Questions re: Conditioner Washes


New Member
I am about to embark on a new haircare adventure: Conditioner Washes!

I do have some questions, however:

1. Which conditioners are effective for conditioner washes?

2. What is the next step following a conditioner wash? Applying an intensive conditioner? Applying a leave-in with some oil to seal in the moisture?

My hair is 4b relaxed, fine textured.

Thank you in advance!

i use a cheap conditioner for my conditioner washes because I wet my hair put the conditioner on and wash it out. suave awapuhi, humectant, or biobasics, or kenra moisturizing. then i put a leave in, moisturize some more and style. nothing special...i use conditioner washes as a quick wash in between my long wash days
Yeah I just started doing that daily.
sbaker recommended it to me. So i am going to try to do this for as long as possible.
USe cheap shampoos and be sure to moisturize and grease your hair real good when you're done. and put it into a protective style if possible
I use a silk scarf
1. It all depends on your hair: some like the cheapies (V05, Suave), some like the good stuff--both are used with great results. I like the good stuff (Kenra MC, Rysell Coconut, etc.), personally, because that's what has proven to work for me (plus, I refuse to test/buy any more products that are not in my staples aresenal!).
2. Both methods sound good. I usually put conditioner on in the shower, lather up, etc., then rinse out conditioner (sometimes I even leave a little in--you don't have to rinse hair completely of all traces of a moisturizing conditioner), then I apply a leave-in and a creamy moisturizer (like UBH creme) and let airdry. You can use oils, too. I have used coconut oil as well in the past, or you can just use the leave-in. I think it all depends on what you're doing with the style. I am on the bun challenge, so, I moisturize more than I would if I were wearing my hair loose.
HTH and have fun! I co wash regularly, almost every day, and have wonderful results. It does not work for everyone, but I hope you have fun trying it out.
I use Sauve mix with water in a squirt bottle. I usually wear a braid out so I just wait for my hair to dry an apply oils after I take them down. I also spray surge on my scalp. As far as styling, I am natural but I know some of the other relaxed heads will help you with that. Take care Q
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1. I like St. Ives Extra Shine or Revitalizing for conditioner washes but they are hard to find. In the past I liked Suave Professionals Humectant and Aussie Moist. I also use Aussie 3 Minute Miracle currently.
2. After my conditioner wash (I use only one), I rinse it out leaving about 20% in. I add a leave-in (Garnier Fructis or Suave Coconut) and then Coconut Oil. Then I style.
I just really started benefiting from these. I found they are best if my hair is not very dirty. Like 3 days after my "real" wash. I then set my hair like I normally do after a regular wash. I spray a little Surge, put in (a little) Keracare setting foam, (a little) design essentials serum, some oils on the end and then set with wire rollers, sit under hard hat dryer or soft bonnet. My hair comes out SUPER soft and bouncy!!
Northernbelle, I hope the CW's work for you!

I'd recommend that you use a moisturizing conditioner - one that doesn't contain ALS/SLS or little to no 'cones. I apply my conditioner at the beginning of the shower so it stays in for a good few minutes before I rinse. I also incorporate a final Apple Cider Vinegar rinse (with cool distilled water) to remove extra build-up and to seal the hair cuticles.

You can follow up your CW with a good leave-in conditioner that's not too heavy and if you like apply your favorite styling aid.

I use both cheap and expensive conditioners for my conditioner washes. I use Suave Milk and Honey, St. Ives Extra Shine, V05 Hydrator and a variety of Dominican conditioners (Wheat Germ, Avocado, Olive Oil, Sole & Cinnamon, Rysell Coconut). I usually use the cheap conditioner first followed by the expensive conditioner, a leave in (Salerm 21 or Lacio Lacio) and either jojoba or coconut oil.
I have been using cheap conditioner for co washes.
Suave Milk & Honey and Vo5 Strawberries & Cream.
I just decided to change to expensive conditioners to
see if it makes a major difference.Kendra and Eluence etc.
I apply a leave in afterward I am really loving Lacio Lacio and Salerm,spray surge and oil and style or braid.