Questions for the naturals - what's it been like?


Well-Known Member
I'm facing having to cut off my relaxed hair and start over after getting a diagnosis of scarring alopecia--no more relaxers, I've been told/warned. But going natural really scares me, and I have a lot of questions on which some of you ladies in the know can advise. Please do tell:

Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot.

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why?

If you love it, why?

Thanks for your responses!
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Blu217 said:
If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first?

My hair looked bushy but healthly. I was so tired of seeing thin relaxed hair in comparison to my natural hair.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?


What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?

I went to the stylist and got a wash/condition, steam treatment, cut, and flat ironed.

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why?

I like it.

If you love it, why?

Its me and I can only be me.

I hope I've helped!
Ya know, I just posted a long response in your other thread that probably addresses your questions in a long winded way, so check the other thread for my real response.

Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot.

Nope, year's new growth when I did the BC.

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?

I had about 5", but with severe shrinkage, I looked like i had about 3". It looked great, but it took some getting used too (I'd cut about 11" of hair).

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?

Encouraged, but sort of indifferent. I hadn't really thought about what the hair texture might be. I figured it would be curly-like, but had no clue on what it would look like length wise.

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?

Check my first natural hair album, A Nappy Affair I. I think I did a headband puff, basically the same style I still do now.

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why?
I love it.

If you love it, why?
I think I addressed this better in my other response.
Blu217 said:
I'm facing having to cut off my relaxed hair and start over after getting a diagnosis of scarring alopecia--no more relaxers, I've been told/warned. But going natural really scares me, and I have a lot of questions on which some of you ladies in the know can advise. Please do tell:

Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot.~~~ I didn't shave it all off (i do believe me want long healthyhair did though, search for her.

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? I'm at 2 inches stretched now and i've learned to love my hair, it is MUCH thicker than my relaxed her ever was, it's shiny and glossy

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC? i wasn't discouraged I was prepared to expect my hair type to be a 4a/4b, what I was NOT expecting was this damn patch of 3C in the back that won't hold twists if I paid them. you may not have the texture you dream of, but learn to love the texture you have and seek out people with a texture similar to yours so that you can find styles and have someone to help you in the early stages. go to to find oodles of 4ab's

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head? throw on a headband and some shades and went to show off my fly self

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why? i don't like shrinkage i will be HONEST and say I hate shrinkage but i will learn to accept it as a part of being natural, doesn't mean i'll ever like it :lachen: :lachen:

If you love it, why? i love my hair, it is super healthy and in the best shape it's ever been in

Thanks for your responses!

first, who ever you pray shall bless you as long as you believe in them and yourself, you may not get the answer you want in regards to your hair, but you will get what will be best for you overall. it is devasting news you have received and I know you're hurt, let all of that frustration out and don't be afraid to vent to us. (((((hugs)))))) i'll answer all questions in the quote box.
Blu217 said:
I'm facing having to cut off my relaxed hair and start over after getting a diagnosis of scarring alopecia--no more relaxers, I've been told/warned. But going natural really scares me, and I have a lot of questions on which some of you ladies in the know can advise. Please do tell:

Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot.

I did not shave it. I transitioned for 10 months.

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?

It is sort of a TWA. I cannot say I didn't like it, but it took time to get used to, esp. after 20-plus years of relaxers. I wish my face was slimmer. I have learned how to decorate my hair w/scarves and clips and the like.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?

I have been very encouraged by my texture(s) as I continue to "learn" my natural hair texture/pattern/care routine.

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?

Basically, clean it, condition it, use a leave in, and then a gel to style/preserve the curl/coil.

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why?

If you love it, why? I really like it, and my like grows more and more as I learn how to care for my hair. Right now I am cultivating length.

Thanks for your responses! You're welcome and much success to you. It will be ok.

My responses in blue!
Blu217 said:
I'm facing having to cut off my relaxed hair and start over after getting a diagnosis of scarring alopecia--no more relaxers, I've been told/warned. But going natural really scares me, and I have a lot of questions on which some of you ladies in the know can advise. Please do tell:

Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot.
I didnt shave it all off. But I do know that your hair texture will NOT change if you do this. Your hair texture is defined by genetics.

