Question re: God's Timing


Well-Known Member
I was lying in bed early this morning thinking about this. Shimmie wrote this in a post and I think about it often - God makes it happen, all one has to do is what He said to do. Ask Him, and Believe and Receive.

I also, think about Matthew 21:22 "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive".

I have been reading from the Bible daily. Outside of that, I've been reading from authors such as Juanita Bynum and Joyce Meyers. I pray every day. I've made some very hard decisions. I had some really awful patterns that I had to acknowledge. Although awful, it was hard because that is really "all I knew'".

I feel so good. It feels good because I'm developing an intimate relationship with God. I feel his presence around and I know He is pleased with the progress I have made.

So I guess, I am questioning if God wants to give us the desires of our hearts, then what is the time frame?

My question is regarding God's Timing. I'm concerned or rather afraid at exactly what His timing entails. Does it require a waiting period of 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, or 50 years? I suppose I am just afraid of how long I will have to wait. I'm also ashamed that I am even thinking about this and questioning it.

I'm really discouraged right now. Discouraged at the fact that I am even questioning this. I really need to focus and pray for increased faith and trusting in Him.
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I admit that I often ask the same, "yes God, I know your timing is perfect....but what is your timing?" I am still searchig for an answer for this, but i do know that God always gives me peace in my waiting periods and always does things when I least expect it. Look out for his blessings. rejoice in what he has given you in the present. Easier said than done, but I hope I hAve helped. God is faithful. OOOH also, you should read this book by Kendra Norman- Bellamy called "timing is everything." It definetly opened my eyes to Gods timing in the first place. God bless Hun:)
Cherokee, there are things that I prayed and asked about years ago and felt that God didnt care or that I wasnt saved enough so whats the point. I gave up on God, stopped praying, believing, havent been to church since 2005. Went back to some of my old ways. was after I had given up all hope that things began to change. Actually they were already in the process of changing when I prayed my first prayer back in 2000 but because God does not react the way we as humans expect, we cant see whats going on, I gave up...God didnt give up on me....He was still working things out in my favor I just couldnt see it.

I know its hard holding on I am so angry at myself for backsliding on God but I know that He stills loves me and is constantly with His eyes on me. I know that I am not worthy of the blessings that I receive because of my failure but God knew I was going to fail and loved me anyway despite my sinful nature.

Now that I can look back and see how things come together, I am ashamed of myself and have asked forgiveness. Now its just a matter of me getting myself back to where I belong in Him.
Cherokee, I just wanted to say that I've been where you are...sometimes I feel like I'm still there. I was a baby in Christ when I learned that just because God says "yes" to something doesn't mean that it is going to happen right away. Some things take time. I prayed about something back in 1995, received an answer and spent three years asking God for confirmation. I thought that because it hadn't happened right away that I must have misheard God. The truth is that I didn't mishear God; God was saying, "Yes, but not now." It was four years before I began to experience what God told me would happen. During those four years God was preparing me. I went through heartbreak, financial hardship, loneliness and so much more. At the time it was hard and painful, but it really did prepare me for my blessing.

God spoke something to me eight years ago and I am *still* waiting for it to come to pass. Just know that God's timing is perfect. When you receive your blessings in the natrual you will truly understand just how perfect His timing is.
My mentor gave me a book called The Precious Present by Spencer Johnson. It isn't a religious book per se, but it is a great and super short read. I was feeling the way you are for a WHILE and this book really helped snap me out of it and I go back to it when ever I feel myself slipping back.

One thing I've learned about God's timing personally is that God's time is always right, regardless of how we feel. His time is now. whatever is going on now, is in God's timing for your life. If you feel like you are stalled, then ask God why he is allowing you to stay in that position, it may be that you need to learn/gain some knowledge in order to progress toward the next step. If you feel like you are spinning out of control into the future and that maybe you don't have what it takes, then ask God to reveal to you what he already sees in you that will allow you to forge ahead. Either way, it is a great thing that you are studying the Word because ultimately God's word is the ultimate authority.

I've found personally and you may be able to relate that it is easy to miss out on things because we are looking so hard for God's timing on an issue. I use to be that way about marriage. wanting to find a husband NOW. lol. After learning to embrace singleness, marriage is a non-issue, it will happen when it will and until then, I will enjoy the present. Same thing about work, when I am ready for that position that God intends for me to have, I will be there, but in the mean time I am turning into the ultimate SAHM hustleholic making ends meet in creative(legal) ways.

Just remember that God doesn't make mistakes and he already knows where you are right now in the present and his plan for the future is already set, just seek his face and stay in his will and no matter which road you follow, he has your back always. Enjoy life as it happens, not in hindsight. and don't fantasize too much about a future that isn't promised but relish in each day that you get to wake up in God's grace.
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