Quickly! Help Me Find the Strongest Lye Relaxer!


Well-Known Member
Please PM me the strongest Lye Relaxer. I am sick of this texlaxed stuff. I just did a strand test with Silk Elements Super Relaxer, did the smoothing technique, ran through it with a comb, let it process for 40 minutes and my hair still came out with a wave. :whyme: I even thermally straightened it before the relaxing process and it still came out looking like I have a frigging jheri curl. It isn't even straight when wet.

:cry3: Please help me, I have been dealing with this for almost two years and I can't take it anymore. Here are the relaxers I have used that have failed:

Affirm Resistant
Affirm Regular
Variations with Aloe Regular
Design Essentials
Silk Elements Coarse (Super)
Vitale Super

A No-Lye Relaxer is not an option... thanks in advance.
TCB Bone Straight.........
ETA: Have you ever done a porosity test? or keep up w/ regular conditioning to control your hair porosity? that could be the reason you hair is taking so long to process. Just thought I'd throw the thought out there.
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hey anky! Bantu was a relaxer that took me bonestraight everytime. I don't hear much about it on the boards, but it was a very good relaxer. Do you think your hair is just naturally resistant to chemical treatments? Have you tried clariying your hair 2-3 days prior to the service to sorta "free up" the cuticle so the relaxer will take better?
Anky!!! What makes you give up the texlaxing lifestyle? I am thinking of doing the same. I only texlaxed once and the tangles are getting me. My next relaxer I will probably go back to be bone straight:ohwell:

I am interested in reading this thread!
Asha, I had the Revlon Realistic Super in my hand and then I grabbed Silk Elements instead. The ingredients for Silk Elements were great but it just didn't straighten my 6F hair.

Beautiful Wide Eyes, hey I forgot about strong :censored: TCB! hahaha! I know that'll get my hair straight :lol:

Slick, Bantu, you say? Hm... Bantu? I wish I could search for reviews, lol

I just can't have texlaxed hair anymore. I want to have straight, wet hair.
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Sistaslick said:
hey anky! Bantu was a relaxer that took me bonestraight everytime. I don't hear much about it on the boards, but it was a very good relaxer. Do you think your hair is just naturally resistant to chemical treatments? Have you tried clariying your hair 2-3 days prior to the service to sorta "free up" the cuticle so the relaxer will take better?

Hey Sista!! Where do you purchase Bantu relaxer??? Did you experience breakage or shedding with this relaxer?
no breakage... nothing! I used it once while I was waiting on a certain family member (who shall remain nameless:lol: ) to return my Mizani mild- back when I was using mild. I never got my Mizani back and didn't have time to order another. My brother was staying with us at the time, and somehow he had a baby tub of Bantu with him... I didn't ask him why :lol: :look: :lol: :lol: It worked like a charm though-- just took me a little straighter than I wanted to go.

I think I remember seeing it at Sally's.
Sistaslick said:
no breakage... nothing! I used it once while I was waiting on a certain family member (who shall remain nameless:lol: ) to return my Mizani mild- back when I was using mild. I never got my Mizani back and didn't have time to order another. My brother was staying with us at the time, and somehow he had a baby tub of Bantu with him... I didn't ask him why :lol: :look: :lol: :lol: It worked like a charm though-- just took me a little straighter than I wanted to go.

*adds this to her think-about-it-list* Thanks sista!
I'm surprised to see that mizani didn't straighten your hair :shocked: That stuff ate through my hair and i ended up regretting the day i let that relaxer near me (i have fine hair though, and i used regular strength lye)

Revlon REalistic and Bantu are good places to start.... the dominicans around me use Bantu and that stuff is strong! I used to use Revlon mild and my hair was bone straight with that stuff. Vitale is strong as heck too!

