Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Question(s): If you shampoo right after doing a pre-poo treatment, wouldn't the pre-poo serve no purpose? Wouldn't the shampoo wash out and strip the moisture back out of your hair??? Do you really need to follow the procedure of a pre-poo, then shampoo, then condition??? Why not just shampoo and condition???ChosenbyGod said:
A pre-poo is a moisturizing hair treatment before you shampoo. What you do during your pre-poo can vary, some ladies apply a cheap conditioner such as V05 w/some kind of oil, like EVOO, and sit under the dryer for 15-30 minutes or wear a plastic cap for 30 min to an hour. Or for some ladies, a pre-poo is a hot oil treatment under the dryer for 30 minutes.
The purpose is to supply the hair with moisture.