Questions for those who pre-poo with hot oil . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
What type of oil do you use? Do you use whatever you have lying around or do you use a specific "hot oil treatment"-type product?

What exactly does pre-pooing with hot oil do for your hair? Do you prefer it to other types of pre-poos (like, say, with conditioner)?

i just use extra virgin olive oil and a cheapy conditioner or something i don't plan on using anymore. I leave it on for about 5 min before I shampoo ( I don't leave it on over night or use heat like some ladies do). when I rinse and wash etc, my hair is sooooooooooo shiney.
i use coconut, rosemary, peppermint and jojoba oils. i've left it on all night and sometimes just for an hour. like the previous poster it makes my hair shiny. i've also done conditioner prepoos but i was doing it every week and my hair started to feel too soft.
i just use extra virgin olive oil and a cheapy conditioner or something i don't plan on using anymore. I leave it on for about 5 min before I shampoo ( I don't leave it on over night or use heat like some ladies do). when I rinse and wash etc, my hair is sooooooooooo shiney.

Thanks for sharing! I see you just joined - welcome to the board!
I use the Vatika Oil or Shikakai Oil, I oil my whole scalp with it and then apply some to my hair and put a plastic baggy on for about an hour or more and then shampoo out and my hair feels great and I also do it on my Daughter because she has dry flaky,dandruff scalp and that helps keep her scalp moist all week without having to apply oil daily.

I am glad I tried it, I only do it once a week.
I use olive on the length my hair and saturate castor oil on the ends. I might also use jojobal or coconut on the length of the hair.

I just bought alma and vatika oil today so I'll see how that works with my prepoos.

I put cheapie conditioner on my hair b/c I put on the oils. The more moisture the better! Mushy isn't a problem for me.
I stopped purchasing those little hot oil treatment packages because they do not work any better than any run of the mill vegetable oil (like olive or or coconut oil). Currently I use alma oil but I will use whatever I have available and still experience desired results.
Im using Wonder 8 oil tonight.:up: I just heat it up with added coconut oil and place a heat cap on for about 20 mins. I then rinse it out. Shampoo with CON and deep condtion with ORS packet and final condition rinse with Hello Hydration. I will post the result in my siggy.