Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I was going back forth between cutting off my relaxed ends or relaxing the new growth. I’ve decided I’m going to relax again.

I got it professionally done last November and had it cut to collarbone in a tapered bob. I self relaxed in March, and I’m going to self relax again this November. My hair is currently armpit length stretched.

After I relax I’m going to have my hair cut blunt.
I'm wondering if this creme butter is the best way to seal in moisture during this Santa Ana (hot dry air/winds) heat wave.

Also, what's the best shampoo to remove beeswax... sulfate or sulfate-free (with stronger cleansers)?
Got a good fall reset.

Wash, protein treatment, deep condition and trim. I left my braids in a total of 9 weeks. I’ll never do that again! My edged were TRASH!!

I only had to get about half a inch cut off all around, thankfully! Rolled it up tonight using my silk rollers. My scalp feels good!
Note to future self: when your signature hairstyle stops producing the expected results, CLARIFY YOUR HAIR!

I clarified my hair and my hair is going into these twists with such ease. Can't wait to see what the twist out looks like...

ETA: Yep. I was right. This twist out came out nice, moisturized, defined, and full....pretty much how I expect my go-to style to turn out. I gotta remember to add clarifying to my wash day rotation.
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Having a clear out and reorganisation of my hair stash today. I didn't realise I had so many backups of certain products. And I have a bad habit of leaving scraps of ones I enjoy so that I don't forget about them smh.

On second thoughts after completing the task, that habit allowed me to compare the product I enjoyed with the many (and often reformulated) backups I've accumulated.
Hey look what I found. It’s at a place called “Cook Brothers”



Any suggestions for good brands/models of kinky-curly clip-ins and/or drawstring ponytail? I have type 4 hair with small diameter corkscrews and just looking to try something new.
My hair is in need of a good clarifying shampoo. It has been dryer than I like it for a while. My press looks good the first week but week 2 I get webbing. Before baby I could keep moisturized press for a good 4-5 weeks in southern humidity without issue. I am almost out of my post partum window and although I am grateful that I didn't have any major postpartum setbacks I want my hair routine back not a "new normal". I looked in my cabinet and I have a bunch of clays, garlic shampoos and moisturizing shampoos but no clarifying shampoos. I ordered some clarifying shampoos from sally's when I woke up this norming. No rush...but I'mma need fly Thanksgiving Hair to last until I am ready for fly Christmas hair.