Questions for Natural Haired Ladies who are Frequent Washers/Rinsers


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?
What product(s) do you apply after washing?
What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.

The reason why I ask is because I have been going back and forth with whether daily washing or co-washing is for me or not. After my hair dries, it gets all tangled and matted and frizzy. My hair is extremely tighly coiled and kinky and fine-stranded. I like how soft it leaves my hair, but I sometimes get discouraged when I see small broken hairs in my hands or in the shower after washing it frequently. Even though its soft, it can look so dry afterwhile. I would like this routine to work for me since I sometimes get tired of wearing my hair stretched out all the time just to prevent tangles/matting/breakage... it can be a lot of work.

Any other tips that you find helpful, please share.

Thanks in advance!
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Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?

My main style is a wash n go twa

If so, how do you wear your hair at night?

I sleep with a bonnet on at night

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?

I co wash 6 days a week and Clarify once a week or more

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?

I don't use anything

What product(s) do you apply after washing?

Sometimes just a gel, or Redken Ringlet, or Curls Lotion, or one of my Blended Beauty Products

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?

Don't have that problem yet since my hair is still short

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.

I guess loosely coiled
Now that it is summer and nicer out I wash freqently. I condition wash everyday and usually wear a low pony puff. I just apply PM The Conditioner as a leave-in add some Fantasia IC gel and use my boar bristle brush to smooth into a pony. At night I detangle if necessary and put into twists and cover my hair with a satin bonnet, I also wash with twists in as well. I hardly ever use a comb, if I do it's in the shower with my head under the running water. I don't know how to describe my hair, it's like a spring but with a slightly looser curl, I don't you can be the judge I have wet hair pics in my album. The one thing that helps prevent breakage is always detangling either with loads of conditioner or in the shower. Anyway that pretty much my routine, really simple my hair stays moisturized and no broken hairs.
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Poohbear said:
Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?
What product(s) do you apply after washing?
What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.

The reason why I ask is because I have been going back and forth with whether daily washing or co-washing is for me or not. After my hair dries, it gets all tangled and matted and frizzy. My hair is extremely tighly coiled and kinky and fine-stranded. I like how soft it leaves my hair, but I sometimes get discouraged when I see small broken hairs in my hands or in the shower after washing it frequently. Even though its soft, it can look so dry afterwhile. I would like this routine to work for me since I sometimes get tired of wearing my hair stretched out all the time just to prevent tangles/matting/breakage... it can be a lot of work.

Any other tips that you find helpful, please share.

Thanks in advance!

First off, your hair is beautiful :grin:

-I do wash and go's, ( my hair shrinks up to pretty much nothing :lol: )
- AT night I tie with a scarf
-In the morning I mist to get it damp and rework a little bit of product in to bring the curls back to life
- If I don't mist/dampen I will re cowash. So, I may co wash everyday or maybe 4 days a week
-I detangle in the shower with the condish on then wait a few minutes to rinse out
- When I get out I apply a leave in and my curly pudding (I comb those in too because it helps define my curls)
- My hair has tight coils/ringlets on the sides and the middle down to the back. The very top is wavy/loosely curled. I don't know if thats just because thats how it grows or if I have permanently straightened it. Either way it's no biggie for me.
Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?

If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
I either sleep with my hair loose on a satin pillowcase or I wear a plastic cap and moisturize overnight. Usually loose though.

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?

I co-wash or co-rinse almost daily.

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?

No. I use a D4 every four days or so to detangle. Otherwise I wash/rinse and go.

What product(s) do you apply after washing?
Usually nothing. Now that it's summer, I like my hair to dry slower than it does without product, so now I'm adding a leave-in condish or adding and rinsing out gel.

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
Not touching it until it's dry/drier after the shake-n-go. Not playing so much in the front of my hair, which tends to be drier/more prone to breakage.

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.
I dunno. I'm guessing tightly and loosely coiled.
Poohbear said:
Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
depends on the day-usually I pin most of it up and leave out a few coils.

If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
tied back loosely with a silky scarf

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
shampoo weekly, I wet it every morning usually I spray in a watered down conditioner or a mixture of aloe, water, and honey, if it needs it I'll do a co-wash in the middle of the week

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?
What product(s) do you apply after washing?
I detangle once a week after I condition. I usually section off my hair and add moisturizer/pomade and then comb it and then smooth the coils with my fingers so they'll clump.

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
taking my time when I detangle (small sections) and using combs that are as seamless as possible

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.
I'd say a mix of tight coils and looser, kinky waves (s-curls)

Any other tips that you find helpful, please share.

Thanks in advance!
Hope it's helpful!
Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
My main style is a wash and go

If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
I sleep on a satin pillowcase. I don't do anything to my hair.

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
I shampoo once a week with a sulfate free poo. I conditioner rinse everyday. Sometimes I rinse my hair with water at night to get the sweat and salt out.

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?
SOmetimes I comb while my hair is loaded with conditioner. I usually comb with a wide tooth rake after rinsing and blotting lightly.

What product(s) do you apply after washing?
Now that summer is in full swing I use products. Smooth n Shine CA gel, Kinky-Curly CC, Curls Whipped Cream or Curls Spiral Cream are a few in the rotation. I have just started experimenting with using Qhemets under my products. That's rare for me b/c I don't like to layer.

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
regular trims, very little heat, no dry combing, and constantly pumping moisture in the hair via daily rinsing and humectants.

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.
I guess I have looser curly coils
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Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
A mix of both? I kinda just put a headband on and go

If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
I either just leave it how it is and put a scarf on or put some braids in then tie it up

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
I co-wash every morning w/ Herbal Essence

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?
I try to comb only on wash days(w/ shampoo) but sometimes when I'm braiding my hair at night I will detangle it, my hair is usually a little damp

What product(s) do you apply after washing?
Qhemet Biologics Alma & Olive Oil Heavy Cream and Honeybush Tree Soft Hold Gel

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
Bed Head Ego Boost has helped

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.
Tightly coiled
:p sorry its soo long- i hope it helps!:p

Poohbear said:
Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
i always wear braid outs which i style into a puff or just add clips

If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
i plait my hair at night with alittle conditioner in it ready to be washed in the morning. if im not going to wash the next morning i just wear a full haed baggie to bed making sure i spray it with my homemade mix:p (water, conditioner, oil)

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
latley iv been co washing every day... but i mix it with a poo/co wash when every i fell my hair needs it.

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?
:cool: i ONLY comb when my hair has conditioner on it. i use a wide tooth comb. -dvivide my hair into about 8/10 sectiona, one by one i add conditioner and plait- makin sure i coil the ends to keep then safe and smooth. i wear a baggie to bed and the next morning its ready to be washed.

What product(s) do you apply after washing?
keracare oil moisturizer and 'alittle' of there protein gel (the gels newly added to my routine and it works very well. its not too heavy, very conditioning and doesnt leave flakes) :p

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
THE KEY FOR ME IT THAT I MUST WASH MY HAIR IN PLAITS!!! because i have already combed with conditioner in it and i have to do is wash it- squeeze with a towel add my moisturizer (if im not going out wear towel around the house) and undo... (i then tie a scarft around it or add clips) very easy- no breakage!:D :D :D

i only use a cheap con at night asda or superdrugs camomile- its creamy and leaves my hair soft and moisturized. once i rinsed that out i use KC con (leave it in while i bathe) and wash out. EVEN when i poo my hair i first plait it with alittle con init.:p

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.
it used to be more tightly coiled but msm has made it more of a mix lol.

please try washing in plaits at least once just to try it out- im sure you will love the results. beacuse i add the conditioner my comb just glides and each plait comes out soft and bouncy (see my album if you want;) )
naturaline said:
:p sorry its soo long- i hope it helps!:p

Poohbear said:
Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
i always wear braid outs which i style into a puff or just add clips

If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
i plait my hair at night with alittle conditioner in it ready to be washed in the morning. if im not going to wash the next morning i just wear a full haed baggie to bed making sure i spray it with my homemade mix:p (water, conditioner, oil)

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
latley iv been co washing every day... but i mix it with a poo/co wash when every i fell my hair needs it.

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?
:cool: i ONLY comb when my hair has conditioner on it. i use a wide tooth comb. -dvivide my hair into about 8/10 sectiona, one by one i add conditioner and plait- makin sure i coil the ends to keep then safe and smooth. i wear a baggie to bed and the next morning its ready to be washed.

What product(s) do you apply after washing?
keracare oil moisturizer and 'alittle' of there protein gel (the gels newly added to my routine and it works very well. its not too heavy, very conditioning and doesnt leave flakes) :p

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
THE KEY FOR ME IT THAT I MUST WASH MY HAIR IN PLAITS!!! because i have already combed with conditioner in it and i have to do is wash it- squeeze with a towel add my moisturizer (if im not going out wear towel around the house) and undo... (i then tie a scarft around it or add clips) very easy- no breakage!:D :D :D

i only use a cheap con at night asda or superdrugs camomile- its creamy and leaves my hair soft and moisturized. once i rinsed that out i use KC con (leave it in while i bathe) and wash out. EVEN when i poo my hair i first plait it with alittle con init.:p

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.
it used to be more tightly coiled but msm has made it more of a mix lol.

please try washing in plaits at least once just to try it out- im sure you will love the results. beacuse i add the conditioner my comb just glides and each plait comes out soft and bouncy (see my album if you want;) )
Naturaline, how often do you comb your hair with conditioner in it???
How do you get your hair into braids before washing??? When my hair is dry after a wash n go, it is all shrunken up in tiny tight coils and I would have to re-wet it and comb it out which will more than likely cause breakage.
Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff? It's summer so I usually wear puffs.

