Quit the Relationship When...


Well-Known Member
When a person is excited about you, they want to communicate with you as often as possible. They will call, tweet, text, facebook; whatever it takes, just to hear from you and to commune with you. When the line from the other end seems dead, something is wrong. Scrutinize your communication. Are you the constant initiator? Do they ever bother? Is your excitement one sided? Value yourself. You also deserve to be longingly anticipated.

When a person asks you out and goes out with you, they will usually communicate and let you know what a good time they had. If they don't follow up the date with any communication, maybe they didn't enjoy it as much as you did. If you are still waiting after a week, two weeks, a month, several months and they don't say anything, they are probably not going to communicate. If you are the only one being superfluous with gratitude about the date, the excitement is lopsided. It seems the pleasure was all yours!

Ladies, a man who is excited about you will not stay silent for days, weeks and months on end after a date. He may be a gentleman and may be playing polite but the truth is, he's just not that interested. Don't keep checking why he hasn't called you back. Don't nag somebody for feedback. Move on. You will find someone who loves you the way you desire to be loved. Remember, you were not created to be tolerated. Let dignity guard you! Dignity is the awareness that you also deserve honor!

One undeniable result of passion is pursuit. When you are passionate about something, you create time for it and you prioritize it. When a person no longer prioritizes your dates, postpones them for flimsy reasons or seems relieved when something else comes up, they are telling you something. When your requests to meet are met with excuses, excuses, excuses like; "I had to work late, I need to do something, my mum sent me to the village, I had homework", they are avoiding you. A person in love with you cannot get enough of being with you.

When you are relegated to the bottom of the priority list the relationship is dying. When you are being endured, it is a bad sign. Don't insist, read the signs. Maya Angelou said "when people show you who they really are, believe them". Many people who have wasted time waiting for someone, simply ignored the obvious signs that were presented before them.

If he/she constantly comes late for dates, because they'd rather be doing something else more interesting, it's a burning bush signal to you. If they begin to postpone dates, the burning bush is now talking. If they don't show up for dates and never say a word, the bush is now shouting while running round in circles. Someone is definitely missing the screaming signs.

Relationships are for two, but as I read on a flier recently, some people don't know how to count. When there's a third person competing for your loved one, and he/she is allowing it, it's time for a relationship review. When your boy/girl friend seems so taken and in awe of another person, it is a red flag. When they would rather do anything for that person but you seem to have to beg, write a petition and a thesis justifying what you are asking for, you are no longer their number one. You have become a contingency plan, an option, a has been. You were "now showing" but you have been overtaken. Watch out, "coming soon" is round the corner.

Also, when your loved one is completely unmoved if someone else is interested in you, they are over you. Even God is jealous for His own. When someone doesn't seem to care whether or not a third party has their sights on you, they have removed themselves from that equation. It doesn't matter any more to them, whether you go or stay.

When he/she would rather be with their buddies rather than you, the relationship is dead.

When a person is sure that they want to spend the rest of their life with you, they introduce you to their close friends and family. They will want you to meet the people that matter to them. Beware of the person who hides you. Who will not be seen with you in public. Whose family has never heard of you and who keeps downplaying the "meet and greet". It is a strong indication that you are not that important to them.

If you were dating and then suddenly you are the only one introducing them as your boy/girlfriend, something is wrong. If they introduce you as their neighbor, friend or prayer partner and seem not to call you girl/boyfriend anymore, they are over you.

Just to clarify something here; Never assume that you are dating someone. It doesn't matter how many dates you have gone for, you have to agree when you are "officially" boyfriend and girl/friend. If this had happened but the person now struggles to introduce you as such; they are either embarrassed about you or not convinced in their heart about you.

Passion can be impatient. When a person is excited about something, they want it now! It doesn't ever seem to happen fast enough. That is why, when the person you are dating begins to talk in terms of slowing things down, they are sending a message. They are easing you off. They want to gently back off from you. I'm not talking about a genuine request to figure out whether or not they are ready. I'm talking about someone who just wants more "SPACE" away from you. Don't ask make it more awkward by asking " Can I call you after space period is over"? Get the message.

Honorable people are straight forward and honest in a polite and loving way. Unfortunately, not everyone is honorable in relationships. It's a sad thing when you find yourself with someone who doesn't have the backbone to tell you that they don't think the relationship is going anywhere. Someone who strings you along and keeps you frustrated and wondering.
When a person is excited about you, they want to communicate with you as often as possible. They will call, tweet, text, facebook; whatever it takes, just to hear from you and to commune with you. When the line from the other end seems dead, something is wrong. Scrutinize your communication. Are you the constant initiator? Do they ever bother? Is your excitement one sided? Value yourself. You also deserve to be longingly anticipated.

Honorable people are straight forward and honest in a polite and loving way. Unfortunately, not everyone is honorable in relationships. It's a sad thing when you find yourself with someone who doesn't have the backbone to tell you that they don't think the relationship is going anywhere. Someone who strings you along and keeps you frustrated and wondering.

These are two things that I really need to keep in mind and make sure I stick to and understand. I think after my exhausting 6 year on and off relationship, I felt as though I wasn't worth much... still something I have a lot to work on. I was always the one pulling the weight, and I think that mindset has definitely hurt my dating efforts because that should be a sign that the mutual interest is either not mutual or way off balance.

The latter is so true... it's funny, because I told a guy not too long ago that I dislike when a guy isn't upfront and admits if he's lost interest, etc. He stated that he hated confrontation and that it's uncomfortable... :nono: How uncomfortable is it for the woman who thinks that things may be fine but your behavior is erratic and confusing, that she's not sure how to take it? It's unfair and is somewhat equal to playing games, in my opinion. Life is too short to waste time not being honest about what you feel is or isn't there. :( And the guys that go 'ghost'? Please don't get me started... that hurts the most because there is no explanation or understanding as to why it happened... and some woman (okay, some like me) are sometimes left if it was something they did when they haven't really done anything wrong at all.
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