Question: Towel-drying before conditioner?


New Member
Does it really make a difference if you towel dry wet hair before adding conditioner? Normally I just rinse shampoo from my hair and then add conditioner. I rarely ever towel dry before conditioning and I wonder if it would be better to towel dry a little?

What do you do? Any thoughts on what is best?
If I want a deep conditioning treatment, I always towel blot first. My reasoning is that getting the excess water out of the way will allow more conditioner into the hair strands. It even works better for me if I towel dry in the shower for a two minute conditioner; something I will rinse out shortly.

Try it with your normal conditioner and see if you get an even better result than normal.:yawn:
I definitely towel dry first....I wrap my hair with a turban towel and get as much excess water out as possible. I find the conditioner penetrates much better into my hair. Before I used the turban towel, I would get a lot of conditioner "run-off" in the bottom of my plastic cap. Now I get none and my hair seems to retain the product much better. HTH!
If I want a deep conditioning treatment, I always towel blot first. My reasoning is that getting the excess water out of the way will allow more conditioner into the hair strands. It even works better for me if I towel dry in the shower for a two minute conditioner; something I will rinse out shortly.

Try it with your normal conditioner and see if you get an even better result than normal.:yawn:

I agree. When I started doing this I noticed a big difference especially with deep conditioning and protein treatments. The last time I did a protein treatment I towl blotted really well and I was shocked at how much better it worked.
If I want a deep conditioning treatment, I always towel blot first. My reasoning is that getting the excess water out of the way will allow more conditioner into the hair strands. It even works better for me if I towel dry in the shower for a two minute conditioner; something I will rinse out shortly.

Try it with your normal conditioner and see if you get an even better result than normal.:yawn:

I did this by accident this morning. I washed my hair, and little towel dried it and then applied my Kenra MC... I usually just apply my conditioner on very wet hair b/c it goes on easier. Because my hair was dryer than usual b/c I towel dried it, it seemed like I need a WHOLE LOT more conditioner than usual too . I went under the dryer for 15 minutes, and after I rinsed out my hair, it felt more moisturized. When I go to the salon, I'm going to have to tell them to lightly dry my hair before they glob on the conditioner, b/c they always glob on the conditioner on soaking wet hair.
Actually, I stopped towel-drying my hair. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I think the towel can be kind of rough on wet hair (no matter how gentle you are), so I just spend a little extra time gently squeezing excess water from my hair by hand...then I apply my conditioners. This method seems to work well for me, although it takes a bit more time :rolleyes:
Actually, I stopped towel-drying my hair. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I think the towel can be kind of rough on wet hair (no matter how gentle you are), so I just spend a little extra time gently squeezing excess water from my hair by hand...then I apply my conditioners. This method seems to work well for me, although it takes a bit more time :rolleyes:

That's exactly why I use a microfiber towel. I just wrap my wet hair in it and it sucks the water right manipulation on my part. My hair has been in a lot better condition and less tangled and knotty.
Thanks for all the replies ladies!:grouphug3:

I am definitely going to start wrapping my hair in a towel to soak up the water before I apply conditioner. I can't wait to see how this works for me.
That's exactly why I use a microfiber towel. I just wrap my wet hair in it and it sucks the water right manipulation on my part. My hair has been in a lot better condition and less tangled and knotty.

Yeah me too
Towel drying were you move the towel all around your hair is waaay to rough for me (i hope no-one does that)
Then when i tried squeezing my hair dry i discovered i was too rough and snapped hairs in my hand, plus my hair would come out curly from scrunching it , and i like to detnangle it in the shower and put it in a bun & leave it alone untill next wash after that.
So now i just take the microfiber towl and press it ony my hair while its hanging back----water is gone. (But i've heard t-shirts work better)

Anway, i always towel blot hair first as well because your hair can only absorb but so much, and if its full of water then conditoner wont get in there as well and will slide off easier. When excess water is out and you absorb alittle from hair with the know (conditoner gets all up in there)
I definitely towel dry first....I wrap my hair with a turban towel and get as much excess water out as possible. I find the conditioner penetrates much better into my hair. Before I used the turban towel, I would get a lot of conditioner "run-off" in the bottom of my plastic cap. Now I get none and my hair seems to retain the product much better. HTH!

this is exactly why I think it makes a difference. I'd use the same amount of conditioner go under the dryer for same amount of time but if I towel-blot there is no water dripping down my neck or in the plastic cap. so my conclusion is, more conditioner is actually IN my hair doing it's thing. so it must make a difference.
I believe that it does make a difference to remove some of the water before applying a conditioner. I have read that doing so allows the conditioner to penetrate more deeply. I simply blot out the water; I never rub.