Question re: Sassy Collection Human Hair Extensions


Well-Known Member
I was asked what the difference was between these two extensions found at Sally Beauty Supply, but I have no idea. I don't think it's the curls because when you select a different color in the one shown as curly, it shows up straight.

Does anyone know if one is better than the other, or can anyone please give a review on either? This is for weaving not braids BTW.,default,pd.html?cm_vc=SEARCH,default,pd.html?cm_vc=SEARCH

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Thanks for the suggestion. I am not a member of BHM and don't have access to a PC right now and I know trying to sign up and verify my account on my phone will make me flush it down the potty. So I will keep that in mind for future reference when I am the one considering weaves. But I will pass on the recommendation to my friend so she can make the most of the wonderful resources.

Very much appreciated, L.Brown1114. :kiss: