Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

1. I gave somebody the side eye so hard about some "hair care" advice they tried to give that I ended up with a headache smh.
2. I want to try this new Garnier leave in for curly hair but I'm not wearing my hair curly at the moment and won't be for a while so I saw no need to spend $5 on it right now if it's going to be sitting here collecting dust until May. But I reaaallly want it because their other leave in is a staple.
3. I have growth! This tea and these bamboo vitamins are a keeper. About 3/4 inch growth and I've only been on them since January 13th.
I am so done with my hair. I wear wigs now and now I don't even care if the wig looks realistic or not. Idgaf. Idk what's gotten me in this funk but it has been a while. I decided to let my website and albums go. I just do not have the energy to keep it all up
Cowashed trying to avoid going to sleep this early. Now I'm so relaxed from the shower and scalp massage that I can't be bothered to go in the other room to get my leave in and oil mix. So I'm using SM raw shea butter deep treatment masque as my leave in and olive oil to seal.
I am so done with my hair. I wear wigs now and now I don't even care if the wig looks realistic or not. Idgaf. Idk what's gotten me in this funk but it has been a while. I decided to let my website and albums go. I just do not have the energy to keep it all up
I've followed you off and on for years
You have beautiful hair. I always liked your natural hair. But hey we all have our hair struggles. :yep:
Besides this week my hairs been behavin'! Who would have thought my hair issues would be remedied with a regimen. Yea I know. Duh, right? :campfire:. I've always played it by ear with my hair. I washed when I felt it needed it or I wanted to. That just did not work for my hair. I need scheduled washes. And my hair loves to be shampooed. No more cowashing for me. My hair is only acting funky this week because I was days late with last week's wash. Now I'm getting it back on track.:D
I found an Afroveda sheaAmla from 2012 unopened kept in the refrigerator . I opened it today and it looks good and smells good ,I put it on my hair and feels good ..2012 though .....
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I apologize in advance for the long post:

So I straightened last Thursday and my hair turned out very well. I think I've finally mastered my straightening technique. The only problem was that I wasn't really feeling my hair so I didn't take pictures. I'm disappointed. I should've been at least HL by now as I was WL two years ago. So I think that impacted how I felt about it.

If I'm honest, I haven't been feeling my hair since I made WL back in Dec 2013. That's why I texlaxed in April 2014. I wanted to show more length and get away from those stinkin' SSKs. I had hoped to wet bun since I planned to start working out. But that didn't happen and I grew even more ambivalent about my hair. There were a few benefits to texlaxed hair though - less SSKs, my scalp could breathe better, my "out" styles held better, easier air drying and straightening.

That year, I tried wearing it out more. I tried straightening more often. Yet, each time I straightened, I was disappointed that I had not progressed. Don't get me wrong. I've never had hair this long (MBL) in my entire life. For over 20 years, my hair was never longer than 3-4 inches. So when I shaved my head and started this journey back in 2009, my ultimate goal was APL. I hit that within 2.5 years and I kept hitting goals quickly.

Which brings me back to my disappointment.. since 2014, I haven't been happy with my hair and I had no desire to go back to heavy PSing. So I put my hair back into mini braids this past Thursday, thinking that I would PS for the next 1-1.5 mths and then texlax in March. But I think I've made the decision to leave them in and grow braidlocks. I really didn't want to have to cut off my hair so I found a few blogs and this lady's YT vid:

My mini braids look very similar to hers in length and density. I had always planned to loc at some point in my journey but I had always thought that I had to have natural hair in order to do so. I'm actually getting excited about my hair again. I have fine strands that love low-no manipulation so I anticipate that this will be a move in the positive direction. If not, I have no problem shaving it off and starting over again. Either way, I won't sell myself short again. I'm definitely going for HL hair any way I can get it! :D HHG, ladies!!
For reference, and maybe inspiration. My hair stats are mostly 4b, slow growing, med density, fine strands, no-po and cottony/fluffy:

My BC, June 2009-


CBL, Nov 2010-

APL, Oct 2011

BSB, Apr 2012-

MBL, Apr 2013-

WL, Dec 2013 (lost my photographer in the divorce)-

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I saw you mention divorce and that's a hard thing... usually the hair is the first to go. Proud of you for maintaining :giveheart:

:bighug: Thank you. Yeah, we were married 15.5 years. Still friends and co-parenting but we both still felt the effects.

BTW, were you able to see the pix? I don't know that I'm attaching them correctly.
:bighug: Thank you. Yeah, we were married 15.5 years. Still friends and co-parenting but we both still felt the effects.

BTW, were you able to see the pix? I don't know that I'm attaching them correctly.

Welcome :) Almost 16 years is a feat...

And yep. I saw them in all their glory :yep:
:lol: @ your mother's face she made. Mine is running around town in dresses and heels and make up (now that I done showed her how to get her eyebrows right :rolleyes:), taking pics and sending them to her friends so they can hate. I think she wants me to update her fb page. :rolleyes: :lol:
:rofl: girl my momma posted a pic on her FB with her hair looking all fabulous. I had to tell her to take a nap. She called me like don't hate, appreciate! I just hung up on her cause she was really feeling herself.