I tried affirm and didn't like it either, my hair was seriously underprocessed and that created horrible hair issues for me. Unfortunately i can't think of any higher end lye relaxers.. I currently use phyto after years of unmanageable lye relaxed hair. And i'm very pleased, but i understand you not wanting to go the no-lye route.
Both Bantu and Hawaiian Silky Lye got my hair bone straight. I actually really liked the HS--it just didn't respond well to my scalp at the time.
I'm putting my vote in for Bantu. If you try it, don't start with the super. Try the regular and leave it on for a couple of extra minutes. The regular is so strong, I can't imagine what the super may be like. If Bantu doesn't get it straight..:eek: ..I don't know.
co-sign w/Bantu. One bit of advise - this stuff works quick so an extra set of hands (if you're delf relaxing) would help. My sister has really coarse, curly hair and this is all she can use. Her hair comes out straight!
Although i've never tried it myself, Ive heard from numerous folks that Hawaiian silky gets their hair bone straight and very silky.
I feel exactly the same as you Anky, my cousin who is the best stylist ever said I can go back to no-lye with no problems, I may let her do it and just grew this texlaxed mess out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont want to try another lye cos it may just do the same thing, I know that no-lyes gets me done straight and I never had any issues with it in the past...
I agree with everyone about the Bantu. My mom used that on my hair when I was younger. I HATED that perm with a passion. Yes it got my hair straight but it (most of the time)had my scalp on fire! :( Sometimes it even had me in tears. I have 4a/4b thick coarse resistant hair and it did the job but unfortunately it did a job on my scalp too. I hated perm time. I sooo don't missed those days.
anky said:
Please PM me the strongest Lye Relaxer. I am sick of this texlaxed stuff. I just did a strand test with Silk Elements Super Relaxer, did the smoothing technique, ran through it with a comb, let it process for 40 minutes and my hair still came out with a wave. :whyme: I even thermally straightened it before the relaxing process and it still came out looking like I have a frigging jheri curl. It isn't even straight when wet.

:cry3: Please help me, I have been dealing with this for almost two years and I can't take it anymore. Here are the relaxers I have used that have failed:

Affirm Resistant
Affirm Regular
Variations with Aloe Regular
Design Essentials
Silk Elements Coarse (Super)
Vitale Super

A No-Lye Relaxer is not an option... thanks in advance.

Are you talking about the Vitale Concorde/Fast Action or the life and body? I was going to recommend the concord. I'm actually surprised to see the Affrim Resistant didn't work for you. It got my hair straight. How long do you stretch your relaxers?
Wow! I didn't know so many people used Bantu! You never hear about it on the boards:lol: It was my relaxer of childhood- I'll never forget it. I agree with Kim, I wouldn't use the super starting out-- that stuff with have your hair LAID. Bantu must have been Madame CJ walker's first relaxer recipe or something:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
The strongest one that comes to mind is Bantu. I've never used it but my best friend in Milwaukee uses it faithfully and has for years since we were in high school. She has really thick hair. She has tried others, but always go back to Bantu.
Sistaslick said:
Wow! I didn't know so many people used Bantu! You never hear about it on the boards:lol: It was my relaxer of childhood- I'll never forget it. I agree with Kim, I wouldn't use the super starting out-- that stuff with have your hair LAID. Bantu must have been Madame CJ walker's first relaxer recipe or something:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

:lachen: Girl, you are too funny!
Hi Anky,
Maybe you're having problems with your relaxed hair texture because you're leaving the relaxer in too long? I was browsing fotki's for inspiration (as usual :lol: ) and someone had posted this comment in someone's fotki (I think it was kitchentician's):

"Previous posts suggested that you need to leave relaxer in longer than 15min...but, it's not recommanded.

There are 4 types of relaxers on the market..(1)Sodium-Hydroxide(salon formulas...like affirm,motions,No-base relaxers)(2)Calcium-Hydroxide (your typical no-lye relaxers...usally ones that you mix)(3)Ammonium-Hydroxide (Liquid/gel relaxers like
Vigorol relaxer,New Era relaxers)(4)Lithium Hydroxide(relaxers that call No-mix/No-lye relaxers).

These relaxers has pH values anywhere from 10+ to 14+...your normal pH is 4.5-5.5.If you leave the relaxer for too long and it will do revere affect on your hair. It will make your hair from being straight to make your hair fuzzy....if that happens your hair is already over-processed. If the relaxer(s) your using doen't take,do not leave it in for longer period of time....

Majority of Sodium-Hydroxide relaxers ...it's good Idea to use so called stabilizers(Lower pH conditioners)you use during the relaxers to make your hair more soft and managable.
All good relaxer systems will have Lower pH conditioners.
Vitale will have their Revive Conditioner and Optimum have their new Opti pH normailizer(used to be called synthesis),porosity Control Conditioner,Roux French Perm Stabilizer(I recommand this one..It has pH of 2.5)I could go on but, I have sell products not lecture. My website www.townbeauty.com "

I don't know how reputable the source was but the bolded part always stood out to me and I copy and pasted the comment into one of my hair notes files. So its food for thought! Maybe you just need a really strong relaxer and leave it on for the time recommended for coarse. Good luck!
chocobunny38 said:
Hi Anky,
Maybe you're having problems with your relaxed hair texture because you're leaving the relaxer in too long? I was browsing fotki's for inspiration (as usual :lol: ) and someone had posted this comment in someone's fotki (I think it was kitchentician's):

"Previous posts suggested that you need to leave relaxer in longer than 15min...but, it's not recommanded.

