Quick Yay or Nay: Hooded/Bonnet Hair Dryer?


New Member
I'm concerned that I'm not maximizing my deep conditioning treatments because I have not used a hooded hair dryer for heating purposes. I have used the conditioning cap and I'll put a tight cap over that and leave on for a while (sometimes overnight). I know that my natural body heat will produce some heat for the treatment to take effect, but now, esp. as it's getting colder, might it be worth it to invest in a hooded hair dryer? Not anything too expensive, but reasonably priced, e.g., Wal-Mart or Sally's, maybe?

Thanks for the quick response!
I have a soft bonnet dryer that I purchased from Sallys, and its called a Carel. I use it to deep condition, and also to dry my roller sets. And I like that fact that Im not restricted to one area because it allows me to move around.:)
Yayyy, I also have the Carel soft Bonnet dryer. It allows you to be comfortable while your hair is drying! Instead of the stiff position u must stay in with other dryers... ;)
I was thinking about getting a soft bonnet dryer and I think I might just do that. I have slacked up on my rollersets because I HATE sitting under the dryer.
BabyImaStarr said:
I was thinking about getting a soft bonnet dryer and I think I might just do that. I have slacked up on my rollersets because I HATE sitting under the dryer.
Girl, do it!! Im telling you, with my soft bonnet I can move around, look at LHCF, fall asleep (even though Im not advising you to do this:lol: ), and alot of other things!
I have a soft bonnet, but I use a heating cap more often for the conditioners.;) I think some type of heat with the conditioner works best for me anyway. The hard bonnets get too hot, and I feel confined to one spot.
I bought mine during lunch...I will be going home today and making yet another attempt at a rollerset...Wish me Luck!
I def say soft bonnet because I bought hard cover one that flips up from Black and Gold and it's not comfortable because you have to 1.) Find somewhere to put it up high where it won't fall down and you can't relax or fall asleep while it is on; which I love to do because the heat makes you sleepy.

2.) It takes alot of energy out of the power circuits and the only place I can use it is in the front hall by the buffet.

3.) The soft bonnet is cheaper so, yeah. Go ahead and save so money girl. You'll get the same results anyway.;)
JCoily said:
YAY for soft bonnet dryers!:thumbsup: (just don't get a black n gold)

BOOO for heating caps!:angry2:

What is the difference between heating caps and soft bonnet dryers?
*ElleB said:
What is the difference between heating caps and soft bonnet dryers?

Heating cap

To me, the heat doesn't distribute evenly. I would take the cap off and the hair at the crown of my head would be hot and the rest of my hair would be barely lukewarm. I noticed that my hair didn't hold moisture well after use.

Soft Bonnet Dryer

More comfortable, and all my hair was evenly heated/warmed.
Thank a bunch, ladies. I got my soft bonnet dryer today from Sally's and will do the deep conditioning treatment Saturday afternoon after I get home from class.... I'll pop in a movie and just CHILL....
RelaxerRehab said:
Thank a bunch, ladies. I got my soft bonnet dryer today from Sally's and will do the deep conditioning treatment Saturday afternoon after I get home from class.... I'll pop in a movie and just CHILL....

Update please????

how'd it come out?

of course it's not because i'm really that interested :grin::D

....grabbing car keys and map-questing most convenient routes to Sally's..
JCoily said:
Heating cap

To me, the heat doesn't distribute evenly. I would take the cap off and the hair at the crown of my head would be hot and the rest of my hair would be barely lukewarm. I noticed that my hair didn't hold moisture well after use.

Soft Bonnet Dryer

More comfortable, and all my hair was evenly heated/warmed.

Thanks for clarifying!