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?

It was a lil baby fro:) I didn't dislike the way it looked. It was different. It was me. It was my hair in an unaltered state. I loved it. Couldnt keep my hands out of my hair at first.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?

I wasn't a member of any forums back then and thought only in terms of good hair vs. bad hair. I knew before I chopped I had bad hair. I guess I wasn't discouraged or encouraged. I just had black folks hair and I was fine with that. I knew what I was getting into. That's probably the down side of the internet. I'm glad I didnt have to wonder if my hair would be 3c, 4a, or 4b. I probably would've never BC

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?

Picked it out and went on with life.

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why?

At times it does get discouraging being the ONLY obvious nappy within a 15 mile radius.:ohwell: Sometimes people with weaves, braids, straight hair come up to me and tell me they're nappy too and they like my hair. Also the different textures

If you love it, why?

It's healthy. It's mine. The versatility of it. The durability. The strength. My hair aint no punk, it will fight back and it has broken many, many combs.
I dont have to RUN like hell when it's raining. (i didnt run when i had a relaxer either, but you know what i mean)
I notice there is less bad hair advice for natural hair than with relaxed hair for some reason.

Thanks for your responses!

What an awesome thread!:)
Blu217 said:
Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot.

I didn't shave my head, but I have 7 inches of natural hair and the texture is consistent from scalp to tip. I think what you may be referring to is the notion of scab hair which in my honest opinion doesn't exist. Some people believe that relaxer penetrates the scalp and changes the texture of the first several inches of new growth. I don't believe this at all and have never seen any evidence of it being true.

Blu217 said:
If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?
I had about 5-6 inches of hair when I B.C.'ed I grew my hair long enough to pull into a high bun, before cutting and I liked it.

Blu217 said:
If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?
When I made the decision to go natural, it was done with the impression that I was going to sprout a wiry brillo pad on my head. But as my hair grew out, it was more manageable than I thought it would be so I was pleased.

Blu217 said:
What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?
See my B.C. in my fotki.

Blu217 said:
If you don't/didn't like being natural, why?
I will admit that I loved the way my hair feels, but I'm not always happy about the way that it looks. It feels moisturized and the coils feel defined and bouncy, but at the same time it will look dry as all get out.

Also, the knots MAN-OH-MAN the knots drive me crazy. My hair literally ties itself into knots and this is going to be my biggest challenge in getting to my goal length.
Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot. If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?
Hey Blu, don't be scared. This is for your health that you have to stop relaxing. I cut my relaxed ends off when my natural new growth hair was 3-4 inches. It was bushy.Then I had a heat mishap and had to shave it almost bald (I had less than a half inch of hair). My hair wasn't as bushy like my initial cut. It grew in like beady-beads and some undefined kinks.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?
Encouraged, and my hair is tighly coiled and kinky, nappy as can be. I just loved whatever grew outta my scalp. I wasn't really worried about wanting a certain hair texture beforehand. Don't get caught up into wanting a certain hair texture either. That will set you up for discouragement. You have to love whatever texture grows out of your scalp, whether its straight, wavy, curly, or kinky. Learn to love it!
What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?
Co-wash and go, no styling since it was so short.
If you don't/didn't like being natural, why? If you love it, why?
I love being natural. I feel so free, and happy, and more like myself. Natural hair is so fun and versatile. My hair is stronger and healthier in its natural state. I also like how I don't have to worry about getting a relaxer touchup anymore.

Please don't be scared of your natural hair. It's your hair. It's a part of you. :) Plus, if you are worried about having short hair rather than just natural hair in general, you can always transition for a year or more if you can without cutting the relaxed ends off just yet until you are comfortable with a certain length. HTH!
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Sweetie, would you mind the opinion of someone who transitioned?
I'm facing having to cut off my relaxed hair and start over after getting a diagnosis of scarring alopecia--no more relaxers, I've been told/warned. But going natural really scares me, and I have a lot of questions on which some of you ladies in the know can advise. Please do tell:

Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot. The first time (in 2002) I shaved it off. My texture didn't grow in any different. The second time (this past may), I bc'd to 0.5".

