Questions re: MN, porosity & henna


New Member
Hi Ladies,

After making the decision not to drastically cut my below APL hair over the weekend, I have been doing my research on how to best save it.

Background: rec'd a bad relaxer 14 months ago causing my thick & coars BSL hair to fall out (about 30-45% of the volume) & although hair continues to grow hair continues to grow fast, I continue to shed & it's very weak.

Anyway, I did a porosity test after reading Sistaslick's (?) article on another site. I passed with flying colors. :sad: I started an MN regimen just b4 Xmas and am noticing much new growth, however, I realize I have to seal up the hair I already have. I've been reading up on henna and am wondering if henna (w/o the coloring agents) can help me achieve this. I've read many posts where members have said it has made their hair so much stronger.

So... Could henna applications help me with the porosity issues? And will it interact negatively with the MN applications? I'm willing to stop the MN -- I am more interested in saving the hair I already have & making it healthy and stronger.

Any advice/suggestions will be SO MUCH appreciated.

Bumping for answers, this is a very good question. I decided to go natural due to dreaded relaxer mishaps...Sorry that happend to you :ohwell:
The henna shouldn't really react with the MN. If you worried about it, try doing your henna applications when you don't use any MN. Like if you know you want to henna, don't use the MN for a couple of days before.

Henna will help with the porosity because it is very acidic which will close and help tighten the cuticle.