Question for you ladies


New Member
I've been wondering about something lately and that's whether or not using different products from different product lines can negatively affect the results we recieve. In other words lets say i use a shampoo by one company a conditioner by another and a leave-in by another, could this be why certain products which should work well on my hair dont because they are not compatible with the other products i use? Maybe certain shampoos were made to work with certain conditioners and leave in's hence why some of us have negative experiences with trying some new products? i hope i make sense.

For example i use CON shampoo, cholesterol, Fantasia leave in, the results were good but maybe could be better. Would i have better results if i just used all products from one line since they were made to be used together? Sometimes products say on the back "for best results use with___shampoo" but i rarely follow that. Since i love CON shampoo im going to try and stick to that whole line and see what happens.
no, i think that you don't have to use all products from one series. all these companies just want to make money when they say that.
for example, some people absolutely love pantene conditioners but they think the shampoos are horrible.
i use all different products, as a matter of fact i don't know of anyone who uses all products from the same brand....
, but if you want to give it try, go ahead and then you can compare.
I am new to the board so I started out with mostly Nexxus products due to recommendations from another board. I was satisfied with the results, but gradually tried other conditioners, which I love. I think starting with one product line may be good, as long as the ingredients are to your liking. But eventually, you will fall in love with other products and find a combo that is perfect for your hair. HTH
I agree. I don't think you have to stick to the same product line throughout. You can yield as good a result or better by mixing to find the best from different lines to suit you.

Some of the best results on my hair have usually come from using different lines in that one session, using the best products for me at that particular time, no matter where they are made. I don't think I've ever used the same line from start to finish.
I used to feel that way (use 1 product line for best results), but it soon changed after using 1 line (Luster's Pink) with mediocre results, then using mixed product line (Motions, Optimum, Luster's, Alberto Culver, African Royale) with excellent results
I agree with BRH. in one setting i used nizoral and con to wash. deep condition with paulmitchell intensive condition mixed with Natures Gate Herbal Conditioner, roller set with stale beer. roller set and airdry while gardening and my hair looked fabulous.
what a mixture huh
I'm with the others on this, I feel it's more about the ingredients going on your hair or scalp rather than using stuff from the same line.
I also agree that you don't have to stick with products from only one line. I do however, sometimes feel that I overdo it with products!!
Sometimes it seems like the less products you use, the better your hair comes out!! I feel like the more products I put on my hair, the more "weighed down" it comes out looking... I'm trying to resist my tendency to pile product after product onto my hair every wash day...
thanks for the input you guys
. its just a thought thats been on my mind for a while. I've always mixed and matched different products from different lines. For some reason i kept wondering if it makes a difference in your final results. I guess i'll continue to experiment as usual