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked? Because I transitioned I had about 2.0"-2.5" of new growth. When I cut it off the relaxed hair with a scissors, my hair it looked really jacked up and it was very rough because of scab hair. So the next morning I went to barber and had him cut it really low -- bye bye scab hair. But I didn't let him line my hairline because visiting the barber was a one-time thing.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC? [I]I loooved it. I looked fierce! But when it started to grow in I began to worry and complain because I realized I wasn't getting any cute curls, just frizz. But I talked with myself and decided that since I don't want to get another relaxer and I really want to love my hair for what it is, I better learn to work with it. I did. Now I'm soo in love with my hair. It is still frizzy, but I love it anyway. I also loooooove rinsing/condition washing my hair everytime I'm in the shower. Freedom![/I]

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?
I've only been wearing a TWA since my big chop. I can't really get it into a puff. I have 1.0-1.5" now. I'm planning to get kinky twists, braids, and cornrows (when it gets longer) during the winter months.

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why?
The first time I didn't like it because I wasn't "mature" in thinking and I wanted my hair to be straight and tameable. Now that I know how "independent" 4ab hair is, I learned to go with the flow and enjoy it.

If you love it, why?
Because it's a amazing and it's my own.

Thanks for your responses!
RelaxerRehab said:
My goodness... Your. Hair. Is. So. Pretty. (Applause!)

Thanks boo and I love the way you express yourself in threads!
Hey Blu,

I'm really sorry to hear that you will be going natural because of necessity. It will likely color your experience if you let it. I hope that you are able to surrender to the experience and, if chemical services are not an option forever, be accepting of that. In all, I'm just wishing you strength and joy...praying that you will meet this new path with a full embrace.

I shaved mine off and it grew in fine, I think some of have different textures on our heads and it is okay. Just be patience with your natural hair, I am sorry you are going through this, I don't think you are scared of going natural. I think you are scared of what Texture you might see growing. I could be wrong if so Please Correct me. But you have alot of support here. I know it takes trial & error and try all products in Sample Size and don't go buying to many products LOL!!!!

I wore my Twa the way it was Just like in my avatar, Now I have grown enough to cornrow and clip on a Phony Bun. But We are here for you!
If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?

i grew my relaxer out for 2 weeks short of 1 full year. i had about 4-4.5 inches of new growth. it look good to me, lol. it was a lot shorter than i expected because of shrinkage and it did take getting used to but i always like it and i enjoyed finding ways to style it, trying products, etc.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?

encouraged. i had a pretty good idea of what it would look like from the transition period. the only difference is there were many textures on my head once i chopped and my textures changing the longer i was natural. the texture i have now is different from the texture i had when i first chopped.

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?

just slapped some moisturizer on it and wore it in a coily fro. i didnt get into styling so much until a few months after

If you love it, why?

because it's taught me a lot about myself and what i used to believe versus what i believe now. now i realize that there's nothing wrong with natural hair and *I* don't NEED a relaxer. No more relaxer burns, breakage, running when it rains lol, and all that other junk that comes w/ chemicals. i have a lot more freedom now and i love it. I'm also a lot more educated about hair care in general. I just feel more like myself being natural and I'm glad I gave myself the chace to experience it. I know a lot of women who say..."well i can't go natural" because their hair is too nappy or it wouldn't look right or this or that and they haven't even tried it...but you never know until you try and i'm glad i tried because it's been better than i ever expected it to be.
Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot.

My hair was already about 1-2 inches relaxed, so I had a short transition.

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?

It was a short afro. It was cute.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?

Sometimes I was discouraged at first, but I had to learn to work with it, and find out what products worked best on my hair.

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?

I got cornrows and wore them for a month or two to encourage it to grow. This summer I've been wearing wash and go's.

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why?

I like it.

If you love it, why?

It feels so liberating, and I'm saving a ton of money by not going to the salon.
Hi all - thanks for everyone's responses so far, and for the words of encouragement.

And yes, Bublnbrnsuga - transitioners' experiences are welcome here too; that's what I'll be doing!

