, just gone ‘head and take me off the schedule, because the exchange we just had was way too unprofessional, and I can’t trust my service will be carried out with anymore professionalism than was just shown to me.

I decided then that I’ll just pay the money and go to a salon, where the stylist and staff care about their reputation.
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If youre going by the andre walker method, 4a, pen spring 4b zig zag, 4c wasnt on andre walker but a lot 4b's said their hair didnt curl/spiral Its a cloud of curls that dont clump = 4c.

Thats the system I go by. im 99 % 4a. My entire head curls into pen curls except above each ear where the hair zigzags. Now that my hair is longer than when it was above my shoulders my curls look elongated at times. Sometimes in a loose wave

I will see a lot of curlies say that 4a curls which are pen size 4bs because their hair isnt silky in texture.... TO ME, Andre Walker was about size of curls. Thats all I used it for.

I always use products geared for bigger curls as heavy products weight my type 4 hair down , except winter ( castor oil, shea butter blends).

See 4a was not pen springs back in the day, it was pencil diameter; I’ve also heard knitting needle. I’ve always considered myself predominantly 4a, but in no state is my hair mostly pen spring size.

This is my hair wet with conditioner:


Wet with gel/styling product:


And dry with product:


B899729D-EB8E-467D-9224-C75520689B69.jpegMy curls are mostly S curls, but are smaller than a sharpie and larger than a pen spring.
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It’s conversations like this within the natural hair community that annoy me. They serve no real purpose other than to make some naturals feel boxed in.

This post is basically saying that naturals should be doing wash-n-gos instead of twist outs, particularly if you don’t have very dense hair. This is not merely a style suggestion, this stylist is arguing that WnGs are the RIGHT style for lower density naturals. And any commenters who are giving the reasons why they still prefer twist outs, she is replying telling them they don’t like WnGs cause they’re doing XYZ wrong.

This is stupid. It’s a freaking hairstyle. It’s not your state of being. It doesn’t have to be a lifestyle choice. Do a WnG one week, do a twist out the next. It’s like arguing if people should wear beach waves vs ringlets.
See 4a was not pen springs back in the day, it was pencil diameter; I’ve also heard knitting needle. I’ve always considered myself predominantly 4a, but in no state is my hair mostly pen spring size.
your curls resemble 3c to me because of the S. Pen coils for me are 4a , you know inside of the pen , that tiny coil?

Beautiful hair regardless though @Theresamonet Yanno thats the thing with natural hair , we all have ideas and they branch off, doesnt mean anyone is right. Kinda like a bench mark.

I go with products versus hair type but look at curl size to determine what that person hair likes then try it.
See 4a was not pen springs back in the day, it was pencil diameter; I’ve also heard knitting needle. I’ve always considered myself predominantly 4a, but in no state is my hair mostly pen spring size.
You’re hair is so pretty! My texture is similar I think, but less silky/defined then yours. I think mine is 4a/4b
this is wet hair no product 024F2634-FE28-46D4-9FBA-E83072189264.jpegthis is damp/almost dry hair with gelAC239545-BC57-411D-A287-821D05A7272F.jpeg0DEEE248-7619-43AD-BE76-479915EE4469.jpeg
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your curls resemble 3c to me because of the S. Pen coils for me are 4a , you know inside of the pen , that tiny coil?

Beautiful hair regardless though @Theresamonet Yanno thats the thing with natural hair , we all have ideas and they branch off, doesnt mean anyone is right. Kinda like a bench mark.

I go with products versus hair type but look at curl size to determine what that person hair likes then try it.

Thanks for the compliment! I agree with your last statements. Hair typing is doing too much at this point, and the categories seem to keep evolving and intertwining. I don’t really need to know anyone’s number though, I can just look at your head and see if it looks anything like mine. :lol:
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You’re hair is so pretty! My texture is similar I think, but less silky/defined then yours. I think mine is 4a/4b

Thank you! See, your hair is what I would have considered mostly 3c/with some 4a. It looks similar to mine, but your S curls are a bit bigger and more elongated... But girl, who knows. Lol

Your hair is very pretty as well. I can’t wait for my top layers to get long like yours.

It’s conversations like this within the natural hair community that annoy me. They serve no real purpose other than to make some naturals feel boxed in.

This post is basically saying that naturals should be doing wash-n-gos instead of twist outs, particularly if you don’t have very dense hair. This is not merely a style suggestion, this stylist is arguing that WnGs are the RIGHT style for lower density naturals. And any commenters who are giving the reasons why they still prefer twist outs, she is replying telling them they don’t like WnGs cause they’re doing XYZ wrong.

This is stupid. It’s a freaking hairstyle. It’s not your state of being. It doesn’t have to be a lifestyle choice. Do a WnG one week, do a twist out the next. It’s like arguing if people should wear beach waves vs ringlets.

Uuggghhh. And you also have people with type 4 hair saying wash and gos aint for us. Just hush and say you've tried it and YOU don't like it for YOU. I used to think wash and gos weren't for me. Maaannn I was playing myself. I just had to find which technique & product combo worked best. Now I can flip back and forth between styles as I please.