Quick question on daily moisturizing for the pro's


Active Member
Hello beautiful ladies of LHCF,

I'm new to the forum and I just wanted to thank you all for changing the life of my hair. I never imagined that my hair could get anywhere near the length of any of yours but now I have hope, lol. Ive been reading and learning new things daily - barely getting anything done at work:rolleyes: but its so worth it. So my question is about moisturizing. I am relaxed, I usually relax every 5 or 6 weeks.. I am now at 6 weeks and plan to go another 6 weeks since i've been here:yep:. Its so funny that I always thought I could absolutely never go 1 day over 6 weeks or I would be a HOT mess, but i've been deep conditioning my hair 2x or 3x a week, you cant even tell that i need a relaxer after I flat iron..I know the flat iron is bad for me but I need to use it sometimes, I havent made all the correct changes yet but i will get there slowly. so daily moisturizing and sealing with oil?? how do you do this without leaving your ends looking crazy?? I had flatironed hair, i moisturized the ends with neutrogena silky touch(recommended by lorraine) and seal with castor oil or olive oil, and wrap my hair.. The next morning my ends look crazy, like i need to flat iron again, but i dont want to bcuz thats too much heat. Im now wearing a half wig, which i love but I still want to know how you guys do this and wear your hair straight afterwards. So I don't know if im doing something wrong. I didnt use alot, but I know the hair has to get enough so it penetrates the shaft. so any advice, please school a newbie:blush:
Welcome noob! :D

I can't imagine why your ends would be frizzy after wrapping your hair. I can think of two reasons why your hair may be doing this

1) Your hair just doesn't like NTM leave in. Have you tried using any other moisturizers?
2) Try an oil moisturizer, or one that isn't watery like Elasta QP Mango Butter or Shescentit's Gillian Butter
Welcome ! I agree with tiffers, your problem could be the NTM leave in. I tried to use NTM as a daily moisturizer and it didn't agree with my hair. My hair responds better to oil and/or butter moisturizers. I use BB oil moisturizer with castor oil or Jane & Carter nourish and shine.
Thanks so much ladies for responding!! I wil try an oil or butter based moisturizer. The NTM seemed really watery, i gues its right when they say everything does not work for everyone..
Welcome ! I agree with tiffers, your problem could be the NTM leave in. I tried to use NTM as a daily moisturizer and it didn't agree with my hair. My hair responds better to oil and/or butter moisturizers. I use BB oil moisturizer with castor oil or Jane & Carter nourish and shine.

YUP!!!! I second that emotion.....:yep:
Welcome! I'm not a pro but I thought I chime in since the pros here helped me so I hope you don't mind. :) I had the same problem w/ NTM but I now use AG Fastfood and when I do seal I use castor oil also. My hair/ends are always in good shape after using this. HTH
Welcome! I'm not a pro but I thought I chime in since the pros here helped me so I hope you don't mind. :) I had the same problem w/ NTM but I now use AG Fastfood and when I do seal I use castor oil also. My hair/ends are always in good shape after using this. HTH
I wanna try that so bad! It gets nothing but raves
Thanks for your advice - this is my 3rd post so you all are pro's to me:yep:
I will be in the bss store today after work.. i spend way to much time there as well, always missing my train trying to pick up a new product:lachen:
Is the jane carter nourish and shine in bss store, ive never heard of it until recently? oh and where do you get eh ag fastfood? my beautician uses it before rollersetting, but thats on wet hair....but I havent gone to her since i found you guys..she uses way to much heat...
Thanks for your advice - this is my 3rd post so you all are pro's to me:yep:
I will be in the bss store today after work.. i spend way to much time there as well, always missing my train trying to pick up a new product:lachen:
Is the jane carter nourish and shine in bss store, ive never heard of it until recently? oh and where do you get eh ag fastfood? my beautician uses it before rollersetting, but thats on wet hair....but I havent gone to her since i found you guys..she uses way to much heat...

I order it from Curlmart but my BSS has it now and it's alittle cheaper so I'll be picking it up from them from now on. Check your BSS they may have it also.
Thanks for your advice - this is my 3rd post so you all are pro's to me:yep:
I will be in the bss store today after work.. i spend way to much time there as well, always missing my train trying to pick up a new product:lachen:
Is the jane carter nourish and shine in bss store, ive never heard of it until recently? oh and where do you get eh ag fastfood? my beautician uses it before rollersetting, but thats on wet hair....but I havent gone to her since i found you guys..she uses way to much heat...
As far as I know, both products are really hard to find at bss', unless you live in places like CA and NY. You can get AG Fast Food from www.sleekhair.com and JC N&S from www.beautyofnewyork.com
Both of those vendors have FAST shipping :)
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Ljamie4- I use it sometimes on wet hair but I like it the best on dry hair as a moisturizer.