Questions on: HF37 Hair Growth vitamins


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to decide if i want to order HF37...but because of the price of it and it only lasting for a month im trying to find an alternative but something with the same strength as the HF37 are there any suggestions??? and i definetly dont want to get the amino acids and start taking them and they cause me to have an increase in zits?...If anyone does use the HF37 many pills do you take a day...because on the website for HF37 they were saying take 1 of the step 1s twice a day and then take 2 of the step2 6 times a day...i wanted to know if you take all those pills or do you extend them out? thats alot of pills to be taking..but i do want alot of growth...but not at the risk of where im taking 8 pills a day..not counting the pills i take regularly(prenatal vitamin, acne med, Hoodia---for weightloss, and GNC Nourishair--well sometimes if i dont take the prenatal vitamin)...
How effective has it been for some of you to use HF37? How effective is it to take the HF37 replacement method? is it in comparison to HF37? any updates???
Sorry I don't have an answer to your ? but I would like to know about these pills too, I thought about purchasing them but I figure if you have to take 6 of 1type of a pill to get some major growth, than can't you just up your regular GNC hair growth pills? If it's so good and for that price you shouldn't have to take more than 2 IMO. I don't know. I wrote down the amount of each serving of each vitamin in the crown-n-glory method vitamins to compare to the vitamin intake I have because they were expensive too. I say take a note of the HF37 vitamins and compare them to the ones you have or others that are out there for cheaper. HTH
bluediamond0829 said:
I'm trying to decide if i want to order HF37...but because of the price of it and it only lasting for a month im trying to find an alternative but something with the same strength as the HF37 are there any suggestions??? and i definetly dont want to get the amino acids and start taking them and they cause me to have an increase in zits?...If anyone does use the HF37 many pills do you take a day...because on the website for HF37 they were saying take 1 of the step 1s twice a day and then take 2 of the step2 6 times a day...i wanted to know if you take all those pills or do you extend them out? thats alot of pills to be taking..but i do want alot of growth...but not at the risk of where im taking 8 pills a day..not counting the pills i take regularly(prenatal vitamin, acne med, Hoodia---for weightloss, and GNC Nourishair--well sometimes if i dont take the prenatal vitamin)...
How effective has it been for some of you to use HF37? How effective is it to take the HF37 replacement method? is it in comparison to HF37? any updates???

Ok, I take these hair vitamins and they work pretty well especailly if you're looking for really fast is worth the money.

Now, there are a few threads on this already, but the general gist of it is the step 1 is the complete set of vitamins needed for hair growth and step 2 is the amino acids.

You take the amino acids (4, 6 or 9 per day) on an empty stomach as they are best absorbed into the bloodstream that way and then you take the vitamins (2 per day) with food. You may also experience a Niacin flush, this is caused by Niacin increasing the blood flow to the hair follicles....I didn't notice anything though, but best to take the vitamins part with food to avoid this from occurring. As you know protein is the main constituent of hair, so the more protein you take, the faster your hair will thrive....but don't overdo it as you can build muscle or gain weight over time as I have noticed.:)

They also have a hair booster as well and this contains more vitamins as well as a herbal blend including FoTi and some other herbs. Some sites (depending on where you order) give freebies as well. So, they will give you some a coupon to redeem, some have free shipping....just depends on where you order from.

They also have a shampoo and conditioner which is very good. they have a complete package that you can order. This works out cheaper.

I saw the HF37 on Ebay once and I wanted to buy them but the seller didn't respond to my emails on basically check ebay as you may find them there cheaper as someone may be selling theirs.
thanks for the info basically how would u say you take your pills i mean do you take the recommended dosage that they say or do you break it down more to a modified version of taking them? do you still see results if you dont take them as recommended?

bumping for anymore responses...
They worked ok for my hair growth but I had to stop using them b/c they made me sick to my stomach. I am going to stick to MTG.
I took them. The growth I got was okay :perplexed nothing great.

I then decided to take the hair ladies vitamins as they were a little cheaper for me.
These worked great for me :grin:
But they're quite pricey too....

You should shop around for similar if not exact products to HF37 as there are plenty of bargains on the net. Just be careful though as I tried that, bought Mass Amino Acids which were basically (or at least I thought!!! :ohwell: ) the same as Hair Ladies Amino acids and the Mass ones ended up making me break out after a while :mad:

The HF37 ones didn't make me break out, but they weren't as strong as Hair Ladies. I've found an amino acid product speacially for women (which would be less likely to cause acne -avoids high levels of male hormones). Its a good price too at $5.35.

