Questions about Almond Oil?????????


Hi ladies ok i have been hearing alot about the benefits of SAO.I recently went to whole foods looking for it, long story short i ended up buying Almond oil (from the cooking isle) instead of sweet almond oil from the beauty isle :wallbash:. SO if i use the one i have will i get the same results as using SAO? is there a dfference? Am i ganna have to make another trip back to whole foods?

That's crazy, I did the exact same thing yesterday at Whole Foods. I was walking around with one from the beauty isle and another from the cooking section and bought the cooking one because there was more of it and cheaper. I didn't think there was a difference, but I haven't done anything with it yet, either.
I am of the opinion that if a food grade version of something you want to use on your hair is available, GET IT!!! :yep:
That's crazy, I did the exact same thing yesterday at Whole Foods. I was walking around with one from the beauty isle and another from the cooking section and bought the cooking one because there was more of it and cheaper. I didn't think there was a difference, but I haven't done anything with it yet, either.

LOL ok I was walking back and forth for 15min trying to make up my mind. I'm glad i"m not the only one out there who does things like that.:grin:
Will have to remember to comparison shop the next time I go to WholeFoods, Trader Joes or Mother's Market.

Thanks for the information.