Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

So I did my first rollset in 1000 years (like 7)). And of course! The kids would not do quiet time so I barely got the rollers in. I maybe got 5 minutes under the dryer consistently. Then they wanted to play outside so I am in 50 style rollers pushing tricycles. (no shame). Then I try ot blow out the roots (I am actually dry but oyu can imagine howi t looked. Well then we lost power for 20 hours.

It didn't come out that bad, I am not the worlds best roller setter, but I just flat ironed the roots and it worked out.

I BKT'd my hair and Henna'd it turned out really well.
There are so many smoothing treatments I want to try. I want the Nutree hair Botox, Color Wow smoothing spray and Prismax Nutrivo Hair Botox. I could get all 3 for under $100, but I think I should try them out one at a time.

Prismax sells the treatments individually so I could see how I like it first. It’s only 12.99 for one.
There are so many smoothing treatments I want to try. I want the Nutree hair Botox, Color Wow smoothing spray and Prismax Nutrivo Hair Botox. I could get all 3 for under $100, but I think I should try them out one at a time.

Prismax sells the treatments individually so I could see how I like it first. It’s only 12.99 for one.

The prismax didnt do a thing for my hair. It was a nice creamy conditioner consistency after mixing but I only tried it once @Prettymetty
I’m just accepting the fact that my hair is fine/low density and trimming it every 2 months does nothing other than keep it the same length. Now I’m on the grow. I’m gonna have long flowy lightweight hair that’s easy to style. By December I’ll be beyond waist length :amen:
So I bought the L’Oréal 8 second wonder water. I’m so excited to try it. I saw it in a magazine ad a few months back...

That’s how I stumbled upon my beloved Garnier Sleek Shot. Amazing product. I’m looking forward to next wash day!
Does anyone still use the 5lb tub of KeraCare Humecto? I'm thinking of going back to an old regimen and need a reputable vendor.
I still use the tub. I’ve been ordering it from Ensleybeauty.com for 2 years. They sell the tub at a competitive price of $34.95, the shipping is $7.95 but free for orders over $99. I just ordered a tub on Friday and I received it on Monday.
I still use the tub. I’ve been ordering it from Ensleybeauty.com for 2 years. They sell the tub at a competitive price of $34.95, the shipping is $7.95 but free for orders over $99. I just ordered a tub on Friday and I received it on Monday.
Thank you! I ordered off of amazon but felt a little unsure about it. I will definitely order from them in the future!