Quick Question


New Member
Im thinking about getting kinky twists done soon, and I was reading earlier about the dirt knot someone experienced....could this be avoided by clarifying when u wash ur hair with the kinky twists still in since its a result of build up or is it not suggested to do that???? what ways can this be avoided???
I don't wear kinky twists but I do wear braids. I assume the "dirt knot" is the same one that can be gotten from wearing braids. I never get them and I assume it's because I never apply conditioner to the bottom inch of my braids; I don't use anything on my scalp or on my braids, and if I had to spay something on my braids, I'd avoid the bottom inch close to the starting point of the braids; I redo my braids as soon as possible, not undoing the lot but taking out one at a time, finger-combing and then rebraiding. Since I don't use products in my hair, I never clarify...so I dunno if that's something that might help. Kinky twist wearers might be better at advising you on that.
Well, I use to do my own kinky twists and box braids and I have never had an issue with buildup after I knew the proper way to add products ans such. So i haven't had to resort to clairfying reguarly with them but I have done it once and I believe I saw a difference.. but you can avoid this altogether by making sure you dont apply too much product at the base of the braids. everyday isn't nesscary you may shampoo and condition with a sponge to keep the style looking fresh. If you plan to exceed 2 months I suggest you re-do the sides where build-up is mostly found.
thanx alot ladies...I usually dont leave mine in long enough to get build up but since I might leave them for just about two months,....this info really helps