Question Tracy


With Love & Silk
Hi Tracy!

It seems as if you have gotten superior results from your B5 supplement. My multi vitamin as 20mg and my hair vitamin has 50 mg. I am just wondering if this is sufficient to get some results also. Thanks.

Anyone else, feel free to butt in.
Not Tracy, sorry I'm buttin in Supergirl.

Still on the B5 thing as I was going to make a different thread about it all, but what is the maximum safe dosage you can take a day?
Hi chicas! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I take 1000mgs. When I asked about an effective dose that was the dosage Jade recommended to me. She rec. a split dose - 500 in the AM and 500 in the PM but I just take it all at once. You probably absorb more when you take a split dose but I won't remember if I have to remember 2x a day. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

As far as a SAFE dose - B5 is a B obviously - so it has that whole water soluable thing going on and my understanding is your body just absorbs what it needs and flushes the you can take as much as you want, and your body will take care of the rest. For hair, I would just do the 1000mgs. Someone posted something about takeing one B vit excessively affects the others and so you should up your dosage of the others if your loading on one, but I only take a hair vitamin and whatever B's I get in that is all I get....

Anyway, HTH! I did get great results - I'll see if I can find a before pic to scan so you guys can was nitceably thinner before and the longer I've taken it the thicker it's gotten so that also means the longer my HAIR has gotten the thicker it's gotten - which ius kind of a nice change.... /images/graemlins/smile.gif