Quick Question on Coconut Oil


Well-Known Member
This may be a stupid question but is there such a thing as 100% Organic Coconut oil that does not turn solid?

I'm asking because I received my Bee Mine Serum which lists this as one of it's main ingredients (the first listed) and I'm perplexed as to how it does not turn solid like BT does. I do LOVE that it doesn't but it's got me thinking about the formula. Is it the addition of EVOO or EO's? Perhaps there is only a small amount of the coconut oil, even though it's listed first?

Nope. Coconut Oil naturally solidifies at around 72 degrees. So, unless you keep it in a warm area, it will always be solid. Good Luck!
Nope. Coconut Oil naturally solidifies at around 72 degrees. So, unless you keep it in a warm area, it will always be solid. Good Luck!

Thanks for the reply...now I'm wondering if the coconut oil that's suppose to be in Bee Mine is a bamboozlement :ohwell: I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, perhaps it's the amount of EVOO and EO's that prevents the coconut oil from solidifying...I hope:ohwell:
It probably contains Fractionated Coconut Oil. Here is some info that I got from this site-http://www.coastalscents.com/cfwebstore/index.cfm/product/1215_13/coconut-oil-fractionated.cfm

Coconut Oil Fractionated is a clear liguid, odorless oil that does not solidify. Fractionated coconut oil is a pure product with no additives or solvents. It’s processed by using hydrolysis or high pressure.

Hope that helps.
It probably contains Fractionated Coconut Oil. Here is some info that I got from this site-http://www.coastalscents.com/cfwebstore/index.cfm/product/1215_13/coconut-oil-fractionated.cfm

Coconut Oil Fractionated is a clear liguid, odorless oil that does not solidify. Fractionated coconut oil is a pure product with no additives or solvents. It’s processed by using hydrolysis or high pressure.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the info!