Quick trimming question


Well-Known Member
This question is geared toward the ladies that get their hair trimmed in a salon. And more specifically,ladies who get blunt trims.When you ask for a trim(not a dusting) what exactly do you say? Like do you say I want it evened up. Or do you just show the person who is doing the trimming how much you want off? Do you tell them to follow the pattern or shape of your hair?

I'm asking this because I got a trim today. I'm TRYING to grow my layers out. So I wanted to even it up in the back. I assumed when you ask for your hair to be evened out, the hair would be combed down and the hair would cut in that fashion. Pardon me if I sound ignorant but I've had layers for so long,that I'm just used to my hair being pulled every which way and snipped.

Good question. I'm growing layers out too and would like to know thoughts on this too.

My stylist of years ago set my hair, and I have just been following the shape of her trim, which served well for awhile.

I have wondered about following the pattern of your hair, since for me, my hair grows at different rates in different parts of my head (e.g., edges grow slow, and one side of my head grows like a weed while the other grows at regular pace) - so evening up would always have me cutting to the slowest growing portion of my hair. If that makes sense.

I am probably going to go back to my trusted stylist to reshape my hair pretty soon.
In thinking about it, to make it even, I would guess that you would just get it cut blunt, straight across, and allow your layers to grow out in some areas and trim in others. But you lose some length from the V-cut you usually get with layers. Might be too drastic for some. Maybe you could blunt cut it in pieces, over time. Instead of doing it in one visit. This might help in avoiding a drastic reduction in length from taking the V completely off.
Thanks for responding Lovie. I asked because she started to do something that made me go :perplexed. It was as if she was cutting layers back into my hair that I'm trying to get rid of.
Oh the blunt cut wouldn't bother me I needed to lose about 3in. I'm very satisfied with the outcome,in no way am I complaining. She parted my hair down the middle and then proceeded to pull my left side to the front and snip. She repeated this step for the right side as well. Now I know when I would get my layers trimmed, this was done. I just thought when you wanted it to be even the hair is combed down and trimmed that way.
Hmm, I see. Maybe she is gradually "blunting" (for lack of a better term) your current layers? So it wont leave you with layers that dont look botchy? Maybe that is why it looked as if she were cutting layers into your hair if she is picking up those layered pieces to gradually make them blunt?

I'm looking at your pictures in your siggy -- say that the shortest layer you have is at your shoulder. Well, she could just cut all of your length to that shortest layer and voila, everything is blunt. But you would probably want to strangle her for taking so much off. So maybe she is gradually waiting for your shortest layer to grow out to catch up with the next level/layer of hair. I think maybe going from a V shape to a U shape then gradually to a blunt cut is how it probably happens.

Again - I am no expert, so I can't say for sure.

I would recommend that you ask her. Let her know what you want to do, and how she will try to help you meet that goal. She will probably be happy to explain her method or approach. :)Then that way you can also be sure you guys are on the same page. :o)
Oops, Sorry, just saw your post. It sounds like she is still following the shape of your layers for now. I say that because that is how I followed the shape of my stylists professional trim for so long! :)

BTW - your hair is beeee-u-tiful!
I'm growing out layers as well. For me to even out my hair would mean that I would have to cut it to my shortest layer and that is a little longer than SL. That's not going to happen. When I go from my trims, I just tell the stylist to trim off a specific amount like 1/2". That is what she does. She trims all of my hair, and not just the bottom. I did get rid of some of my bottom layers in Dec. I asked her to just cut that off and she did, and then went and lightly trimmed my other layers. She knows that I am trying to grow them out so she keeps that in mind. I have 2 great stylist that always listen and do exactly what I say for my trims.

I know eventually to get my hair totally even I will have to do a big cut, but I want to wait until I have more length.
I'm growing out layers as well. For me to even out my hair would mean that I would have to cut it to my shortest layer and that is a little longer than SL. That's not going to happen. When I go from my trims, I just tell the stylist to trim off a specific amount like 1/2". That is what she does. She trims all of my hair, and not just the bottom. I did get rid of some of my bottom layers in Dec. I asked her to just cut that off and she did, and then went and lightly trimmed my other layers. She knows that I am trying to grow them out so she keeps that in mind. I have 2 great stylist that always listen and do exactly what I say for my trims.

I know eventually to get my hair totally even I will have to do a big cut, but I want to wait until I have more length.

So, I'm curious to know, does she follow the original shape of the trim for the part of your hair that she "lightly" trims? Or is she gradually still letting that go by lightly trimming it into a new shape and ultimately letting them grow into the blunt cut?

Sorry but this is the part that isn't clear to me :ohwell:
So, I'm curious to know, does she follow the original shape of the trim for the part of your hair that she "lightly" trims? Or is she gradually still letting that go by lightly trimming it into a new shape and ultimately letting them grow into the blunt cut?

Sorry but this is the part that isn't clear to me :ohwell:

The shape of my hair hasn't changed, so I believe she just follows the original shape. My layers are growing out, but they are still there. The only way for me to be blunt is for me to basically do a big cut. I don't think I will do that until I get past MBL.
Thanks as well Kellum! I see now. I asked and she explained her reasoning for it. It seemed kind of janky to me at first. But listening to your explanation Lovie, it makes perfect sense now. She basically dusted the top but I got kind of worried when she pulled the hair around to the front. The shape is more of a blunt u now. I actually wanted her to cut more and she was like umm no,lol. I just want these layers gone already,ugh!!
Thanks as well Kellum! I see now. I asked and she explained her reasoning for it. It seemed kind of janky to me at first. But listening to your explanation Lovie, it makes perfect sense now. She basically dusted the top but I got kind of worried when she pulled the hair around to the front. The shape is more of a blunt u now. I actually wanted her to cut more and she was like umm no,lol. I just want these layers gone already,ugh!!

This is what I am going through as well...growing out these doggone layers...I just got a "therapeutic trim" a couple of weeks ago and she did go through and lightly dust my hair while making the "bottom" of my hair blunt. It looks and feels so much better and cannot even tell that the layers have been dusted...
Lol Sqzbly that's what I'm going to call it, a therapeutic trim. When everyone asks why I did it. I feel much better having it this now. I felt like my ends were see through.
Thanks as well Kellum! I see now. I asked and she explained her reasoning for it. It seemed kind of janky to me at first. But listening to your explanation Lovie, it makes perfect sense now. She basically dusted the top but I got kind of worried when she pulled the hair around to the front. The shape is more of a blunt u now. I actually wanted her to cut more and she was like umm no,lol. I just want these layers gone already,ugh!!

You're welcome. :) Because our hair has layers it wouldn't make sense to just trim the bottom and not go in and trim the other hair. When my stylist starts to go through my layes, I know she is only doing a small trim and not relayering my hair. I have had that done before too and it was frustrating because I would have to start over with growing again. I can tell that my layers are longer than before and that is good. It jus takes time to grow them out to a certain length where I will be able to blunt cut. My hair is more a U shape as well.

Its good that she sadid no and didn't cut more. Just let them grow some more and trim a little more at the bottom each time.

This is what I am going through as well...growing out these doggone layers...I just got a "therapeutic trim" a couple of weeks ago and she did go through and lightly dust my hair while making the "bottom" of my hair blunt. It looks and feels so much better and cannot even tell that the layers have been dusted...

I like that "therapeutic trim". That is exactly what I had done in Dec. of last year. I got the majority of my bottom layers cut off. I lost like 1 1/2" in length, but my hair felt so much better and it looked a whole lot thicker.