Quick Review: New Product Line from Kenra


With Love & Silk
I thought my little review deserved a separate thread. But I started a thread about a week ago about how Kenra finally responded to me about my hopes that they are intending to bring back the Intensive Emollient Treatment.

They aren't bringing it back, but their rep told me they have another product line called Unreel that has a similar product called Penetrating Emollient Treatment. (PET!) I ordered a couple of tubes as well as a spray leave-in that comes in this new line of products. The PET has the same ingredient list as the KIE, but doesn't have the silk amino acids that the KIE had.

I tried the PET and the leave-in tonight and like both enough to call tomorrow and place another order! The PET performed just like the KIE, if not better. My hair feels SO luscious, air dried. :)

If you're interested, the product line is carried in a few salons across the nation. Other than that, you can call the Kenra customer service number (found at www.kenra.com) to order.

The Unreel product line is a complete relaxer and conditioning system. The relaxer is marketed to caucasian women. The products I ordered are the conditioning products that accompany the line. You can see more info. at www.unreelhair.com
Thanks for the review SG. So you can call to order? Do you mind telling us how much each tube costs.

I didn't know if you still wanted or could find the IET, but cosmetic mall still sells this:

I thought my little review deserved a separate thread. But I started a thread about a week ago about how Kenra finally responded to me about my hopes that they are intending to bring back the Intensive Emollient Treatment.

They aren't bringing it back, but their rep told me they have another product line called Unreel that has a similar product called Penetrating Emollient Treatment. (PET!) I ordered a couple of tubes as well as a spray leave-in that comes in this new line of products. The PET has the same ingredient list as the KIE, but doesn't have the silk amino acids that the KIE had.

I tried the PET and the leave-in tonight and like both enough to call tomorrow and place another order! The PET performed just like the KIE, if not better. My hair feels SO luscious, air dried. :)

If you're interested, the product line is carried in a few salons across the nation. Other than that, you can call the Kenra customer service number (found at www.kenra.com) to order.

The Unreel product line is a complete relaxer and conditioning system. The relaxer is marketed to caucasian women. The products I ordered are the conditioning products that accompany the line. You can see more info. at www.unreelhair.com
So I just placed my 2nd order. (this is the 'hoarding' step of the PJ cycle)
I'm going to go and store their number in my phone. :)