If so, how do you wear your hair at night? At night I make either 2 or 4 braids, I either spritz with a mixture of water or liquid leave in and oil or if I didn't wash for that day, I put some conditioner on.

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently? I've been shampooing once a week, I co-wash the other days usually. Occasionally I just respritz my hair but usually I'm co-washing.

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing? I use the comb while I'm rinsing out the conditioner. The pressure of the water does help a bit with detangling which I have to do at least every other time I co-wash.

What product(s) do you apply after washing? I use Abba nourishing mixed with mango butter, coconut oil. The abba is moisturizing but my hair does better with a little oil/butter mixed into whatever I'm using. I just tried some Blended Beauty samples and a couple of them, (the styling lotion & styling butter) worked well for me. I might buy to use in between me making my own stuff. I use Aubrey B5 gel too on the top to smooth. I used to use Fantasia but it doesn't go well with my homemade or natural products in general.

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you? Girl, I just got through trying to figure out why my hair had started breaking. I think it was my conditioner. I usually do better with lighter conditioners, I find that since I've been natural, my old favorites like cholesterol have to be diluted and mixed or they just end up making my hair hard and oily. So I just figured that out a couple of weeks ago and now my hair has been doing much better.
I was using cones for a second, and I really liked them but I don't like having to wash my hair every other day. so now I use them sparingly (but I still love them:look: )

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else. My hair is mostly tightly coiled, I have a couple of loosely coiled areas.

Any other tips that you find helpful, please share. This is really a neverending My hair is getting longer and things that worked when I bc'd are not working anymore. Right now, less is more. I also got more breakage when I got heavy handed with my leave-ins. So now I just use a quarter size amt. per section (I divide my hair into four sections when applying leave-in) on hair that is not soaking wet but just wrapped with a towel for 3 or 4 minutes.

Dang, I feel like I just wrote a report for

Poohbear, your hair is getting so long! Your puff is beautiful:grin:
Naturaline, how often do you comb your hair with conditioner in it???
well every time i was it- and this is my 2nd day of my daily washes LOL:D but usually i wash it ever 4/5 day. (both work well for me)
How do you get your hair into braids before washing??? i dont usually get breakage- i put the conditioner on my dry hair. i just smooth it in and use a wide tooth comb to first detangle then use my denman brush right before i braid it. my hair has the most amount of shrinkage when wash with out first braiding! because i braid it first it stretches it out more- then i use a towel and add my moisturizer. leave it for like half an hour if i have time then use a scarf to tie it up or wear a big braid out.

when i usuall wash every 4/5 i wash at night. i do the same thing (add conditioner then braid and wash out) only this time i leave ti foe about an hour. and i Dont undo till then next morning. depending on the size of the plaits sometimes they are still alittle damp and i just tie a scarf around it. the next few night till i wash again i wear a full head beggie to bed. this works very good because my hair is soft for stylin the next morning.

as i said i dont usually get brakage and i think is because i Never comb my hair with out conditioner in it. to help naturals i think i may do an instruction page in my album to show how it do it:p

ask as much questions as you need!:D

here is 2 days after a wash- as always i wore my full head baggie to bed first spraying a mix of water, con, oil. (i dont over wet it but the damper the better lol)

i will find one of my hair on a wash day too.

First off, poohbear, I love your new styles! Your hair is really growing nicely!!!!

Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
For summer, it's the wash n go

If so, how do you wear your hair at night? At night I just sleep on my satin pillowcase. With wash n gos i haven't mastered second day hair. I sometimes can spritz with water to reactivate the wash n go. But most of the times, i have to co wash and start the process again.

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
with the wash n gos i have been pretty much co washing daily.

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing? I fingercomb while washing and also after washing to distribute my styling products.

What product(s) do you apply after washing? I usually use elucence mbc as a leave in followed by curly pudding(i'm just using this up won't EVER repurchase, too $$$)

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
I think fingercombing. I don't see short broken hairs anymore since i stopped using my jilbere shower comb and/or d3 brush.

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else. My hair is tightly coiled in the crown area and loosely coiled in the back and front.

Any other tips that you find helpful, please share.
I too, at times feel like daily con-washing can be drying at times. I want to try glycerin after washing because it helps to keep the hair moisturized. Alot of nappturals swear by this but i've never tried this.
naturaline said:
Naturaline, how often do you comb your hair with conditioner in it???
well every time i was it- and this is my 2nd day of my daily washes LOL:D but usually i wash it ever 4/5 day. (both work well for me)
How do you get your hair into braids before washing??? i dont usually get breakage- i put the conditioner on my dry hair. i just smooth it in and use a wide tooth comb to first detangle then use my denman brush right before i braid it. my hair has the most amount of shrinkage when wash with out first braiding! because i braid it first it stretches it out more- then i use a towel and add my moisturizer. leave it for like half an hour if i have time then use a scarf to tie it up or wear a big braid out.

when i usuall wash every 4/5 i wash at night. i do the same thing (add conditioner then braid and wash out) only this time i leave ti foe about an hour. and i Dont undo till then next morning. depending on the size of the plaits sometimes they are still alittle damp and i just tie a scarf around it. the next few night till i wash again i wear a full head beggie to bed. this works very good because my hair is soft for stylin the next morning.

as i said i dont usually get brakage and i think is because i Never comb my hair with out conditioner in it. to help naturals i think i may do an instruction page in my album to show how it do it:p

ask as much questions as you need!:D

OHHHH so that's what you do...apply conditioner to dry hair...I've never even thought to do that! I've always used grease or a lil moisturizer to comb out dry hair. I am going to have to try this. Thanks!
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Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
-I do various loose, pinned up and puffed styles depending on mood that day. Only style i can't wear with frequent washing is twists because of course they will get extremely fuzzy if wet too often.

If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
-a bun, several large twists or 2 braids with my satin scarf or bonnet

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
-right now im shampooing once a week and doing co-washes every other day in between. Sometimes i just may do water only rinses if my hair doesn't feel like it needs anything else.

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?
-I only comb on shampoo day which is 1x a week. I fingercomb on the days i conditioner wash/water rinse.

What product(s) do you apply after washing?
-i always apply a leave-in. I will use gel or oil depending on the look/style im going for.

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
-Gentle handling, lots of conditioning and moisture. Washing hair in braided sections to prevent tangling and not attempting to comb while hair is dry...only while wet with conditioner and a big wide tooth comb.

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.
-my hair is tightly coiled
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Thanks ladies for your kind comments and your helpful posts! :kiss:

Last night, I coated my hair with Luster's Pink Conditioner and put it in 4 sections (naturaline, I was too lazy/tired to braid them up :grin: ). This morning, I washed my hair with a whole lot of conditioner (I used up most of the Garnier Fructis Long N Strong Conditioner I had leftover). I satuated my hair with this conditioner. Combing thru each section with my Jilbere shower comb was a breeze! After washing, I applied a small amount of SCurl and this concoction I made (Hot 6 Oil with unrefined shea butter). My hair thanked me! My hair looks so much better and healthier and smells really good and fresh. I missed my coils (since I've been stretching them out all the time). I will continue to sport my shrunken hair and co-wash frequently now that I've found what works for my hair. ;)
Hey Pooh :wave:

Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
No. My Mon-Fri style is a pinned up single braid or a twisted pinned up style, with the curls spraying over the clip. My weekend style is a wash n go or a puff.

If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
I moisturize then make 1 loose braid every night. When I'm being lazy, I'll just wear my hair loose in a satin bonnet, then moisturize & style it in the morning. I *always* wear a bonnet or scarf at night, no matter what!

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
I poo wkly (sometimes 2x wk if my hair is feeling icky)
been slacking on my co-washes, however I did one yesterday

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?
after washing, *LOADED* with conditioner

What product(s) do you apply after washing?
one of my many conditioners, rinse leaving some of the cond in...then my homemade butter blend. (( which is simply melted down shea & cocoabutter, with 100% aloe vera juice or 100% aloe vera gel added... or glycerine added. Ok, don't let me get started, cuz I have a bunch of variations of my butter blend :lol: ))

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
Keeping my hair moisturized (water spritz)

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.
moderately tight s-wavy, some loose coils, and a few curls thrown in
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Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
I puff it up pretty much every day :lol: Sometimes I tie a scarf or bandana on it instead, but usually it's a puff made with a doubled headband.
If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
I tie a scarf on my loose hair.
Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
Shampoo daily, condition once or twice a week.
Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?
Very rarely. I almost always finger detangle.
What product(s) do you apply after washing?
Liquid leave-in (Druide) and jojoba oil.
What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
Maintaining proper moisture/strength balance.
Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.
Tightly coiled
Thanks Peachtree and BlackCardinal!

I wanted to update yall about my routine. I will be cowashing once a week instead of daily. Cowashing daily would still cause some breakage, an amount that I was not satisfied with. I have found a way to stop breakage completely in its tracks. I moisturize my hair day and night with Kids Organics Lotion. I flat twist my hair at night and sport a twistout in the morning. No combing. This truly has been working for me! WOOHOO! :yay:
Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?
I've been wearing a puff most days with either a bandana, scarf or headband. On days that I'm going to wash my hair, I sometimes wear medium sized twists.
If so, how do you wear your hair at night?
I rinse my hair again at night and then make big twists
Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?
I shampoo twice a week, co wash once a week and rinse all the other days. I tried cowashing more often, but I don't think I've found a conditioner that I can use everyday without my hair feeling really dry.
Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?
I only comb after I put leavein in my hair. I detangle with a comb only when the tangles get bad ... about every few weeks, sometimes once a week. The rest of the time I use my fingers
What product(s) do you apply after washing?
After washing or cowashing I use a leaveIn concoction of my own. The other nights, I've beeing trying out different oils in my hair to see how well they work.
What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?
Keeing dry hair at bay. I noticed that when I wet my hair at least once a day, my hair does much better
Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.
it's tightly coiled in some sections and wiggly zigzags in others
I'm so glad I saw this thread. A natural on another board told me that water is not good for naturals, and that my daughter's hair would dry out. I wash it weekly and mist it daily with water, then apply either shea butter or oil. Her hair is always soft when I do this, so I figured it was a good regimen.

Anyway, thanks!
lauren450 said:
I'm so glad I saw this thread. A natural on another board told me that water is not good for naturals, and that my daughter's hair would dry out. I wash it weekly and mist it daily with water, then apply either shea butter or oil. Her hair is always soft when I do this, so I figured it was a good regimen.

Anyway, thanks!
That's great! :)

The only way natural hair would dry out is if you let it dry without putting anything on it or without styling it in braids or twists. Air is what dries hair out. ;)
Poohbear said:
That's great! :)

The only way natural hair would dry out is if you let it dry without putting anything on it or without styling it in braids or twists. Air is what dries hair out. ;)

That's what I told her, that water is a great moisturizer, and that sealing the moisture in is the key. I think she just wanted to disagree with me:( . I may not know much, but I know what I've seen on this board and what works on my daughter's hair. I actually wish she let me wash it more frequently, because she rolls around and gets lint all in it. As it is, we have to hold her down and endure screaming and kicking.:ohwell:
Poohbear said:
Thanks ladies for your kind comments and your helpful posts! :kiss:

Last night, I coated my hair with Luster's Pink Conditioner and put it in 4 sections (naturaline, I was too lazy/tired to braid them up :grin: ). This morning, I washed my hair with a whole lot of conditioner (I used up most of the Garnier Fructis Long N Strong Conditioner I had leftover). I satuated my hair with this conditioner. Combing thru each section with my Jilbere shower comb was a breeze! After washing, I applied a small amount of SCurl and this concoction I made (Hot 6 Oil with unrefined shea butter). My hair thanked me! My hair looks so much better and healthier and smells really good and fresh. I missed my coils (since I've been stretching them out all the time). I will continue to sport my shrunken hair and co-wash frequently now that I've found what works for my hair. ;)

so pooh, u left the conditioner in overnight? Then condition washed it again in the morning?
Is your main style is the wash n go fro or puff?

Bun (everyday)/phonypony, french twist(some days), wash-go, pouff,(weekends or outings)

If so, how do you wear your hair at night?

I braid my hair up @ night, 4=2front braid front length into back braids tuck them in 2x until ends covered/in. Lazy/tired: 1 braid then cover.

Do you shampoo, co-wash, or water rinse frequently?

I CW only, every 2 days, sometimes more, in winter it's less like 1x/week.

Do you use a comb while washing and/or after washing?

While washing and after at night sometimes to braid it up.
That's when I use my oils, and butter ghee.

What product(s) do you apply after washing?

I'm still experimenting so these products may change
Biolage detangling, Rehydrate-Jon Freida their not leave ins but I leave them in anyway. then Kinky-curly custard or whipped shea butter-Oyin. At night: mixed oils=MTG, butter ghee, spray mist when not CW.

What is the one thing that you think helps prevent breakage for you?

Keeping my hair well moisturized.

Please indicate whether your hair is tightly coiled, loosely coiled, or something else.

My hair is tiny baby spiral curls waves at hairline all around, very thick
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