I don't know how to post the pic...
I've never taken the HF37 vites because i hate popping alot of pills, i hate the nausia feeling, and also the price ain't so nice. If i really wanted faster growth, i'd compare the labels with my GNC nourishHair and take an extra 1 or 2 pills of nourish Hair a day. Perhaps take 2 in the morn as suggested, and 1 or 2 in the eve after dinner. And i'd faithfully drink my ensure drinks and eat yogurt daily (protein). and also either use my fiance', or purchase my own protein shake and drink a small shake every day. (probably no more than a 3/4th cup full of the shake would be equal to those HF37 protein pills) . Be careful and make sure u compare labels and know how much of the vites is too much. there are posts on this topic as well....
Iv'e taken them, never had any side effects and had great growth!!! I'm sure you can come up with an alternative that's just as effective, but that would require a lot of trial and error ...and probably cost you more money in the long run.
thanks everyone for the thumbs up on the HF37.....

diamoness you have beautiful hair...i like both albums...

how many pills do you really have to take for it to be effective????

Do you have take the recommended dosage of the 6 to 8 pills or did you modify it????

bumpity bump bump.......
i used to take them a few yrs back, and i had good results..thats when i just started caring for my hair and learning how to manage my hair...but they are a little pricey..
I used to take them, but it got expensive so I swtiched to amino complex(has all the aminos in it) from Whole foods and vit b complexes which basically= HF 37.
i still shell out dough for Vivisacl though they work good together, I alternate days too many vits will make you feel sick in 1 day. hth
Lucia said:
I used to take them, but it got expensive so I swtiched to amino complex(has all the aminos in it) from Whole foods and vit b complexes which basically= HF 37.
i still shell out dough for Vivisacl though they work good together, I alternate days too many vits will make you feel sick in 1 day. hth

You can try to pm Den1, or maybe she'll chime in because I know she takes, or took, a vitamin that had these same exact ingrediants for half the price. HTH.
anyone else with anymore responses or details about now trying to get a general rundown of how many pills i would have to take for them to be effective and see good growth???
Thanks bluediamond, I took the recommended 8 pills per day and saw results within that 1st month. They went up on the price : it was 10 bucks cheaper back then. Thats the only reason why I don't take em consistantly now.
bluediamond0829 said:
thanks for the info basically how would u say you take your pills i mean do you take the recommended dosage that they say or do you break it down more to a modified version of taking them? do you still see results if you dont take them as recommended?

bumping for anymore responses...

Hi Bluediamond,

To be quite honest, I have been skiving off all my vitamins for a good old while now and I only take them very inconsistently at present.

But when I was regular with the HF37, I still have 2 months supply here, my hair grew in a lot quicker and I also had less breakage and shedding, but that's just what I observed personally.

I took 2 of step 1 (the vitamins) and about 4-6 of the step 2 (proteins) daily and 2 of the herbal booster.....I'm a little on the muscly/athletic side so overdoing the proteins makes me look "tonk" as they say.:lol: I know some people take about 9 a day of the proteins though, they have a FAQ on their website and there are many sites selling the HF37.

Here are a few:

Anyway.....I think you should try them even if you only get a month's supply as they are very good, but Ideally try it for about 3 month's and you should see good results....make sure you get free shipping some people offer incentives, so get a good deal!:)
thanks everyone for the info...anymore responses would be more than helpful...i think i will try them for the first couple of months..and then if i dont like them then i will cancel the membership for the 39.99 and try to find something else...but im going to try to give it about a month or two to see if there is a difference...

does adding more protein make you look muscular or gain weight?
Ladies update i got my HF37 last so excited that i actually started taking them last night..and already took 2 of the step 2s....but i did a count of how many pills i will be taking..and its almost between 9 to it healthy to be taking this many vitamins....they are fairly easy to swallow down..but i narrowed it down..i think im going to take a break on my prenatal vitamins for a little while to see what the HF37 can wondering if i want to continue though with taking the GNC Nourishair vitamin though...I think that'll be over dosing on it..but it may make up for me only taking 4 of the step 2s instead of the 6...what do you ladies think????

bumping for some responses...
I've never taken HF 37 but, I am going to check it out. Anyway, from reading your last post I just wanted to say that in my opinion you should just stick with one thing at a time. I don't think its healthy for you to take prenatals and the HF 37 or even make up your own dosage of those. I think its important to follow the directions on supplements. Some vits/minerals are toxic in high dosages or if you don't take the recommended amount you may not see them work for you as they state. In short you should just follow the manufacturer's directions. :)

Just my 2 cents

Happy Hair Growing!
PrettyBrownEyes said:
I've never taken HF 37 but, I am going to check it out. Anyway, from reading your last post I just wanted to say that in my opinion you should just stick with one thing at a time. I don't think its healthy for you to take prenatals and the HF 37 or even make up your own dosage of those. I think its important to follow the directions on supplements. Some vits/minerals are toxic in high dosages or if you don't take the recommended amount you may not see them work for you as they state. In short you should just follow the manufacturer's directions. :)

Just my 2 cents

Happy Hair Growing!

thanks for the info...i'll just stick to the HF37 for at least 3 to 4 months and see how they work...and put the GNC Nourishair and Prenatal vitamins away...yeah i think i will do that it'll be least vitamins...i completely understand what you are saying...