Questions for the frequent cowashers/deep conditoners


Well-Known Member
Good evening Ladies, here are my questions about cowashing and deep conditioners.....

1. How often do you cowash or deep condition?

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning?

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)?

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health?

Thank you in advance!
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1. How often do you cowash or deep condition?- Now that it's summer, I co wash 5 x's a week. I deep condition for an hour with heat 2 x's a week

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning?- Relaxed

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)?- With co washing conditioners, probably 32 oz. (one of the big bottles of Tresseme) With deep conditioners, about 4-8 oz.

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health?

YES!!! My hair is so soft and moisturized. When I rollerset, I can't keep my hands out of my hair! It's so smooth, soft and swingy. My hair was NEVER like this before the frequent conditioning. It really makes a huge difference! Even when my hair's in a wet bun, the bun feels super soft and squishy. Love it! :grin:
1. How often do you cowash or deep condition? Every single day

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning? Natural

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)? well.... half a liter lasts a month when i had longer hair.. now i have no idea how much ill be using with this short do

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health? Yes!! i believe its one of the main factors in how fast my hair grows. plus it eliminates all tangles, so detangling is really a non issue. plus its easy to do
1. How often do you cowash or deep condition? I've recently gone back to cowashing at least 5X a week, more if I feel like it. I deep condition at each wash, so at least 5X a week, for at least 30 minutes with heat.

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning? Relaxed

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)? I don't really keep track cause I have a TON of conditioners in my cabinet. Maybe a big bottle a month.

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health? Yup! That along with protective styling and no direct heat have helped me retain length. My hair is so silky, soft and smooth. When I got braids a few months ago the braider commented that my hair was very soft and I :grin:.
1. How often do you cowash or deep condition? Co-wash daily .. DC weekly

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning? Relaxed

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)? Um, probably 2 or 3 VO5's a week .. So .. somewhere around 10?

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health?
Yes! Even when wearing my hair straight it stays moisturized longer ..
1. How often do you cowash or deep condition?
I deep condition once a week.

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning?
I'm transitioning.

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)?
I go through a 23 oz. bottle of conditioner in 3 or 4 weeks. I really saturate my new growth with it so that detangling will be easier.

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health?
Yes, I think it has. It's helped with moisture. It has especially helped with detangling.
1. How often do you cowash or deep condition? I DC weekly and have started CO washing once midweek.

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning? Texlaxed and I stretch my relaxers about 10 weeks.

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)? Oh geeze, um 2 or three.

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health? My hair stays more moist and that helps immensely because it tends to dryness.
Good evening Ladies, here are my questions about cowashing and deep conditioners.....

1. How often do you cowash or deep condition?I cowash 5-6x wk/DC at least 2-3x wk.

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning?Natural

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)?In a month's time I can go through anywhere from 2-3 bottles of conditioners for co-washing. And as for DC, I can say about at least 16-20oz. But I tend to doctor up my DCs by adding, EVOO, honey etc to them to boost them up. I use different ones, so depending on which, I will add things to make them more moisturizing.

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health?:yep: Definitely!

Thank you in advance!

Answers above! :)
Good evening Ladies, here are my questions about cowashing and deep conditioners.....

1. How often do you cowash or deep condition? 3x or 4x a week for cowashing, 2x DC

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning? transitioning 1yr

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)? CW: looks like it will be 2 bottles DC: half a liter, maybe?

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health? hair is so moisturized that i can skip a day or two of adding extra external moisture, especially if i use my CW conditioner as a leave-in.

Thank you in advance!

no problem-o.
Good evening Ladies, here are my questions about cowashing and deep conditioners.....

1. How often do you cowash or deep condition? I CW daily and DC once a week.

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning? Relaxed (but thinking about transitioning).

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)? Maybe like 3 or 4 bottles of vo5, and one jar of ORS mayonaise.

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health? OMG - YES!!!! The vo5 is my main staple. It has left my hair in AMAZING condition. :drunk: It kinda limits your styling options, but since I'm in the military and can't wear my hair down anyway it fits perfectly into my lifestyle. :yep:

Thank you in advance![/quote
1. How often do you cowash or deep condition?
co-wash - 5x's a week
deep condition - 2 to 3 times a week

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning?

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)?
Maybe like 3 bottles

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health?
It has made a HUGE difference. I feel that this is probably the singe best thing you can do for your hair to get immediate results.
Good evening Ladies, here are my questions about cowashing and deep conditioners.....

1. How often do you cowash or deep condition?
Daily co-wash, weekly DC

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning?
I've co-washed daily relaxed, texlaxed, transitioning, and now natural. :yep:

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)?

Too much. :lachen:Depends on the conditioner....2-3 bottles a month. :spinning:

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health?
Absolutely. It is my "growth aid". Cap n' Goes and Wash n Gos let me retain all my length and feel secure enough to chop of 14" of hair to go natural.

Thank you in advance!

You're welcome, LOL! :grin:
Good evening Ladies, here are my questions about cowashing and deep conditioners.....

1. How often do you cowash or deep condition? Everyday..... Trying to cut back however i have HIH syndome

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning? Au natural

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)? Ha... can we say it needs to be a tax writeOFF.

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health? Heck yea!!!! Loves it

Thank you in advance!
.... No promblem this was a great interview. :yep:
Good evening Ladies, here are my questions about cowashing and deep conditioners.....

1. How often do you cowash or deep condition?

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning?

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)?

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health?

Thank you in advance!

1. I co-wash every two days, and deep condition 2x a week


3.I don't know because I have about 3 DC, and 1 regular conditioner for co-washing that I always switch up from (about to buy some more, this is going to be a hot summer!)

4. Yes, Tremenous!
Good evening Ladies, here are my questions about cowashing and deep conditioners.....

1. How often do you cowash or deep condition?

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning?

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)?

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health?

Thank you in advance!

1. I co-wash every day. Sometimes I deep condition once a week.

2. Relaxed who stretches for 4+ months each go

3. Hmm... probably like a bottle and a half of HE LTR plus a bottle/container of any other conditioner I use ( i normally do the LTR last with another one before it like the avocado conditioner from

I keep my DCs for months.. currently using the phytojoba mask.

4. Definitely. I don't shed so much anymore, my hair is very moisturized and I barely do anything to it beyond my morning ritual and taking down my two plaits in the afternoon.
1. How often do you cowash or deep condition? CW everyday/every other day DC 1-2 week

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning? Relaxed stretcher

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)? I have a lot so I don't keep up, but I'd say at least 2 bottles.

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health? Oh yes. It was great until I got HIH, I just had to have my hands all in my head while washing. Just say no. I am back to putting conditioner in and letting the water get it out.
Good evening Ladies, here are my questions about cowashing and deep conditioners.....

1. How often do you cowash or deep condition?

2. Are you relaxed, natural, texlaxed or transitioning?

3. How much conditioner or deep conditioner do you go through in a month (either in ounces or average (16oz)size bottles)?

4. Has this method contributed in your overall hair health?

Thank you in advance!

1. Everyday or every other day.
2. Texlaxed/texturized
3. I go through a 32 oz bottle in about 5 weeks.
4. Very much so.
1. I cowash everyday and deep condtion once a week

2. I'm natural

3. about 16oz every 2 1/2 wks

4. cowashing is the best thing I could have done to my hair