Quick Question--Does anyone know if hair still grows during fasts & detoxs?


New Member
Next month my mom wants me to fast & detox w/her. My goal is to be APL by Christmas or New years eve. I've been getting 1" a month, and i still need two more inches which i plan to get in November & December
But i dont know if hair still grows when your fasting & detoxing....because i think your body is using everything that stored up and getting rid of things, and hair is just extra material right? I just would like to know so i can extend my goal to a later date.
Hers is to do 10 days fruit, 10 days fruit juices, 10 days water...i might do the same, but maybe less days water & juice, more days fruit because i really hope not to loose weight
It is very unlikely that your hair will stop growing altogether--your fast is not long enough to compromise your body's health to such a degree. However, it is very likely that you will experience more shedding than usual, that the growth rate will slow down, and that the hair that grows out during and shortly after your fasting period will be more brittle and less healthy because your intake of protein and other nutrients is low. You are right in thinking that hair is not a priority for the body. Your organs are the priority and when nutrients are scarce, they get first dibs.
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It is very unlikely that your hair will stop growing altogether--your fast is not long enough to compromise your body's health to such a degree. However, it is very likely that you will experience more shedding than usual, that the growth rate will slow down, and that the hair that grows out during your fasting period will be more brittle and less healthy because your intake of protein and other nutrients is low. You are right in thinking that hair is not a priority for the body. Your organs are the priority and when nutrients are scarce, they get first dibs.

Thanks Sonce....i really hate the sound of shedding and more brittle hair :nono:. But i know that hair/skin and all of that will be much better after alot of toxins have been removed. :yep: I hope it wont be sooo bad because i will still be taking vitamins and drinking alot of water :ohwell:
Even if you have slower growth during the detox....you may have faster growth after...once your body is rid of toxins it will be more efficient in bringing the nutrients to your hair
I've done two week fasts before and I didn't notice a difference in my hair growth. Maybe if it's a longer period like 3 months or so it may affect you, but 10 days is not long enough.
I've done two week fasts before and I didn't notice a difference in my hair growth. Maybe if it's a longer period like 3 months or so it may affect you, but 10 days is not long enough.
I think she's doing 30 days, alternating between fruit juice and water.
I think she's doing 30 days, alternating between fruit juice and water.

Thanks for the correction.

Fluffylocks....I drank juice after 6pm and that's it. It was touch the first 3 days but after that it was a breeze.

Are you planning to take vits?
Thanks for the correction.

Fluffylocks....I drank juice after 6pm and that's it. It was touch the first 3 days but after that it was a breeze.

Are you planning to take vits?

Yeah, i've always heard the first days are the hardest, like you just have to break the mind cycle your used to. So you just had juice, that doesnt sound tooo bad. I was/am worried about the days with just water :perplexed Thats going to be HARD, and thats the part i was really worried about as far as the hair growth. I think eating fruits for 10 days and drinking juice for 10 days will still be pretty okay because your body is still getting some fueal and nutrients, but just water is nothing at all, so thats why i thought everything would just stop as far as hair growth:lachen:
Next month my mom wants me to fast & detox w/her. My goal is to be APL by Christmas or New years eve. I've been getting 1" a month, and i still need two more inches which i plan to get in November & December
But i dont know if hair still grows when your fasting & detoxing....because i think your body is using everything that stored up and getting rid of things, and hair is just extra material right? I just would like to know so i can extend my goal to a later date.
Hers is to do 10 days fruit, 10 days fruit juices, 10 days water...i might do the same, but maybe less days water & juice, more days fruit because i really hope not to loose weight

I've never done a fruit or strictly fruit juice fast, but I fast for 10 days every quarter on freshly made carrot juice cocktails, and my hair grows at its normal rate. The only caution I would add is to be aware of your responses, because, for example, if your body has a sensitivity to apples, and that's all you're ingesting, you're going to have a problem. Make sure you use a large variety of fruits on your regimen.
I've never done a fruit or strictly fruit juice fast, but I fast for 10 days every quarter on freshly made carrot juice cocktails, and my hair grows at its normal rate. The only caution I would add is to be aware of your responses, because, for example, if your body has a sensitivity to apples, and that's all you're ingesting, you're going to have a problem. Make sure you use a large variety of fruits on your regimen.

Okay, thanks alot Moroni. :kiss: What kind of results do you get from your carrot juice one?
My body ALWAYS thrives during my fasts. My NG bushes out beautifully thick, my nails grow, aches and pains melt away, brain fog disappears...and the benefits last for many weeks later, as long as I maintain a healthy diet with plenty of water. If you can find a copy, read the book by Ann Wigmore, "Make Your Juicer Your Drugstore"....good stuff.
My body ALWAYS thrives during my fasts. My NG bushes out beautifully thick, my nails grow, aches and pains melt away, brain fog disappears...and the benefits last for many weeks later, as long as I maintain a healthy diet with plenty of water. If you can find a copy, read the book by Ann Wigmore, "Make Your Juicer Your Drugstore"....good stuff.

Oh that sounds wonderfull. That was some good little motivation you gave me to proceed :lachen:Gotta check out that book too:yep: I was thinking of doing like a one-two day one every week after this and keeping my diet really clean to keep up the results.