Question For Transitioners and Stretchers?


New Member
Does transitioning or stretching make ur hair look thin becuz of all the new growth?

My new growth is extremely puffy and thick so me relaxed hair is now looking thin, I was transitioning but I think I'm going to end it becuz I think I may have caused a setback

I'm 22 weeks post so if I relax will my hairs overall thickness look uniform again?
I hear a lot of transitioners say this...Its just because your natural hair is curly therefore has more volume making your relaxed ends look thin. This hasn't happened to me yet... but then again my relaxed hair was thick too. If my hair gets thicker than this I'm gonna have to make pony tails with head bands...
Yes I stretched about 3 good times before transitioning so If you relaxed ends where thin to begin with..They might always be thin.Im not too sure but the more you transition The more thickness you will recieve(including your relaxed ends)
My relaxed ends look thin while wet, but if I blowdry or flatiron, it looks uniform again. I thinks it's the waves/curls at the root making the ends "stand on their own". If the ends still look thin after you flatiron, then your relaxed hair has broken off at the line of demarcation and relaxing won't help. HTH
I just took out my braids and when I combed thru it my hair was extremely thick, but when I washed my hair it started to look thin and I lost some hair due to knots, I didn't blow dry or anything I just put it in a wet bun and let it air dry but now it still looks thin smh I don't know wat to do
^^^It's always going to look that way until you straighten and check to see if it has, indeed, thinned out. There's really no other way to know. If you don't want to straighten and you wear buns every day, then keep doing what you are doing - you'll appreciate the added length when you finally BC. The longer your transitioning hair is, the easier it will be to style.:yep:
If you airdried your hair then then the natural hair is still curly/kinky so it has more volume. Its just the difference in texture.

If you were to straighten it there would probably not be a major difference. A braid out or twist out would help it look more uniform as well.

At almost 28 weeks post, I do regular protein treatments on my relaxed hair to safeguard against thinning/breakage.


this is wat it looks like now, im nervous i worked really hard and im scared im messed myself up

im not good at flat ironing would it be ok to get a dominican blow out at this point?
I wouldnt reccommend a dominican blow out unless you have a good stylist.They can rip out your hair and make your curls not revert.The best thing to do is a blowdry ,briadout or twistout.I wouldnt flatiron in this heat. I never airdry my hair unless it is in plaits first.My hair looks so thin without briadouts or airdrying in ponytails(I prefer plaits).
During my 27 week stretch my relaxed hair didn't look thin at all, but my new growth did look thicker...