Questions on braiding the back of head


Indy Girl Growing Strong
<font color="purple">I know many of you guys braid your own hair. Whether with extensions or not. I don't braid the back of my hair that well, and I have my mom braid them in for me. When you did your own braiding in the back of your head, was it difficult at first to do them? And did you use 2 mirrors (one in front and in back) to see how well they turned out? I'm good at doing the front and the sides when I braid them, but not good in the back. Thanx in advance for your responses. </font>
Hi Baby-

I find that if my part is straight assuming you're talking about cornrows (and I get the straight part by using the mirrors)I dont need to see myself braiding the back. It was hard at first, but I learned that the secret was in the part.
When I'm doing cornrows I don't need to see the back either. I do check each braid though to make sure it's straight and neat. When I'm braiding individual extentions into my hair I start at the back first and work my way up towards the front of my head. I use two mirrors for this and it's not hard. If anything...the very front is a little hard because this is where I really have to concentrate to make it look as neat and natural as possible. So far so good. Most people think I have them professionally done.
Also you start at the front and do the back last? That's what I used to do and the back would never turn out right. I would have too much spacing and it just didn't look good. (I always covered the messed up part with the top braids) Starting from the back for me has made a BIG difference!

When I braid my hair, which has not been recent, the back of the hair is definitely the hardest.

I find that when I haven't braided my hair for awhile, it takes practice. After, the first 2 or 3 braids, I get back into the swing of it.

Just practice, it's a pain to get back there and Hell on the arms and wrists, but well worth it, if you stick to it.

There's really no detailed advice I can offer. If you can do the front and sides of your hair, you just do the same with the back. Try not to get frustrated. Be Patient, keep braiding and you will get it.

When I do individuals I always start in the back. That way I'm not sick of it yet, my arms aren't tired and I have enough energy to redo a couple if I have to.
Part your hair at the base of the hair line makiing sure that the baby hairs can be collected neatly and go.
After the 1st row it gets better and easier.
By the 6th row I'm wondering if it will ever end.

When I'm about half way up the back I start on the front.
Partly to give my arms a rest and partly cause otherwise I'm so tired of it if I don't do the front while I'm semi-fresh I'll end up with a couple of thick horn-like braids on my forhead.

Good luck 'n practise does make perfect.
When I cornrow the back of my head, I use two mirrors just to see if the parts are straight. I then put combs or clips to hold the other hair out of the way, and just cornrow that part. I am also able to cornrow the back upwards towards the front by starting at the nape. I think the key is just to get the feel of what a cornrow is (the feel of the hair moving through your fingers ) instead of trying to worry about how it looks. If it feels right, it will probably look right.

With individual braids in the back, I try to avoid pulling the hair around to the front when starting to braid it. In the past, I'd end up with all the braids flowing forward instead of downward.
Baby curls it took a lot of practice. I don't use mirrors though because my braids are most always single twists. I stand corrected, I use mirrors to check the parts. Other than that I just imagine what the back looks like and work from there. I've been doing my own braids for years so they look professionally done. It took a while for me to achieve that level of skill. All I can say is to keep practicing.
<font color="purple">You're right. It does take practice to achieve a neat braid in the back, and make the style look more like you've had them done professionally. Today, I talked to a friend of mine and asked her who did her hair. She said she braided her own hair, and only took her 45 minutes to put the extensions in. She also told me that doing the back of the head wasn't easy. I couldn't believe my own eyes.
It looked liked she had someone else put them in. It was neat and looked professionally done. Next time, I'm going to have her put the extensions in my hair. But for now, I'm going to keep on practicing, even if it kills my wrists and arms to really see the results. Thanx for your help, guys. </font>