Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Some brands have stopped being in Target because it's not profitable. One brand made a post about how being in Target doesn't always pan out like we think it would and shelf space is expensive.

It was around this:

When I'm shopping for products Target is not the first place I go. I buy hair products in Target because I happen to be in Target. But if I'm shopping for hair products, I'm going to Sally's or online. Maybe they just need to change where they are targeting people.
When I'm shopping for products Target is not the first place I go. I buy hair products in Target because I happen to be in Target. But if I'm shopping for hair products, I'm going to Sally's or online. Maybe they just need to change where they are targeting people.

I usually know what I want before I even hit the store. I'm checking stores for availability and I do that online first too.

I would guess that shelf space in Target is more expensive than Sally's too. And Target carries waaayyy more brands. Natural, not natural, cheap, more expensive, well known, lesser known, everything in between. More competitive than being at Sally's I bet.
I just had a thought:

My scarf keeps slipping off my head (stocking cap is wet) and my head doesn’t always stay on the bed, I was thinking about getting a twin sized silk sheet, and folding it up by the head of the bed. That way if my scarf comes off, and my head doesn’t stay on the pillowcase at least my head will still be covered.

Unless I end up at the opposite end of the bed :lachen:
When I'm shopping for products Target is not the first place I go. I buy hair products in Target because I happen to be in Target. But if I'm shopping for hair products, I'm going to Sally's or online. Maybe they just need to change where they are targeting people.
I do. I appreciated not having to wait for my products. I used to get my Oyin, Kbb, Jane Carter, tgin, Taliah Waajid, mop top, Camille Rose, mane choice etc.. from there.
I'm coloring my hair with Overtone this weekend.

These grey hairs are so annoying and they're on my hairline and at the top of my head. I have a lot of dark hair so they really stand out.

I hope Overtone does the job because I don't want to dye my hair, it dries out so bad from bleach and dye.

Overtone didn't really cover my grey hairs very well, except for the main one on my hairline. The longer ones in the middle are hidden, but it only gave them a slight tint. I guess it's a win, but now I need to figure out what to do about the greys. I am not embracing the aging process, I refuse.

I like highlights, so I don't want to go jet black. I'm sad :-(