Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

So I’m going through a midlife acne crisis and I blame it on bae for withholding the D. I asked him last night why he think my face looks like this and he said “Your wig.” I had to hit his butt, but I laughed so dang hard. I can’t stand his childish @ss

I blame my acne on my somewhat failure to control my temper. My family calls me a volcano because I’m either happy and calm or I’m angry. There’s no middle ground. So they’ll be like, “Welp, the volcano is erupting again.”

on any given day I'm just like:
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I don’t know what it is but something I did left my hair super moisturized and silky this past week. On another note, I used too much shampoo and it took forever to rinse out of my sections:confused:

Are you saying that you used too much shampoo and then your hair was super moisturized? I could see that happening. If you got your hair very clean, that allows it to absorb water better. And if you spent a long time rinsing the shampoo out that’s more time for you’re hair to absorb water.
Are you saying that you used too much shampoo and then your hair was super moisturized? I could see that happening. If you got your hair very clean, that allows it to absorb water better. And if you spent a long time rinsing the shampoo out that’s more time for you’re hair to absorb water.

My bad. No the shampooing was unrelated. My hair had felt really nice this past week before my wash day.
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So, my hair is prepped for my wig this week. I washed, DC, blew out my hair with the tension method. I then braided my hair in plaits and pinned it down. I tried on my wig and it fits nice.

I’m so happy I got a wig, I won’t have to do anything to my hair all week :cloud9: I already have five wigs on my wishlist.
So, my hair is prepped for my wig this week. I washed, DC, blew out my hair with the tension method. I then braided my hair in plaits and pinned it down. I tried on my wig and it fits nice.

I’m so happy I got a wig, I won’t have to do anything to my hair all week :cloud9: I already have five wigs on my wishlist.
Can I see your wishlist wigs?
I love my crochet braids, but I bought these locs off amazon and they definitely are NOT the same size as the Bobbi Boss bomba. I now need to go back and pull out the ones in the back and sides in order to make my plaits smaller to match. It's not a case of it not hiding my hair, but now my scalp looks extra scanty because of the spacing of the locs.
I just needed to rant. Now that I got that out of my system I feel better...
I wore my hair out today in cocoon curls. Personally, I think I looked like a wet poodle :confused: but my coworkers really liked the style. I felt really upset because two coworkers put their hands in my hair without asking. :angry2: Just rude and violating; my hair is a very intimate thing to me. Not that I would let them if they asked but at least ask for permission first!
Anyway, I enjoyed the compliments but my hair is going back up tomorrow.
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I had a spa day with my husband and it was hilarious.

I left him alone for 2 seconds and came back and he had managed to slather himself in my Shea Butter. Not just his hair, but his entire body. Even put it in his beard too.

Me: “You do know you don’t have to use that much right? You’ve used almost my entire jar!”

Husband: “Yeah but it feels so good! My hair is so shiny too look! And look at my skin it’s glistening! I see why you like this stuff so much.”

Now I gotta hide my stash.