Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I tried new things this past wash and style day (July 4, 2017):
  1. Instead of detangling at every step and instead of having a separate step just especially for detangling, I finger detangled (mainly elongated and separated) with the slippery shampoo suds and later did full detangling with the KareCo Tangle Buster brush -- with the aim of distributing the deep conditioners throughout my strands.
  2. To test saving time this way, I layered my protein treatment and deep conditioner (I recognize that it was not protein-free, but the CNPF is not super strong on my hair) instead of doing the treatments in separate steps.
  3. Testing styling to reduce knots and tangles, I styled for a twist-out instead of a wash and go (I layered the butter over the twisting cream) and dried under the HairFlair attachment.

I adore the ingredients in the Soulvedic shampoo bar. Soultanicals said it will return to the lineup in the Fall. I'm glad I found some at Hattache' in the meanwhile.

Overlapping full detangling with applying my deep treatments definitely saved time.

Even though installing 16 twists took MUCH longer than just washing-and-going, I hope I made up the time by skipping prepooing (because hopefully the poo ingredients are awesome and healing to justify doing so) and skipping a separate step just for detangling. Overall, time-savings-wise I don't know though: Drying time was significant, and I don't think any steps skipped made up for all that extra time. Maybe twists are healthier (less tangle-causing) and thus worth the time "lost" :smile:.

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Oh no, that's terrible! I think resuming with your low po regime sounds like a good idea. If it's not broke, why fix it?
I found out that I am hi po. It explained a lot. Like why my hair is so fragile and my breakage is equal to my retention. I buzzed it off last June and it is only 4 inches long. So I was taking the advice of Komaza and increasing protein along with the trimmings they suggested. My hair is drier than ever. Products that worked don't work anymore. Anyone that thinks healthy hair is easy just don't know! The struggle is real.
I found out that I am hi po. It explained a lot. Like why my hair is so fragile and my breakage is equal to my retention. I buzzed it off last June and it is only 4 inches long. So I was taking the advice of Komaza and increasing protein along with the trimmings they suggested. My hair is drier than ever. Products that worked don't work anymore. Anyone that thinks healthy hair is easy just don't know! The struggle is real.

@KinkyRN, I agree with the bolded!

I'm authentically glad for the people who figure it out fast, but it's a legitimate challenge for some!

I hope you find a regimen that works. Keep at it: Every little victory is encouraging and gives a little more staying-power for the journey. Hugs!
Thanks for the recommendation! I will give the babyliss a try the next time I redo my hair and if I don't like it I will return it and try a different one. I saw the Paul Mitchell one while I was in the store but didn't even consider it! What do you like about those flat irons?
it has nice smooth plates that dont snag at all. it also heats up very fast but doesn't get too hot. for some reason i burn myself often with the babyliss. it is also easy to curl with. i love mine! i had it for over a year and its still working well.
@KinkyRN, I agree with the bolded!

I'm authentically glad for the people who figure it out fast, but it's a legitimate challenge for some!

I hope you find a regimen that works. Keep at it: Every little victory is encouraging and gives a little more staying-power for the journey. Hugs!
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I noticed that you are hi po also so you saying that means a lot. I noticed that finding hi po fine haired you tubers is a chore. But I will keep at it.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I noticed that you are hi po also so you saying that means a lot. I noticed that finding hi po fine haired you tubers is a chore. But I will keep at it.

Of course! You are more than welcome!

Tomorrow I'll link a thread where I shared my favorite hipo YouTubers and their videos that helped me most.

Mama Daye (sp?)
Afro Khadisia (sp?)

These two have helped me a lot. Mama Daye encourages me so!

Once I find that thread where I've already done the video linking, I'll share!


P.S. My hair stayed DRY for the first 2.7 years I was natural no matter WHAT I tried. It drove me nuts, and I drove folks on this board nuts as I dealt with it. (Sorry, LHCF sisters!). I was a few WEEKS away from re-relaxing my hair when everything just somehow, almost like magic, clicked. My poor edges and I are relieved I didn't re-relax, but it was close! Hang in there!!! Your experience is not rare. It just takes some of us awhile to figure out our sensitive hair. :smile:
@KinkyRN, I found the thread but realize you've already seen it: https://longhaircareforum.com/threa...h-density-high-porosity.819649/#post-23984767

What is the regimen you were doing the for the past month or so?

