Question: hair reversion


New Member
My hair wont stay straight /images/graemlins/frown.gif

I have that very thick soft frizzy hair. It is texturized but looks natural.
Anyway i read that too much moisture makes your hair revert, so how can you get moisture out of your hair???!!!
Could you just wash it and skip the conditioner?
I have a fantasic ceramic flat iron and use elasta curl wax. sometimes i rollerset first and its the same thing.
I go to bed with straight hair and wake up with curly hair !!!
has anyone had any luck with straightening shampoos and conditioners?

Any suggestions ?
I think you only have to be careful with too much moisture after your hair is straightened, not before. Make sure that you use hair products on your straightened hair without water, such as pure oils etc.
Tie your hair down with a scarf when you go to bed.
I think it's a good thing that it won't stay straight for a long time, that means your hair has a lot of elasticity /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Good luck, I hope someone else gives a more informed answer, LOl.
I may sound like a broken record - but the only product that helps me avoid reversion for a bit is Wild Growth Oil. I mean my hair still reverts with it - but not as quickly. Also it's important to make sure your hair is covered in any humid places - for ex when I take a shower I wear my satin cap and put on my shower cap over it. I don't take off my satin cap until the bathroom is totally clear of steam. When it's cloudy or going to rain - I wear a hat outside.
I did it!! I did it !!!

I combined your advice and it worked.

I let it airdry then blow dryed with biosilk therapy then I slathered evoo all over it then put the curl wax on top of that !!!
I have bone straight hair that hasnt reverted. Its so straight I dont even know what to do with it.

Thanks again ladies /images/graemlins/kiss.gif /images/graemlins/kiss.gif