ramblings about my hair


New Member
ok i have been here for about 6mths - and i must admit i have made serious progress with my hair! It's even now, after the 2 inch trim i just gave it(was almost a big chop but thats another story), and it's shiny and generally healthy. the issues i still have are:
very sore scalp - so sore that i am on a relaxer stretch that i dont want to be on - i am ok with stretching 3mths, thats normal for me but 6mths? this puff is driving me mad and it almost drove me to chop off my relaxed ends and go naturally again. my mom and sister talked me down with the scissors in my hand.(no kidding)
my hair still tends toward dryness no matter how great i treat it, if i miss a day of moisturizing - its dry - thats fustrating..
also i had a bit of breakage over the winter - think it's a combo of my dry heat and hard water - but that was VERY fustrating because here i am doing all this great stuff to my hair and.... it starts breaking all of a sudden? that aint right, it's not suppose to be this hard!!!

anyhoo, i think i have the breakage under control for the moment, and i am thinking about where to go from here. i am strongly contemplating transitioning to natural,my problem is.... i really like my hair straight. :perplexed
so i decided to think through this relaxer thing and see if there might be a solution to what is ailing me. i mean i do know how to care for relaxed hair now - thanks to you guys - now i just need to solve a few problems

1)my sore scalp so i can stretch by choice and not by the force of a sore scalp(i should say that i dont have the itching soreness when i am natural)
2)hair that does not tend toward dryness - i need a little wiggle room - i would like to have my hair healthy enough that if i miss a day of care, it'snot the end of the world - ya know

my thoughts on possible solution:
might a switch to lye be of help with the dryness of my hair? i use no lye relaxers now, and always have because the thought of lye on my head scares me, and i also have a sore scalp already(i am aware that i have had lye at times when my hair was done professionally - thinking now that the burn was the same).
but now i am wondering if the texture of my hair, given by the no lye relaxer is what is actually causing my tenderness. for example, when i wore extensions, my hair itched so bad i had to take them out, even after the tightness what gone. i just couldnt do it - weaves same thing - so is my relaxed hair acting like synthetic hair to my scalp? is there a solution to this that anyone can think of?
oh i should say that i have decided that my next relaxer - will be done in 4 parts - scalp based days in advance - so i was thinking if i used lye - doing my hair in four parts should atlease help with the burning - sorry this is so wordy, but i guess i am contemplating. i would really like for my hair to LOOK like i know how to take care of it - right now to look at me, with my big puff on top, you might not be sure.
any thoughts?