Questions for the Married Ladies . . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
How actively did you pursue marriage? Were you on a "mission" to get married (a la Charlotte in Sex and the City) or did it just sort of fall into your lap?

If you were on a mission, what specific things did you do to help achieve your "goal"?

Just wondering . . . .
I didn't have to persue marriage. If it is meant to be, it will happen without any effort, especially if God has a hand in it.
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I have never thought of it as actively pursuing marriage but in a way, I did. I only dated the marrying type. No one night stands, ladies men for me, but I'm not attractive to those types.
I didn't want to get married....EVER!. But when DH proposed everything changed. LMAO. Actually, my feelings just started changing slowly but surely once we got into "the meat" of dating.

and, he isn't the first man that's proposed.

I spent most of my time avoiding marriage.
Seriously, I have always been a traditionalist, I let dh pursue me. He wanted to marry me in like 3 weeks after meeting me. I thought he was crazy.:look:

I've always followed the rules and wmlb, but not out of playing games just out of letting the men set the tone for the relationship. Really its old fashioned traditional dating. You don't have to strong arm a man into marrying you, if they want to, they will. Before dh, I had a few marriage proposals :look:
Well first we dated a little while, then I got preggo, we had a son, he played around, I played around, and then he decided life wouldn't be worth living without me so we got married.
I was dating but not looking to get married but it just happened and felt right

Me too. I wasn't looking for marriage when I met my DH. I knew I wanted to get married one day but I wasn't pressed about it. I wasn't someone who was always looking at bridal magazines, planning my wedding, etc. :ohwell:
I wasnt looking for marriage but we fell in love. We just waited seven years to get married. I prayed. I was only 18, but tired of dating (long story). I prayed for the specifics that I wanted in a man. I also prayed that God send me a husband. My prayers were answered.
I did start planning and buying stuff two years in advance. That really cut down a lot of wedding costs.
I was not looking to get married. I met DH, fell in love and got married 1 year later. He "proposed" on our first date...and a few times after :)
I had no desire to get married until I met my DH. God put him in my life. I used to tell him he messed up my plans to move to Cali and live the single life w/my cats.