

Well-Known Member
Question #1: If you are a married man is it wrong to pray for a female in front of the church (basically an altar call with women and men members and church leaders; prayin for her would mean you putting your hand on her should and holding her other hand and pray..)

Question #2: If you once had a "perverse" relationship with someone (meaning yall had premarital sex) does that necessarily mean yall can never be together because of youre tainted past?
Question #1: If you are a married man is it wrong to pray for a female in front of the church (basically an altar call with women and men members and church leaders; prayin for her would mean you putting your hand on her should and holding her other hand and pray..)
Question #2: If you once had a "perverse" relationship with someone (meaning yall had premarital sex) does that necessarily mean yall can never be together because of youre tainted past?


For Question 1: No, it's not necessarily wrong. He's not seducing her, he is sincerely praying for her. I know it looks weird, but if you notice this is a prayer stance that most people make, especially men. It is connecting to the person in prayer, the act known as to 'touch and agree'. You are involved in this persons's situation and praying for them. To be honest, it really a 'learned' behaviour and it was done quite often in 'the old fashion Tent' meetings

If you notice, it's mostly the men who take this stance (prayer position while standing with someone);

When it's a women praying, it's usually,holding the hands of the person [sometimes a woman will place her hand upon one's shoulder], but most men because of their stance, will place their hands upn the shoulder of the person, almost as if they are 'protecting them from falling, when a woman does so, it's a gesture of comfort.

For Question 2. I'm guessing that you are referring to a boy friend / girl friend situaltion where an unmarried couple were having sex outside of marriage. All one has to do is give their hearts to the Lord, and repent of their sin. They are both free to marry. If this couple is going to remain as a couple, than it is better for them to marry, for Jesus says, "Go and sin no more."

I hope this helps and that others will come in and share on this subject as well.
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thanks because while i was at church sunday i went up to this man for prayer (actually he and his now wife were my bible study leaders last year) and he kinda avoided eye contact with me and shooed me down the line so i just went to this woman who looked nice..

and another bible study leader told me that because me and my exes relationship had perversion in it then "we" are already tainted...
SHIMMIE I ::HEART:: YOU!!! exact thoughts so I agree with the above ^^^^^^

I "Heart" you too. :kiss:

Please share your thoughts as well. There are many views from you and others which can help many to understand this. :yep:
thanks because while i was at church sunday i went up to this man for prayer (actually he and his now wife were my bible study leaders last year) and he kinda avoided eye contact with me and shooed me down the line so i just went to this woman who looked nice..

and another bible study leader told me that because me and my exes relationship had perversion in it then "we" are already tainted...

Okay, first things first. You are NOT tainted. And the next time someone tries to apply the word, 'taint' towards you, just repeat, "No I 'ain't.' :nono:

The Bible says this, that 'ALL' are tainted. ALL. Not some, but ALL. He says it like this, "... for ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God." This is found in the book of Romans Chapter 3, verse 23.

However, Jesus took care of this for all of us on the Cross when He died for us and for all of our sins. Once we go to Jesus, we are cleared of our sins, for He has paid the price for them with His shed Blood. Therefore if any man / or woman, be in Christ, they have become a new person and all of their sins have passed away.

These folks better quit. How on earth can they say you are tainted when you are obviously there to give your heart and sins over to the Lord. I don't like that they said that to you. You are NOT tainted. You have given your heart to Jesus which has taken care of what you did in the past. You are free from that sin and you will never have to worry about this ever again.

You may have to go to a different Church, but don't leave until you have found a new one. God does not want you to be lost without a Church home and body to fellowship with and to grow more and more in Jesus. And when or if you do leave this Church, leave with a good heart. Don't leave with anger or bad feelings of any kind towards them. Just love them and pray for them and leave with a happy heart thanking God for using them to pray for you when you needed love and prayer.

I think this Church may mean well, but the person who said you were tainted, is not speaking scripturally, it's not the word of God.

((( Hugs ))))
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this really bothers me but i love the preachers and the's just the people/leaders !!!! i just don't know....
this really bothers me but i love the preachers and the's just the people/leaders !!!! i just don't know....

Someone is jealous, very jealous, QUITE jealous... :yep:

And it's satan, because he has lost you to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, so what does a jealous person do?


Cause confusion!

Escalate interference!

satan doesn't want you and Jesus to work out. :nono:

And he is throwing jabs at you here and there, to make you unsure of your decision to live right for God.

Sooooo, he'll use the weakness of those in the flesh in the Church and yes, leaders and such who are still growing in God and have lack of knowledge in the fullness of God's word to say and do things to make you turn back and run back to him.

But uuummmmm, you ain't going back to the devil . In Jesus' Name you won't. God's not having it, He has paid for you in full with His Blood shed upon that Cross.

God has 'marked' you as HIS child! God has engraved your name upon His hands and within His heart.

God has said to the devil... NO, you will NOT take her away from me, for those who are mine will not and cannot be plucked out of my hand, let alone my heart.

So of course satan cannot stand up to God, so he's messin' with you. Messin' with your mind to be doubtful and also distracted to hear and receive the word of the Lord where God has you planted for however long the season.

Babygirl... keep your eyes on Jesus and not man. You're gonna have to take hold of the gift that God is giving you and preparing your for and ignore man, when he farts, picks his nose, scratches his / her butt, has bad breath, no deodorant, a bad weave, twisted wig, bad nail job, and every human error that exists. Because the very same encounters and human behaviours you see in the world, you're gonna see it in Church.

Church is not Heaven; it's where folks go to clean up for the Gates that will one day open and welcome them into the arms of Jesus.

Here on earth, it is what is, no matter where you go in Church or out of Church. And babygirl, just because a person is a leader doesn't mean that he/she is not a bleeder. They share the same faults as everyone else, the difference is that as leaders, they are learning to manage and do away with things that they say and do which do not give glory to God.

Feel proud of yourself. God surely is. :yep:

Banana Bunneh!

God is calling your name. For you are His....Dear one, you are His. And a new thing He is doing for you, all brand new. God is very proud of you. He always will be, because you are His babygirl; His sweet child and even if you 'fall', make a mistake, He's never going to leave you; for in your Father's heart, you are NOT Tainted. Ever!

Sweet sleep, Darlin' :sleep2: God knows who you are, He made you, perfect in His sight. And we all know, that's right!

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Thank you so much all the fuss we sometimes lose sight of what's really important...thank you very very much! im going to use this post when i feeling down :)