Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I'm now using heavier products on the back of my head. That area is drier and maybe full 4a/porous and needs extra attention.

I put some Qhemet's Amla cream in today and it feels good....
Heavy sealing works wonders :yep: was it you I saw posting in the shea butter thread? Heavy butters like shea are awesome, I personally prefer mango butter. I can go days without reapplying. But I am heavy handed (posted a pic in the show your hair rn thread) So even if you get a bit lazy it'll protect your ends.
Yes I was posting lol I like grease too. I had just taken my hair down from the crochet braids, and I was being lazy at first, then I was sick for a minute. My poor hair was matted under my scarf.
That TGIN Honey Mask might be on to something. My hair smells great and it feels so thick. I double bagged my hair, put a scarf on top of the bags and promptly fell asleep :lachen:I woke up @ 6am, rinsed it out, towel dried for a little bit and air dried the rest of the way. I didn’t add any leave ins because I’m planning on straightening my hair.
So I have some heat damage that i have decided to just grow out but this morning...there was one section that would not even wave. I just went ahead and hacked that piece. It was a good 2.5 inches in the middle of my head. Thankfully I am getting some braids on the weekend. Hopefully I won't be able to notice it when I take my braids down. I was so over it.

I am about to do a 6 - 9 month protective style challenge. My hair and I are about to be estranged.
Ugh, I hate that burnt hair smell. Hair looks cute but smells horrible. I’m gonna spray some leave in on my brush tomorrow to see if that takes away some of the smell. This is why I don’t straighten my hair so often :perplexed:
I just realized my hair has been washed 3 times in 72 hours.

I washed it Monday to get it back to normal from the neglect and to get the gel out.

I washed it Tuesday because I relaxed it.

It got washed today because I wanted it straightened and my ends trimmed.

I don’t plan on washing it Thursday :laugh:
I need to get my money’s worth so I probably won’t wash it for two weeks or until this smell drives me nuts.
I like all of these things, except sunflower seeds. I never thought to put them together.

It was so delicious!! Im trying to figure out if the broccoli was blanched or raw. It wasnt overwhelming but a little crisp crunch here and there, then a sweet piece of cherry, then the taste of the coleslaw. Made me wanna hug someone it was so good @GGsKin
I am so mad that I went to 6 beauty supply stores looking for Roux Porosity Control and 5 of them didn’t have it. #I bought the last bottle at #6 for $11 and I found 3 bottles @$8.99 at #7. Also, none of them sell Aphogee Amino Acids so I guess I’m ordering that off Ammyzon.
Did I mention I’m looking for a tabletop steamer? Because I’m definitely looking for a tabletop steamer. I don’t have any room for a standing one unfortunately.

Please give me some suggestions :cry3:

I looked at a few but I can’t make a decision.