Question: Is it alright for me to lose 500 hairs


Well-Known Member
if I only wash once a week? I am using the baggie method half the time and only washing my hair once a week and keeping it up the rest of the time. So is it really, really, really okay for me to lose up to 500 hairs during a wash. Theoretically, sure, but is that not too much?

I don't think I lose 500, but I do think I lose about 200 each wash.
I am just wondering because if you lose 50-100 hairs a day, if your hair is completely up all week until wash day, you wouldn't see all those hairs until then.
Re: Question: Is it alright for me to lose 500 ha

That seems to be a lot, I just washed mine and lost like 30 or so...
Are you using widetooth combs? and combing while your "slip" conditioner is in??

So are you saying that you don't comb all week and when you comb all the hair come out together?
Re: Question: Is it alright for me to lose 500 ha

Hi ReaLuvsAoxymoron, hope I got your name right. I was losing a ton of hair every day and wash day a whole lot more. Meinzzfuture suggested garlic shampoo and I lost about 30 for the first time in a long time. I only did one wash with it this morning and the conditioner, maybe you can look into this.
Re: Question: Is it alright for me to lose 500 ha

I will look into the garlic shampoo.

I don't lose any hairs day to day. I don't touch my hair and it is up in a baggie bun with a phonytail on top. I wash my hair once a week on Saturdays.

Oh yeah and I don't comb at all, I detangle in the shower with my fingers. This is when I lose this hair. My hair isn't getting thinner or unhealthy and I know I'm suppposed to lose 50-100 hairs a day (which equals 250-500 for the week) but it still freaks me out.
Re: Question: Is it alright for me to lose 500 ha

i think you answered your own question. if you dont comb all week, then this will be a normal amount to lose on wash day. i used to do this and my hair actually grew alot. the only thing was that i had to detangle before i washed when my hair was dry because all the shedded hair would cause tangles when wet.
this is kind of like when you have braids for a while and then take them out. all that hair has been sitting there and comes out at once. so its alot of hair but thats too be expected.
Re: Question: Is it alright for me to lose 500 ha

i'm also interested in the shampoo and have been shedding like crazy since taking out my braids 2 weeks ago. where can do the garlic shampoo be found and what is it called?