Questions, Questions


New Member
:drunk:Hello all,
I am a pround new member. I see that I have a lot to learn so please bear with me. I would like to get familiar with the lingo on this site. My questions are, so far
1. What is pre-poo and what are the benefits?
2. How do I determine my hair type?
I welcome any and everybody's answers. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!
1. What is pre-poo and what are the benefits?
Pre-poo is adding oil to your hair for as little as 15 mintues to as long as over night with a shower cap. Some use oilve oil, coconut oil or avacado oil, whatever you prefer. Then you proceed to wash your hair as normal. It really good if you have dry hair.
2. How do I determine my hair type?
Try doing a search on yahoo for hair types. It will give you a description for the different hair types and even some pictures so you can see where you fall.

Hope this helps....:yep:
Charlie555 answered your questions. You may also this thread useful:

And this one:

Oh, and welcome aboard! :wave:

ETA: For a rough guide on types, check this site: but I have to warn you that you will find hair typing quite the headache so most people just find it better not to worry too much about it. Just look for people with hair like yours and perhaps their regimens might work for you.
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Glad you got the help/answer you needed :) but in the future if you come across something unfamiliar, try typing it in the SEARCH box over on the top right hand side of the page - this helped me SO MUCH when i was a newbie :)