As for whether I'm afraid of going natural or afraid of my hair texture... I'll be honest that what I'm most afraid of is that it won't be a good look for me--I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears and even tho I'm 34, I am constantly mistaken for a teenager. I play in bands and spend a lot of time in bars and around musicians--I'm a musician myself--so my appearance is a big issue for me, especially if I'm going to be in front of people. My long hair has been my best accessory. I dread going through some rough transition publicly most of all, I think. I've never been into twists or braids or anything other than rollersets and ponies, so I have NO IDEA what to do with a natural head of hair.

Anyhoo, I'm finding all these responses fascinating. It really is informative and helpful information, so please keep it coming! And thanks again!
Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot. I didn't shave it off - I transitioned.

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked? I waited a while before cutting off the relaxed hair because my staple hair due was a bun (when I couldn't think of anything else to do) and I was worried I wouldn't be able to get it back. And then one day I got ballsy and just chopped it to right below my ears.

It looked cute when I left the salon and cute for days and horrible when I washed it and tried to recreate the effect myself.

BUT WHAT IT DID DO was force me to learn MY hair.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC? I was encouraged when I started seeing curls. I became discourage when those curls became something I didn't know how to handle. I became encouraged again once I started reading around and looking and learning and realizing what worked for me. I love it now.

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head? Washed my hair, jumped out the shower and applied some leave in thinking I was going to be cute. And it was big hot ass mess. And what it forced me to do was realize that going natural wasn't only about getting some scissors and a cute cut but realizing that because the texture of my hair was changing that how I approach my hair must also change. Before my hair craved moisture in the shower but not so much when it wasn't wet. Now my hair craves moisture more so when its dry (curly hair dries out faster). And my hair craves water - no special cremes and moistures but WATER. That was new to me because before I found water to be drying.

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why? Unpopular opinion alert. I went natural not out of necessity but out of my frustration with relaxers being a necessity. And I hated it at first. I started wondering what I was doing to myself. note: this was all BEFORE I Found this site.

Looking back the only realize why I didn't like it was because I had changed my hair (From relaxed to natural) but didn't change my APPROACH. I was trying to do the same ol' things to my natural head - roller sets, braid outs, flat ironing etc.

I had to wake up realize, that's not with this is about. And once I did, and I found out I was able to look to other ladies for support and information on what to do and what NOT to do (what NOT to do is more important in my opinion than what TO do), the funky attitude I had with respect to my hair disappeared.

If you love it, why?
I love it because it gives me freedom. I learned to realize that my hair is fun - because I can do EVERYTHING with my hair - I can wear it curly, frizzy, thick, natural, I can blow dry it, I can flat iron it, I can braid it up, I can take the braids out and rock a braid out, I can curl and flip...I can do it all.

I love it because its easy. My natural hair has been the most LOW maintenance style I've ever had (next to braids).

And I love it because it taught me a lot of patience (which lord knows is something I DONT HAVE).

Unlike a lot of the ladies who are natural - I view natural hair like an accessory to me. In other words, my hair is something that I play with and experiment - add color, add highlights etc. Will I be natural for the rest of my life? I don't know. one day I might relax and then two years later, go back to natural, and then texturize and then relax. Who knows.

Either way, I'm enjoying the journey. And moreso than how my hair looks - I think THAT is whats important.

The hair on your head isn't what makes one woman beautiful and the next not-so-much. Its the attitude of that woman. Cuz I know some bald ass women, with not a HAIR on their head who are FIERCE. :) Look at Isiah Washington's wife. She rocks a fade (and a short fade at that) and is GORGEOUS. She exudes confidence and beauty, without the hair.
Blu217 said:
I'm facing having to cut off my relaxed hair and start over after getting a diagnosis of scarring alopecia--no more relaxers, I've been told/warned. But going natural really scares me, and I have a lot of questions on which some of you ladies in the know can advise. Please do tell:

Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot. No answer to this since I bc'd to around 2-3 inches and gradually trimmed the next month or two till all of the relaxed hair was gone--I was scurred to bc super short this time!

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked? At around 3 inches I start to feel pretty again. Honestly much shorter than that I don't really like it. At 3 inches my hair is longer than most guys, I think that's one of the reasons I feel better, plus I just think I personally look better with some length. LOL I have a big head!