There are 4 types of relaxers on the market..(1)Sodium-Hydroxide(salon formulas...like affirm,motions,No-base relaxers)(2)Calcium-Hydroxide (your typical no-lye relaxers...usally ones that you mix)(3)Ammonium-Hydroxide (Liquid/gel relaxers like
Vigorol relaxer,New Era relaxers)(4)Lithium Hydroxide(relaxers that call No-mix/No-lye relaxers).

These relaxers has pH values anywhere from 10+ to 14+...your normal pH is 4.5-5.5.If you leave the relaxer for too long and it will do revere affect on your hair. It will make your hair from being straight to make your hair fuzzy....if that happens your hair is already over-processed. If the relaxer(s) your using doen't take,do not leave it in for longer period of time....

Majority of Sodium-Hydroxide relaxers ...it's good Idea to use so called stabilizers(Lower pH conditioners)you use during the relaxers to make your hair more soft and managable.
All good relaxer systems will have Lower pH conditioners.
Vitale will have their Revive Conditioner and Optimum have their new Opti pH normailizer(used to be called synthesis),porosity Control Conditioner,Roux French Perm Stabilizer(I recommand this one..It has pH of 2.5)I could go on but, I have sell products not lecture. My website www.townbeauty.com "

I don't know how reputable the source was but the bolded part always stood out to me and I copy and pasted the comment into one of my hair notes files. So its food for thought! Maybe you just need a really strong relaxer and leave it on for the time recommended for coarse. Good luck!

Very Intersting!!!!!!!!! Thank you for posting this info...never heard this before!
chocobunny38 said:
These relaxers has pH values anywhere from 10+ to 14+...your normal pH is 4.5-5.5.If you leave the relaxer for too long and it will do revere affect on your hair. It will make your hair from being straight to make your hair fuzzy....if that happens your hair is already over-processed. If the relaxer(s) your using doen't take,do not leave it in for longer period of time....

Anky, if your hair isn't naturally resistant to chemicals, this could be it too. From what I've seen, it seems that this phenomenon is most common on the ends of the hair shaft though because of their almost unavoidable exposure to multiple relaxings. I remember awhile back on another board, a lady noticed this problem taking place on the ends of her hair. The roots were straight but her ends just stayed puffy and underprocessed looking. No matter how long she left relaxer on the ends to correct it, it would not straighten. Just like in that quote, my main thoughts were that her ends had become overprocessed. Relaxing swells the hair shaft and opens the cuticle, and normally the cuticles close back down after the process. But when the hair has been overprocessed, the cuticles never fully close back. When this happens, the ends tend to take on a reddish, swollen, puffy look. Do you think you may have overprocessed your hair in an attempt to get it fully straight?
I think you probably just have super strong hair. When your hair is extremely strong it may take several complete applications to break through the cutucle layer. I used to have that problem when I relaxed. As soon as the hair dresser washed the perm out it would curl right back. Then the next week she would want to perm it again. I let one hair dresser do this and my hair went snap crackle pop. Once I started self relaxing I would relax with Optimum mild every three weeks overlapping the last application so it would get straight.
Revlon is good, and it doesn't interfere with whatever hair products you use. My hairstylist still carries it along with Affirm.
jaiku said:
I think you probably just have super strong hair. When your hair is extremely strong it may take several complete applications to break through the cutucle layer. I used to have that problem when I relaxed. As soon as the hair dresser washed the perm out it would curl right back. Then the next week she would want to perm it again. I let one hair dresser do this and my hair went snap crackle pop. Once I started self relaxing I would relax with Optimum mild every three weeks overlapping the last application so it would get straight.

This happened to me before. My hair laughed at the relaxer. I think I went back a week or two later and he re-relaxed my hair. I had no problems. I can't remember the brand because I was about 14 years old.

Anywho, I think since your hair is so resistent, that you should try to find a professional to do it.
I am really suprised that Mizanii didn't do it for you. What strength of Mizani did you use? I used regular stregnth and it straightened me right out with little effort which surprises me becasue my hair is not course but it can be resistant.
Anky, your hair sounds like mine. I have a strong curl pattern that resists relaxers. Even when I was relaxed, I still had the waves and had to flat iron my hair to get it strait.:ohwell: My natural hair has never gotten strait without chemicals. I had it pressed strait and it lasted for 30 minutes. I can't wait for my hair to get long enough to try my maxiglide.:lol: