Questions About MTG!!!!


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I am new to LHCF!!! Happy to be here. I am wanting to order some MTG. However how do you use it on your hair:confused: Do you leave it as a Leave in:confused: Or poo or cw:confused: Can you please help a sister out with you hair care regimen for MTG:D
I use MTG as a might want to do a search on MTG, there is plenty of info about it.
I usually put it on at night, so the smell won't be so bad in the morning. I use it like any other hair oil/moisturizer...but only on my scalp.
ahsiar29 said:
Hello Ladies,

I am new to LHCF!!! Happy to be here. I am wanting to order some MTG. However how do you use it on your hair:confused: Do you leave it as a Leave in:confused: Or poo or cw:confused: Can you please help a sister out with you hair care regimen for MTG:D

Hey, Mama, I leave the MTG on as a leave in, as most of us do. You have to make sure you shake it up to mix it well. I pour some out in a little cup and apply it to my scalp. It is very light and it will run down your face and neck if applied too heavy. Some of the ladies use a color applicator bottle. I am not that adept, so I use my fingers. Make sure you wash your hands well after using.

OT: Did you get married on September 17th? I ask because that's my birthday. Congratulations and I wish you love and happiness always. Y'all look so happy together. I love your avatar. Please send me the pass words to your albums.
you guys use it as a leave-in?

I thought it was used on the scalp not as a leave-in on the actual length of the hair.

I could not stand the little I used on my scalp once, let alone as a leave-in. It was so greasy.
Basically, some people use it right after washing... just apply to scalp... ome use a spray botte or one of those bottles with a lil nozzle like WGO bottle... doing a search will yeild all the different types of ways to apply...
Welcome to the forum Ahsiar29:) :) :)

I just used M-T-G for the first time this morning. I cleaned out an old WGHO bottle and shook up my M-T-G the poured some in the empty bottle. That way it was very easy to apply and not so messy.

I use the applicator tipped bottle too, massage REAL good into the scalp, and don't let it run down your neck..Best to put it on after washing or co-wash...the smell is gone in the morning (for the most part). Put it on dry hair...the smell will HAUNT YOU!!:ohwell:
brownsugar9999 said:
I use the applicator tipped bottle too, massage REAL good into the scalp, and don't let it run down your neck..Best to put it on after washing or co-wash...the smell is gone in the morning (for the most part). Put it on dry hair...the smell will HAUNT YOU!!:ohwell:

Oh yeah, that is so true. Damp hair is best.

I use it on my scalp and as a leave in. I like it as a leave in mixed in my aloe vera gel. That way I get moisture and the smell is lessened. When I use it on my scalp, I like to do that at night. Like the others have said, the smell weakens overnight.
I used to use it on the scalp everyday. i run out around november 22 so i m reorder it this friday as soon as i get my cornrows in. i achieved 2" in one month on it!!!!! so i m so happy but i did used it everyday at night with baggie method then every 3 days cowash
I mix about a tablespoon of MTG with rosemary hair oil in a 2 ounce bottle with a sprayer top. I add to this blend, 6 drops each of lavender, thyme, and cedarwood essential oils. I have absolutely no bacon smell at all with this blend and using the sprayer top allows me to get more coverage on my scalp and hair without the product dripping on my neck. A lot of ladies have complained of breakout because of this--I have had no skin reactions at all. Just make sure you use MTG sparingly and dilute it. A little goes a long way. HTH
OH YEA>>>>>>it is important to mix your essentail oils RIGHT B4 mixing...they loose their potency with sitting, so don't try to mix the whole bottle...mix it as you use it!
Welcome to LHCF, Ahsiar! Your photos are lovely! I use MTG everyday as an oil on my scalp after applying my topical leave-ins to the hair. I massage it into my scalp/roots. The smell is always gone by morning since I apply it to freshly washed hair.

I started using it on Dec 27. I've had great results so far! I don't conciously apply it to my hair-its too usually distributes throughout my hair on its own. Oh yeah-I apply it with a color applicator bottle, and I don't mix any EO's in. I take it staight. LOL
Welcome to the family:lol:

I think its best to use MTG on damp hair, applying to the scalp. Remember A little goes a Long Way with this one.