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC? Honestly, the first time I bc'd last year I was frustrated with my texture because it varied so much. The crown was thick and wavy, the sides 4b and super duper shrinky and the back 4a, fine, and very tightly coiled. I was pissed! That's the truth. I had visions of wash and gos and the uneven shrinkyness looked crazy, so I always had to twist or braid to balance things out. I ended up relaxing 5 months after bc'ng. That was last year.

This year I bc'd again in March. I came into it with more wisdom. I basically told myself to quit trippin'. This is the hair God gave me and I'm going to accept it, be grateful for it, and work with what I got. Then a funny thing happened this time: the textures are more similiar. The previously wavy crown is more coily than wavy this time (don't ask me why) and shrinks more than it did before. It's still more loosely coiled than the rest of my hair, but I don't know it seemed like once I accepted my hair it began to cooperate more lol. The sides and back are still shrinky but not as much so. I still have uneven shrinkage but not nearly as much so. This time instead of seeing my hair as difficult I see it as lush and soft and beautiful.

The first few months, I will admit that I hated having short hair again and was mad at myself for relaxing last year because I lost so much progress. But in time, I forgave myself and realized this is a learning process. I'm almost six months natural now, will be on the 21st, and although some days I wish I had the ease of relaxed hair, most days I love this thick, dense hair of mine and I'm enjoying not worrying about the breakage I always got from relaxers. When I imagine myself with straight or relaxed hair it doesn't seem to even fit anymore.

And just keeping it real, sometimes in a group I am the only one with natural hair, most times it doesn't bother but every now and then I don't like looking different. Just trying to be honest. Sorry for the super long reply on this question:look:.

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head? Conditioner wash, pull back front a bit with pretty silk scarf.

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why? I think I already answered this one.

If you love it, why? It's so soft and thick. Healthier than it's been in years.

Thanks for your responses!

Good luck! The good news is even if you shave it, it should grow back quickly and in 3 to 6 months you will have a decent length of hair.
If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?

I had it cut and had like 2 or less inches to work with. As soon as I got it cut I had it texturized. I did this back in 1998 and my hairdresser at the time recommended the texturizer to me for manageability. I was in H.S and I really did not know much about haircare-I just wanted a change so I agreed. That was the only time I had a texturizer in. I liked my texturizer because it removed bulk, but as time went by I wanted longer hair. As my hair grew out-at first I gelled it, then when it grew a little longer I had it in braids. This was all over a 9 mnth period. After braids I decided I was going to stick with my natural hair for a minute and see how I manage with it (I was broke too-so I really needed to work with it);) . At the time I BC'd I really wasn't thinking about going natural, moreso I just wanted a change and my hair was damaged so I had nothing to lose. I thought my short hair was cute. It really brought out my features. But I did grow tired of the short cut and wanted a change.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC? \
I wasn't really suprised about my texture. I always knew my hair was thick and kinky and there really wasn't anything more I needed to think about. I just worked with with what I had. I didn't hink there were really any other choices for me at the time.

I wasn't really natural/natural until my short texturizer grew out. After I took out the braids, I did two strands twists, twistouts, and puffs. For the couple of months I wore my texturzier- I had it gelled and brushed down.

If you love it, why? I like it because of my options. I like big hair and with me being natural-it can be a fro, twist out fro, bantu knot, waves etc. If I want to go straight and sleek I can as well-I just make sure I don't use too much heat. Overall I just like the options it gives me.

Good luck with going the natural route- it does take patience-but I think you will appreciate it. HTH :)
Blu217 said:
As for whether I'm afraid of going natural or afraid of my hair texture... I'll be honest that what I'm most afraid of is that it won't be a good look for me--I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears and even tho I'm 34, I am constantly mistaken for a teenager.
I'm sure it will look good on you. I don't wear makeup either and I'm 22 and constantly mistaken for a teenager too! If I can do it, you can do it too. You can have a lovely appearance with natural hair just like you would with relaxed hair. Its okay to be a little worried but don't let it stop you from going natural if you have this aloprecia condition. Keep in mind the important things for yourself. ;)
When I cut mine, I did take it down to about an inch or less, just enough to pinch. This was my second big chop and I was not happy about it because it was unexpected. I had ruined my hair with dye so I had no choice but to start over. I kept it braided for about 3 yrs to obtain a good amount of new growth and from there just experimented with different styles and products.
I'm facing having to cut off my relaxed hair and start over after getting a diagnosis of scarring alopecia--no more relaxers, I've been told/warned. But going natural really scares me, and I have a lot of questions on which some of you ladies in the know can advise. Please do tell:

Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot.
Me! I shaved my hair down bald! I dont know if my hair texture was diff. b/c I never knew what my true texture looked like.

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?
I had a cute lil afro and I loved it! All I had to do was wash, leave a little conditioner on it and go! How simple is that for ya?

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?
I didnt really care about my hair texture. I knew it was gonna be nappy and I was cool with it.

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?
Wash n go!

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why?
I liked it cuz it was much much much less maintainance

If you love it, why?
I love it cuz it is much much much less maintainance

Thanks for your responses!
Blu217 said:
I'm facing having to cut off my relaxed hair and start over after getting a diagnosis of scarring alopecia--no more relaxers, I've been told/warned. But going natural really scares me, and I have a lot of questions on which some of you ladies in the know can advise. Please do tell:

I'm sorry you are going through this! :(

Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot.

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?

I transitioned for 14 months, then chopped off about 10 inches of hair. I was happy to be free of the relaxed hair. I had a lot of fun with my hair and tried a lot of different things with it in the beginning. It was hard, though, to get used to having short hair.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?

I was surprised more than anything else. But yes, I guess you could say I was encouraged. Though, I'm not sure I looked at exactly that way at the time.

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?

I went for the wash and go look right off, I think. IIRC, I had bought some new products that I thought would help me style my natural hair. I know I did twists and twist outs. I think some of the things I did are in my fotki.

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why?

If you love it, why?

Thanks for your responses!

I absolutely love it. I always say it is the one of the best things I ever did for myself. It has really been a journey and I've grown and learned a lot. There is something very freeing about it that I can't imagine giving up. I love my hair! :)
Blu217 said:
If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked?

I thought it looked great. I was so excited that I finally gathered the courage to cut it. I was also very nervous since I had never had short hair, but I always think I look good, so I quickly got over it.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC?

Well, it wasn't the first time I had to deal with my natural texture, but it had been a few years and when I was natural before, I always blowdried my hair. So I only saw it nappy for an hour or so. But I was encouraged by my hair. I thought it was so beautiful, and I couldnt understand why I had fought against it for all those years.

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head?

I did a shake n go...

If you love it, why?

It's so low maintenance and I love my natural texture.

I have pics of when i first chopped in my first album on fotki.
Blu217 said:
I'm facing having to cut off my relaxed hair and start over after getting a diagnosis of scarring alopecia--no more relaxers, I've been told/warned. But going natural really scares me, and I have a lot of questions on which some of you ladies in the know can advise. Please do tell:

Who just shaved it all off? Is it true that if you shave your hair to the scalp, it might grow in a different texture? This sounds silly to me, but I've heard it a lot. Hmm, dunno about this one although I have heard of it.

If you cut your relaxer off after you got 3 inches or so of new growth, how did it look at first? Did you like the way you looked? Yes, i transitoned for about 5 months, then got braids and then 2 months later cut off my braids where I thought my natural hair ended. I had about 4" and then I got cut crazy and I'm down to about 2" but I still need another evening up trim.

If you were just discovering your natural texture, were you encouraged or discouraged by the texture you found you had after your BC? I was surprised. I had felt my new growth before, but until I saw it all over my head, I couldn't have imagine what it would have looked like. I have very loose coils toward the scalp which become more wirey and frizzy as they get longer.

What was the first thing you did to style your freshly cropped natural head? Coconut milk, Clarify, Shampoo, Deep Condition.

If you don't/didn't like being natural, why?

If you love it, why?

It's taking me ahwile to get used to looking for different, so I'll say I like it right now. Def don't hate it.

Thanks for your responses!