I did the below over and over (with the exception of step 1, which the finenaturalhairandfaith.com blogger says we hipo ladies cannot afford to skip, but I don't know) until my hair finally became conditioned over time.
  1. (Pre-poo with something capable of penetrating the strands, else the purpose of pre-pooing is defeated)
  2. Cleanse scalp and strands
  3. Deep condition (either with a protein-moisture balancing DC . . . or with protein followed by a protein-free DC)
  4. Hydrate with AVJ or AVJ-containing product
  5. Moisturize with leave-in and seal with something scientifically and "experientially" capable of keeping my hair moisturized for days
  6. Style
I tried throwing in ACV rinses, oil rinses, etc. . . . because they worked for some people here. They didn't work for me. They might work for you, I don't know.

Rhassoul clay washing did work wonders for me, as did Oyin Hair Dew applied to soaking wet hair. There's no telling whether either ill work for you. Most everything is so individual. :smile:
I told myself I'm going to grow my hair out without extensions and then lied and got some simple feed in French braids for vacation. Y'all that lasted all of a couple days because the chemicals in the kanekalon were irritating my scalp so bad!

I'm on vacation again and I'm wearing my hair out daily. On the one hand, it's forcing me to really moisturize and protect my hair, and re-learn the basics I was lazily :look: doing before I foolishly relaxed my hair. On the other, since I see it everyday, I feel like it's not growing :sad:

I'm probably about NL right now at my nape; I think I can get a lot of growth by the end of the year but I'm so impatient! I just want to be able to have a full puff! I hope by my 1 year post-chop anniversary, I'll get to SL-ish. It's possible but I need to step up my game.
I want to try some nut oils. Is anyone willing to take the rejects off my hands? Some of these suckers ain't cheap. For example, Caiaué
(Ojon) is about $27 for 2 oz.
Pics please. I'd love to see your hair.

Hey Sis,

Here are just a few pics of my hair ... sorry they are not the best quality but I hope this gives an idea of how my 4B/4C texture looks on the Water Only Hair Washing Regimen. Ever since I started this regimen, my natural sebum has caused a natural clumping of the majority of my hair that pretty much stays in tact regardless of how I style my hair. Some sections are more "defined" than others due to the multiple textures on my head but overall it looks uniform.

Last Year June/July 2016 - Bantu Knot Out
My hair started to clump in sections about 1 month after starting this regimen but only in certain sections and not root-to-tip - The Bantu Knot-Out gave the appearance that my hair was uniformly "curly" even though some areas were clumped and others frizzy:

This Year June 2017 - My hair maintains natural root-to-tip clumps wet or dry in addition to whatever pattern I put it in (braid-out, twists-out, etc) - it never did that before

WET hair right before braiding:

DRY hair - Braid Out/Bantu Knot-out On The Ends for Curls:

I know these pics aren't the best but I hope this helps!
@CocoGlow :thud::drool:
Now you got me wondering how to increase sebum production, lol!

Aww Thanks Sis!

Girl sebum truly is the BEST conditioner for my hair! It coats, protects, adds slip and softness unlike any oil, butter, cream, lotion, gel, clay, mucilage herb, or conditioner (natural or commercial) I've ever used - and trust me I have used them ALL :look: :giggle:

And since I only use butters on my ends sparingly I have no need for commercial or herbal cleansers to clarify my hair - only to have to condition it again and start the cycle over again. The fact that this miracle "oil" comes right out of my head is mind boggling and not to mention cost effective - I'm still working on the same 8oz jar of Annabelle's Perfect Blends Hair & Body Butta that I purchased last year!!! :grin:
My natural hair is the thickest my hair has ever been in my life. I am borderline clueless how to style it without gel. My go to hairstyle is a phony pony tail or bun. I am really starting to think about straightening my hair to help me manage it. I already know it would not be a good idea but I still entertain the thought.
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